Page 56 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 56
The Phoenix Letter~ to the. :Editor: . • Apology,.· The time IS now atWMG To -Ihe Campus Comrnunity writing f am rrom- for my actions this during letter-to early apologize the The dntructlon and vandalizing Of property belonging to the college community .hould bear conaequencea that will reflect ·ing hours of October 1he eighteenth .. 1 WHtem Maryland College and tis students '8 not a new problem the gravity of their actlona. was responsible for the damage done that hili, recentty arisen, and It certainty I. not a phenomenon. II '8 • It certainly would not be conducive to the campus atmo.phere in Blanche Lobby. Because of .my long standing problem that he. Slipped the grasp of admlnlatratol'$ to launch Inqulattton tactlca In attemptfng to resolve the current slate of drunkeness I was in' no on this and other college campuaes. Violent deetructlon at WMC dliemmL Yet, there I. a need for restructuring of the present condition to realize the severity of .rny hu nNtChed • point where It '8 no longer tolerable. Culprit. who aystem, becau .. many studenta of WMC have no faith In, actions. In fact I can honestly say. I have commftted acta of ten .. 1eu de8tructlon unchecked have MCtIrtty In It. current state. When studentl do not report didn't know what I was doing the system given Inspiration to Indfvfduala who have aucc:eufulfy entered In)o vandalism and theft to the campul security offIClitla, It la Indicative This letter is in no wayan attempt students' living quarters and committed acts of undetected theft. of the atudenta'iack of trust In'the .ystem designed to pt'otact them. to rationalize my actions or behavior Thl. In tum will eventually give Inspiration to Individuals who Slmllarty, there II I need, for the ",ministration to openly There is no way I to rationalize when a totally re- ....... that aomethlng must acta 01 egression. done WIlen 10 detet' these ,acta of demonstrate that those cues Involving camPUI destruction and gained what consciousness ocne. Sunday to say act. irrational I realize will WMC offlckll. entertain more heinous aner- be actively realize theft are being handled In faahlon that wfll render Just con.lderatlon noon I was, I had The majority of 8tudenta on thl. campus do not approve of the of not only those guilty of vandallam and theft, but tho .. Who suffer the least, extremely distraught with from the acttons of vandals Ind theft Sl well. kind of behavJor that cannot be described In any other term than No doubt, there will always be ca... Involvlng'deatruCUon and my total lack of responsibility and Criminal. The element Of tear haa begun to .rl.. In many students' theft of property. However; the majority of students who lind the respect for the property of others. I mind .. Yat, the opportunity to reverse the current trend of criminal .ltuatton, u It currenUy ex'''', untolerable, must let II}e WMC am an extremely sen-consclcus indio ecUvtty on campus exist. at this very moment. officials know that the method. of handling ca.. s 01 d88trUctlon vidual and once I realized what I had Stuclenta of nc, THE TIME IS NOW to stand up and be and theft are not acceptable. The current actlona app,lled In casel done I felt rotten. The disappointment counted among those who wfll no longer tolerate sensele .. and Invo~ng deatructlon and theft are Ineffective In deterring suc" I fell in myself is difficult to express' in maliclOUIl acta 01 ag;"'lon against the WMC community. The criminal behevlor on the campU•• words. suffice it to say I lost a great moment hu arrfv'8d when all decent members of this college THE nME IS NOW for WMC administrators to take a reallatlc deal of sen-respect. At that point I should Indicate to the administration their desl ... lor strong, and view of campua deatnJctlon and theft, ana to realistic ettorta turned myself into the school autllori· ptlrposeful, anU-crlmlnal action. 10 deter sUCh acttvlty. . ties. -;-. Those persons who bring deatrucHon to the WMC campus THE nME IS NOW for WMC atudents to lI,dlcate to campu. The sanctions imposed upon me by Should not be secluded In a veil of secrecy after their guilt hall been oftIcilils their reasonlble request tor effective mealurea that will the college are as follows: first, 1 will established. give a realistic I .. urance of pt'otectlon, be on disciplinary probation for the remainder the Tho.. person. who bring 10" and grief to other members of year. And of second. 1981·82 academic fine Our Freedom of Speech tion along for with all complete financial also 'restitu- dollar a 200 damages.,!' lace criminal charges by the Westminster must not be violated Police Department. to the Once residents 01 I again' sincerely apologize Blanche also community and as a whole. to ·1he· campus this ·Through WIttt· the receiving of a leHlN' to the editor, alao publillhed on Walker fall. to reveal tor ptlbllc conalderatlon la the fact that some experience I have learned the great thlll page, It III clearty evident that the members 01 the WMC of hll team mates used that term In describing the method In which responsibility that lowe myself and Football Team cannot take as much crttIClllm all they can give out. they would physically beat the .parta editor of this publication. more importantly to the college com· The writer of the llporta analysis IIrtlcle that appeared In the Tbe editor In chief decided to check the accuracy of the munity. October 22 luue of thla ptlbllcatlon had an opinion and he voiced artidea written by the lportl editor and to take the appropriate . Sincerely, I tt. He obsetved the game In question; reviewed tha game atatlstlca, action. He observed the football game on Oct~r 15, talked to the Ronald A. Hall and made a Judgement. This Is common procedure for any parson IICOIIta who viewed the game, and determined that, though IIOme 01 Defensive. ·w.o[ds.: writing a 'POrta analyala article, which la an editorial on sporta. It la the r.cq reported by the aport. editor were erroneoua, the maJority ~ one peraon'a opinion based on hla a..... ment 01 the facta. It la the of hi. aporia commentarle. were accurate, fair and of good Intent. Dear I'm not Editor: totally sure what your point and a rlght,-of the paopJe who produce a publication to perogatfve, the football game and gathered the pertinent HavIng observed I wrtte theM editorials, " they so desire. tacta. the editor In chief wrote the .porta analysis for the game. The was in your Oct. 22 sports analysis. Yet, what caused the edflOr In cf11ef to write a aports analyal. Intent of the artIcte was two-told: Render the wrHer'1 opinion 01 the Was it to give a clear unbiased article II not the trivial argument of the WMC Football Team and football team and thefr performance, and to give allurence to Tha perspec1ive of the game or was it to their ablllt .... Mr. Walker Ineloquently _!rIake. two blatantly fal.. Phoenix ataft that they,need not tear the threat of physical harm, or infuriate our players in some type. of statementa and, In the defen .. of hil statement., he purposely any other tonn of .... llatlon, for expres.lng them .. Jves In an honeat attempt to ·spor:ts editor choOses not to reveal all of the f1Icts that a... pertinent to the game and fair manner. . Rob McQuay. ,The; l{ S~IJl!i:to be that II in queatkm, Ind the CQUI1III 01 eventa that preceeded the The writer of the October 22 aporta analysll could not have the only conclusion I could come to. editor In chief giving attention to auch mattera. been any more serious when he wrote thla statement: - - Rrst. because of all the errors that The tactl and figures about the October 15 game that Mr. "H they (the football tum) want to come 'looking for blood,' you have stated and seCondly, be· not to reveal are aa nola"" Walker chao .. aa the gama of do not pick on the 'POrta editor, come looking for the editor In cause of your defense of Mr. McQuay football. The laaue II no longer newaworthy, as far al The Phoenix chief," . has no place in a sports ,article' ataft II concemed. However, what II stili of concern to thla ataff, The editor In chief of this publication will not atand by and Your bias in this article is clearly and what wfll always be newsworthy, II the threat of phYllcal abu.. tolerate the malicioul Intlmldstlon of any ataft member of this shown by your statement about 'look· a writer must unfairly endure lor exerciaing his right of tree lpeeeh. ptlbllcatlon. ing for blood." It shows right off that It la a right gual'1lnteed to all AmerIcana by the tlrat amendment. It I. I pity that Mr. Welker, and his team matell, tall to see one you intended to upset sOmeone. As a Mr. Walker fal.. 1y attributes the statement 01 "looking for major point: team, we think Rob McQuay's article blood" to the wrtter of the October 22 article In question. What Mr. was a good article. At least his intent The very freedom that permits hll article to appear on the pages of this ptlbllcatlon, WIthout any tear of harm or retaliation, la was not to enrage anyone. The same threatened by the Intimidation tactlca preferred by some members cannot be said for your article. of the WIIC Football Team. , How can you say that we schedule It I. time that the potential WMC Hall of Fame Inductee. of, easy wins for Homecoming? Have tomonow give COMtderatlon to what 'I decent and socially you forgotten that tIlis team beat us acceptable behavtor. last year and that last year we played wt"Iich 1-!0lT\ecoming. Editor .. ~Aobert Holl • Muhlenberg lor continued On -page 3 Managing Editor ......... ':"::::::::'::::'::::':'::::':':":':Li~ News Editor . Si;~:n~~~~~ I Sports Editor . Rob McQuay Photo Editor Andy Chang Layout.. .. Cathy Bowes Cindy WifCol( Paste·up ... ...... Darryl Grant. Jeff Frazer Marci Sartoph, Judy Mitnick, Dan Trollinger Proofreading. . Chris Soto, Melanie Clippinger Business Manager Jonathan Dickey Ad Manager.. . Jeannine Railey Ad Artist ..... Cindy Wilcox Typist .. Alice Krempasky Published' by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those 01 tile staff or adrninistration. We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md 21157
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