Page 57 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 57
November 5, 1981 page 3 _More' letters to Editor WYOB 98.6 disappointing. The kids were rude, Spooks 'punk' out I from page 2 visited by the "Hinge Kids". and we found the whole experience to be was their only loss last year. The year before we p!l!Yed Division 3 power- disrespectful, and greedy. I'm sure house Widener College for Home- you realize that as students, we live ~IYob coming, As the schedules are made on a limited, budget. We spent the The campus rumbling is like that _of the other is stamping your face with for the axlfln embarrassment' a lew years ahead 01 lime how would lime and money to buy candy espe- a waking volcano, head residents black indelable ink. As you excuse your way through you know which teems would improve cially for these kids.' but apparently sharpen their pencils and await Once in the party you recognize a the crowd you run into a group of and which would not? they did! not appreciate this. We poised over stacks of violation report lew faces beneath the glitter and Mexican killer bees that threaten You teem to think that it's fairly understand that these kids have not forms, Bob Fasano and friends clad garb and just as you are about to mass pollination to all so you reroute .. important tha,l we lost 13 yards in a had the privileges we had as chil- the school with various impenetrable approach a few friends you encoun- and move on - sack compared to the 414 yards the dren, but a small sign of common metal locks, and resident assistants ter a figure sheathed in black carry- Awaiting you at the exit is an "0" gained. Well, to me, and I would courtesy as "thank-you" would have ready themselves for the most event- ing a foil and 'making Z's across your attractive couple of Peter Lorre and think anyone knowledgeable 01 the been sufficient ful night of the year. Halloween 1981 stomach who forbids you to pass the Elephant man who are back by game, that seems trivial. Any team Unhappy Halloween has come and YOU ARE THERE... You, in frustration, walk around him popular demand and, of' course, a would be happy with those slats, but The moon hangs like a nourescent and ask a passing acquaintance - band 01 punk rockers that have just the fact is, Mr. Edilor in Chief. that we orb in the black of the evening sky, a who was that masked man? Moving linked up sweep passed you. Stum- had no quarterback sacks against us AWACS sale OX thin mist hovers over the ground on, a tall creature with ghost-like bling at you is a young man who is on that particular Saturday and if our outside of Decker as you near it and features, red protruding eyes, pink obviously doing his rendition of Dean receivers seemed sluggish to you the pulsating sound of the TOYS fills hair, and a black cloak who waves an Martin (not to be confused with how do you account for Dan Feder's Deaf Editor: the stillness of the evening air. The extension cord in the direction of your Mowbray) as he is singing 'Every- 157 yards receiving tor the day. Jim With the completion of the AWACS flickering multi-colored lights that neck, grabs your arm and pulls you body loves somebody sometimes." in 'Selfridge was 9 for 13 passinq. That's sale to Saudi Arabia, the U.S. has pierce the darkness through the onto the dance floor. Immediately you a drunken slur a 69% completion ratio; Terry Brad- finally aided a long neglected ally translucent curtain reminds you of a find you're pogoing with the best of The evening .passes into morning shaw would be proud 10 own such a The monarchy of Saudi Arabia has childhood Archie cartoon. You're sure them knowing that you'll hate yourself and you find yourself at the end of it ratio consistently aided the U,S, by keep- as you pull open the door that in' the rnominq. Bowing out after a sitting in the student center with one Until you learn what illegal motion ing their oil prices $3-$5 below most Jughead will be there, but instead time with the excuse of having_to go shoe in your hand and an acute and illegal procedure are, it may be a OPEC nations, The sale of planes to 'you are met with a guy whose look to the bathroom you sneak off into the ringing in your ears. As yo try to good idea for you not to comment on the Saudies will finally reward them reminds you of a shock victim as he crowd concealing yourself behind piece things together and make you them. First. yo:u don't have to "wait" for being a friend when some mid- has cleverly dyed his hair a brilliant Batman for protection way with friends and the rest of the for the ball to be "hiked". Haven't you east nations seem to think it is 'blue, is wearing three safety pins in Encountering a puddle of beer in mob that now pours out of the Forum, ever watched the Dallas Cowboys? profitable to be a foe of the U.S. The lone ear and is letting the door slam your efforts to dodge your pursuer, you catch a glimpse of who you think And secondly, Jim being set behind_ sale also included F-15 fuel tanks you slip and engage in the "gator," a to be Archie and Veronica in the ·the line of 'scrimmage has nothing to and missiles, which will help iin::uur fi~a~e;~~ ~:;aiIZo. the party primitive dance once believed would corner 01 your eye but you are oc with either calt. I leave you Mr. strengthen the relatively wea'k Saudi offering up your oonar to the door summon rain. Trying to look natural pushed along in the onslaught losing _Editor in Chief with just two thoughts: defenses. The AWACS planes them- attendants, one wnc is dressed as as you get back on your feet and sight of the two. You laugh.. not if you want to play Howard Cosell at selves will help bring a stabilizing Dracula and making lewd promises make it seem you've just sponta- respectable Archie....not here leasf do your homework like he does. effect on the area and may help about sucking your neck I~ter, and neously broken into dance, you move And it helps us out when you write for prevent a war in the mid-east. ·us. and not against us, Everyone The sale of the planes itself was a · enjoyS getting press; after all this is great come from behind victory for the school's paper and we are the President Reagan. He once again Whot d./.' Th.. "eil-be" j~t- showed that he is a master politician school's team, Sure we make mis- \M.w, H. b',. -f,;",. takes, but you have made some and he has a strong foreign policy. It ct:1lkd tD c.o"'pllli" ab()~f ~ of /qst. is see' that our foreign nice to yourself. v~/."eJ Defensively yours, decisions are made by us and not by Eric Y. Walker other nations, namely Israel. We must Unhappy, halloween continue to show our power around the world and work towards peace in Dear EditOr: -- our lives My roommate and I were just William Kreller Watertower leaks 'Isms' for women Corey Mlnn . for the first person who can correctly It seems that as of late the Campus identify who these women are, Of .nas become obsessed with "isms" course, I will keep all identities in the The Random House Collegiate Dic- strictest confidence in the interest of tionary defines "-ism" as a suttlx used High Class jOurnalism. Girls, this is Marty Bear productively in the formation of nouns not just for juys. Please feel free to In The Pub denoting action or practice, state or statisfy my curiosity. Please leave all condition, principles, doctrines, a entries in the envelope marked Wom- Saturday usageof~, enlsm Contest that is affixed to the Characteristic appears to be the 'P:'b:lic:a:::tion~offi:::":.'.:d:::OO:::" ,;j~=N=O=v=.=7=a=t=9=p=,=m='=:f. key term, Take for example Darwin- r- ism, ,Conservatism, or, big loser, Communism. "Ism" .oerotes charac- ,W{'~tlllinster Gold ann Silver Exchange tensnc.. -DON7 SELL FOR LESS The "-ism" ,tl}at has spurred such - enentoo .on Campus is something -. mu_chless trivial. That is Womenism .JEWELRY • WATCHES • DIAMONDS • Here are some 01 the more popular womenisms from me-waae-ot Rouzer: ' Eon: Women, out or-proper- lion -Mlrl')en, XXV Women, Cic- I'al'ing-in ('a~h _ Fhrxk and Compare Carroll County's Largest Gold & Silver Dealer ~i:~l~~:y~~r ~:~~: 69 W'est Main Street Inch OeI'lP Wortien,"'-liartb Pig westminster, Md. Women, .-Ping " POng-" Women, _with student I.D. Boog ;WBI)16".):t~·W:omen;_ Kitty :W0fJ1~n,>.:~1sl".(;entilry"'· .1 Case HeM wplJleo, ~rtment : \11.22\! Men's or Women's Shampoo, Cut &. Blow-dry SchiZ~id~woi-!ien;:_'epmman~-: ::-:-: . WS4" 'CCJ Reg. ~O ~~f~~~~~/<~'JCPenne\/ 'We're Close To \'ou" 848-3220 Forrn.d,,,,.,,'.Wom,,,. Eq,,",o" ..".' .,~uc.~""co,,;''"'.'"; '~ Wo"'o, a"rUb;do Womoo. •. PRECISION UNISEX HAIRCUTTING I have:becforie intently curious in STORE PHONE WESTMINSTER CATALOG PHONE 163 W, Main Street - One ~Iock-from the College researchiilg "tilis article as to who .848-n66 848-5100 Oper. TIJEIS.&. Wed. 10-5'T.oIn.&: FrI, 1().7:Sat. 9-3 :~le:;nt;;~e:e0~~ra~~'_t~~~:~_.'III'.ii:-~' .';."_ ... .;...M..O.N•..S.A.T.•9.'3.o.a •.m•..•8.;30_p.,,.m•. "....,... W_O_lk._lns_or..;O_w_el..;comed..;.._! __'
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