Page 54 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 54
page 6 . 'OCtober 29, 1981 Fogelberg talks innocence Most grads are women Or. Thompson Eagles to name a few. which he conveys the passage of time through In his new album. The Innocent credits for their inspiration. images of the sea and he also seem to end in uncertainty. he leaves WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Women con- Age. a two-record set including 27 Make no mistake about it though. laments for the days of youth and us to lind our own answers. tinue to account for a larger and of Dan Fogelberg The attitude songs. Dan Fogelberg probes be- Fogelberg is genuinely creative, lyri- innocence that are now gone forever: about life which he communicates larger percentage of the graduates of yo~d his past works in s.~arc~ 01 a cally pectic. eno subtly prophetic. in Fogelberg writes. through word and song. although American colleges and Universities. unified message conveyec under- his own right which adds critical "Time stilis the singing says a new survey by the National standings and truths contained within quality to an album that would other- A child holds so dear. sometimes vague in meaning and Center for Education Statistics me cycle of lile wise be mediocre and dull. This unrelatable, is summed up in "The "There are more women than men The album. intergrating his lyrical critical quality is another aspect that And I'm just beginning Reach", a descriptive song about enrolled in college today." explains to hear and musical abilities into a cohesive is diminished. but this by the fact that lobster-fishermen in Maine. His expe- Tom Synder, an NCES education cycle 01 songs. proves to be his best his style has remained relatively stag- Gone are the pathways rience of nature and life communi- programs specialist. "and that's not The child followed home likely to change." Women became a overall effort yet. barring Souvenirs nant Gone. like the sand and the cated in this song produces visual imagery and stirs an unanswered Fogelberg's easy-going. mellow style So far the perspective that emerges foam' yearning. majority of students only in 1980. "The enrollment rate of women gradu- fills in the background and of the album is a dichotomous nature Side two and three lack the the- He sings. ating from high school has complements his lyrical images in Which the pros outweigh the cons, matic unity of side one .. but present been At times Fogelberg is vague and yet the purpose of the LP is still his sharing of insights and lessons "As the waves crack and fall increaainq, while the rate among men ambiguous in his message though. allegorical manifestations ol truths. he's encountered in personal relation- And the Reach like a siren has been steadily decreasing." sings and his over-philosophic. sometimes insights. and understandings that Fo- "If this kind of trend continues," he too "syrupy" style becomes a snanow gelberg derives from experimental ships with self. God. lovers, and the as she beckons and calls points out, "the number of female world. On side two "Old Lang svne''. and ineffective attempt at convey- interaction with nature and in relation- despite commercial popularity. re- As -tne coastline receeds from graduates should surpass the num- view ance. which is not personally relata- ships veals the "over-stating the obvious" ber of male grads by the 1985-86 ble to. the listener. However. the - and "syrupy" side of Fogelberg and And the seas swell and roll school year" positive qualities are only tarnished. cy~if~~t~~~'av th~r!~g~~~~Sa~~r~he~ is a simplistic portrayal of life (I'm I will take from the Reach The NCES also found there was an not diminished. by various faults and matically explore the internal and sorry. but lyrics like:...we bought a all that she has to teach increase in the number of degrees inconsistencies in the album external conflicts of heaven vs. hell, six-pack and drank it ...and ...our To the depths of my soul" awarded to members of both sexes in - Dan Fogelberg. in The Innocent liIe vs. death, and past vs. present. in tongues were tired.... just doesn't cut Although the innocent age is gone, 1979-80. Some 1.342.129 students Age. maintains a sound musical char- various contextual settings. In analyz- it). Those familiar with Fogelberg can Fogelberg tries to recapture its mes- graduated. up about 7000 from the acteristic on vocals as well as acous- ing the album. as a cycle. each side sage in his music previous year. tic and electric guitars with backup composes part of the whole which is recognize that his style has not help Irom Russ Kunkel on drums unified by common themes and by significantly progressed over the (wt10 played with Jackson Browne continuar aliuSioris to the passage of years despite his musical potential as and James Taylor. et. aI.) among time an artist. This song, however; is not Swing right qualitatively indicative of the album's others in the band. Side one involves a reflective. con- In composing this album. Fogelberg templative look at the past. The first content. and many songs hold draws upon the works of famous song. "Nexus"-(a bond or link) unex- greater depth and passion CPS "The only,~ajor difference between writers like Kahil Gibran. Thomas plicifly identifies the goal in the Concluding with side four. Fogel- The 1981 American student body is now and the sixties is that there was Wolfe. and Herman Hesse as well as journey as some bond with truth or berg depicts the emptiness and dis- either more conservative than stu-; a central issue with Vietnam thai drew rock artists like the seeues. Buffalo some ultimate destiny. In "The Sand appointment of life's rea!ities. In dents of the past, no less liberal. or a great amount of media coverage." Springfield. Eric Clapton and the and the Foam". he metaphorically "Ghosts", he writes, "Death is there both according to two recent contends Michele Lamoal, one of the to keep us honest. and constantly remind us we are free " On This studies of political and social values. Rutgers researchers who oversaw the survey A Rutgers University survey of 205 journey through pas! images and campuses concluded students today The study found that the number of present realities - where the lyrics are as politically active as ever. demonstrations on campuses has decreased by only 11 percent over the last two years. A University of Florida study. on the other hand. "seems to show that MAKE fOR COUICi£ students mostly care about them- selves." summarizes Phyllis Meek. WHIlE1OU'RE GOING UF's associate dean of student af- helped poll the student fairs. who 10COI.LICZ. body. Florida students preferred alcohol to marijuana at parties by a three-to- one margin. Their most pressing concerns are grades. inflation and unemployment, all of which Meek Want a part-time job mat doesn't hun yout grades' Or characterized as pe.rsonal concerns campus life! Give your local Army Reserve unil n weekend When it comes to labeling student a momh and a coupleofsummcn;dutingl"t~legt '. ilnd th~'Y11 beliefs. contradictory studies like Rut- give you over Sll.COJ klf cnllrJ:e gers' and Rorida's are typical. UplO$i.()J()incollegr-aidisyoun;jusrmrjoininj.:rrn>Sl unill'. Anolhcr$HXXI kll" k>UT y,·;]r.;n(mnmhly \\",...l"lld~ The annual UCLA-American Council and two ...week 5UmmioTsrinrs. Plus,,,".;r $2.000 thai \'<>u'lI on Education survey has shown a earn durinlf two summer mining periods. All while you"t' steadily-declining number 01 students gemng the mC151:OUt of college. And doing the Tl"IO.'iI you l'iln who call themselves "liberal," wt1ile ran ...rimemryourrounlTy .. ,lIq......·'u;uinlh,·ArmyRt·,.·rw the percentage subscribing to "1'Tl(XI- *9't14.c4 ?~ hclow. Or stop by. creased. erete" and "conservative" labels in- ...etowaitjorc yt,UdOt"l·tha Hjou're 17or older and a junior OT senior in high ",h,\,1. A February, 1981 study discovered i"in us now! There's no bcrwr piltf-rinw jon in lOW" lmeresred? For more infnrmalion abOullhe Arm... that 68 percent of the students at Reserve in this area,callany of the tcicphont' numhcr.; li~I('d Stanford agreed that "preparing my- r:uo- CoId.Beer self for a career will be at least as a ~ .• ~ Pizza, me important to as acquiring general education." Yet 84 percent of American stu- Salad Bar dents believe student demonstrations "have a place on college campuses Canoll Plaza Shopping Center Sandwiches AIM'( RESERVE. today." according to a tsa-camoue C.U Ahe.d for T.keout Order> 876-3550 BE ALL 1011 CAN BE. poll conducted by the Emhart Corp .. Inc. .. " Mon_-Wed_ 5-11:30 p_m_ South Carroll s..:relari.1 Service Show Student ID Call Army Reserve Opportunities Professional Typing for 10% Discount u.s. Route 40 & Elmwood Drive IBM Selectric til MD Frederick, 21701 (301) 663-8455 pick up & delivery available call Vicky Smelkinson 10/31 at 549-1043
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