Page 55 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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Committee reviews possibilities Fidy Kuo ophy, Goals, and Program (PGP) is WMC's undergraduate curriculum majors to keep up with present tore. and extra computer records What's on page 11 ot- the WMC also a broad effort. It encompasses Once the review is finished, the sub: demands for them. Currently, Hoover Library contains a course offering catalog? Occupying the entire campus with faculty, staff, committee will offer recommendations Is it even possible to introduce the computerized bibliography search l tha~ page is something called FIRST students, and alumni serving on the on how the curriculum may better major-minor concept? For instance, system for chemistry and biology committee and its subcommittee. related subjects. It may be possible adapt to First Principles you may have a major in psychology PRINCIPLES.This is a set of philoso- phies upon which WMC will attempt PGP is chaired by Dr Del Palmer Part of the recommendation's out- and a minor in art. Palmer says that to buy more for other projects to make all policies and decisions The heads of its four subcommittees come will be based on their own the announcement of a minor on the As Panek sees it, "this institution is conform to starting the 1982 school are as such: Library-English instructor trend analysis. The trends that they student's transcripts may give it an not spending as much money on its year. While several philosophies are Dr. Leroy Panek, Undergraduate Pro- will study are as such: increase in added appeal library as it can. We have to look at stated, the basic idea is this one - gran'ls-English lnsturctor Dr. Del number 01 foreign and nontraditional The 4-1-5- college year scheme will what we need and what we can do "Liberally educated men and women Palmer, Graduate and Special Pro- "students, declining school enrollment, also be reviewed. They will ask if it is without...a library is something that is think and act critically, creatively, and grarn:administrator Dr. J. Colely, and and future student interests possible to put the Jan. Term, in the needed" llumanly...wMC accepts the chal- Student Lite-consultant Mrs. Delores One topic that will be discussed is middle, at the years end. Also, is it Liberal arts education extends be- lenge to provide an academic and Snyder. All have the duty 01 bringing the current Bacculerate Liberal Arts possible to have a May Term in- yond the classroom. It extends itseJf social environment that promotes lib- up campus-related topics and advis- Requirement (BLAR) as jt stands stead? into the living environment of the eralleaming . ing how they can conform to First now. Palmer says that the time has As for graduate and special pro- student. The Student life Sub-com- The challenge of planning how First Principles come to' ak if it can be made "more grams, this area belongs to Dr. J mittee, chaired by Mrs. Snyder, is Principles will apply to all areas of An institution's education program coherent" by relating it to present Coley's sub-committee of the same responsible for that area. college life, through future policies, is determines its legitimacy as a liberal conditions. This means asking the name. This sub-committee is con- As of now, all topics. concerning that of The Pttllcsoptry. Goals, and arts institution. The Undergraduate question if an institution can maintain cemeo with the increase 01 non- student life, are in the preliminary Program Committee. As like the Mar- Program sub-committee, chaired by a liberal arts image. But, also if they traditional students, such as house- discussion stage. All members of the keting Task Force Committee, Philos- Dr. Palmer, has the duty of reviewing can create specific curriculums for wives, returning to college to finish SUb-committeehave emphasized that their studies. As more courses and point. The only thing that may be said programs are created to meet the for each topic is that someone be- The dents, this sub-committee will offer life and worthy of discussion of returning stu- trend increasing lieved it to be a major part of student advice on how they should be han- As the sub-committee meets bi- dled. The First Principles will always weekly, topics like residence-hall pro- Phoenix education can be liberal also if an college's sense of community involve- be kept in context, so that their gramming, role of head-residents. the alcohol. and Greek place A that ment, athletics. determines be dis- social organizations will institution is a liberal one or not is its cussed library. This is the area of the Library Chairperson Snyder added, "we're Sub-committee headed by Dr. Panek According to Dr. Panek, the sub- very excited about this prject. We committee is still in its research believe our work is going to be the _:T;hU;rsda;;;y;,;N;o;vem;;be;;';:;5,;';9;:;8;';;;;;;;;;;;w;;es;te;'n;;;M;ary;;la;nd;;;;C;ol;leg;e;;;;;;;;;;;;v;ol;um:e;;;;:I,~N:u;m;be~'~8: stage. They are currently reviewing very pulse of this campus." I • the collection of books in Hoover Committee is as follows: first drafts The time table, for the entire PGP Library. They are also comparing the I Project aware focuses collection to recommended lists set from sub-committees in December of 1981, final deliberations of proposals by The American Library Association by entire Long Range Plan Task The school's collection is also being on problems of disabled mainly the schools WMC competes and final presentation to Board of of proposals t faculty in May 1982, to WMC. These are comparable I compared to that of other institutions Force in spring of 1982, presentation- ~ Bill Byrne leave a lasting impression. Citing with in football according to Panek Trustees lor policy decision in Octo- ber 1982 The hoped fr end result is that the' On page 1 of the official WMC The United Nations' General As- Ignorance and prejudice, or "the fear open a week of special evenings on sub-committee will be able to recom- brochure are some words that sum- Monday, November 16 at 8 p.m. Dr mend a list 01 books suitable for sembly has proclaimed 1981 as the 01the different," as the major obsta- Vemon is prolessor of psychology at liberally educated under graduate marizes the entire goal of the Philoso- Intemational Year 01 Disabled Per- cles facing hadicapped persons, WMC and an internationally known and graduate students phy, Goals, and Program Committee sons. A 23-nation advisory committee Weinleld was optimistic that the pro- expert on deafnessltlearing loss The sub-committee is also review- They are as follows: "We ar dedi- nee adopted a basic loog term draft gram would help to make people Nationally released motion pictures ing the annual budget encteo to cated to the liberal arts philosophy, plan designed to realize two goals for more sensitive to the needs of the dealing with the problems of disabled Hoover Library each year. They will ye\...flexible enough to change with the year: to attain full participation of handicapped. persons will be shown on Tuesday, make recommendations if' it is feasi- the times in response to student disabled persons in the social life A lecture by Dr. McCay Vernon on November 17 and Thursday, Novem- ble to purchase additional facilities needs, yet never sacrificinQ_Qureou- and development of their societies, "The Meaning of Hearing Loss" will ber 18 at 8 p.m. Discussions after the Such additional facilities may include cationalintegrity' and equality which would provide continued on page 4 audio-visual equipment, extra furni- them with living conditions equal to Project Aware, sponsored by West- Youth visi ts campus those 01 other members of their SOCiety. ern Mary1andCollege is an attempt to focus on both the problems and the theory course) were the courses that potential of dleabled persons. A week Shawn Warner Miss Brown attended. She was also long program featuring films, plays, On October 28, WMC music major allowed to sit in on the 4:30 p.m. lectures and discussions will begin .rterese Gertner accompanied East practice of the WMC Band. on Monday, November 16 Middle School student Valerie Brown When asked how her classes went Serious problems lace the world's to music classes here on campus at WMC, Miss Brown replied that the 450 million disabled persons, the Only 13, Miss Brown came to WMC practice session witll the band was majority of whom live in developing as part of a Career Education Pro- very good exposure for her. Music nations. Seeking to change negative aram offered in Carroll County Public History was her favorite class of the attitudes toward the handicapped, Schools. _ day U.N. Assistant Secrtary-General for The focus of the program is to get "I like the classes," she said, but Social Develpment and Humanitarian students to think about careers that remarked that "they are complicated Affairs Helvi Sipila called lor in- might interest them. A paper is . in comparison to classes at East creased financial support lor the year optional in the program, but Miss Middle School" and for a more efficient program of Brown felt that attending college Miss Brown seemed t6 enjoy the technical assistance to developing classes concerning her "interest in relaxed atmosphere on campus. and nations in their rehabilitating efforts. music would be more helpful. Actu- she also observed that the classes The motivating force behind WMC's ally taking part in the classes would here are not as structured. as those Project Aware cannot be attributed to give her a better idea of the musical offered at East Middle School. anyone Source. The efforts of several training required 01 her in tte future Although Valerie Brown would like individuals to call attention to the Miss Brown has been playing the to have a career in music perform- needs 01 handicapped persons de- clarinet and the saxophone for five ance with a major orchestra. sne is veloped into a cooperative venture on years, and she is involved in the East not ignoring the _more "practical" the part of several departments and Middle Sc11oo1Jazz Band. She also vocations. She also expresses an members of the campus and West- sings in the East Middle School interest in history and/or genealogy. minster community chorus and is interested in voice. Concerning her musical career goals, Although me program will only last Valerie Brown was granted permis- she would like a job that would allow one week, Tim Weinfeld, associate sion to "attend several classes with her to travel and see the world Ms. Gertner. Music Education, Music Miss Brown seems to have few i~~fe:::d~la~~: :'~j:td ~~~r~~ History, and Counterpoint (a music continued on page 5 expressed his hope that it would
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