Page 52 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 52
page 4 October 29, 1981 \More teachers? 51\ gridders return Reunion Chris Soto their own ways. Hart is "looking forward to the reunion very much __ Penn State education placement baby boom passed through school A reunion of a very special group of we put a lot of work into it" (CPS) -- A new baby boom, an officer Dante scent claims there are levels, enrollments declined and -left people will take place on October 30 Besides Hart, there are two other accumulation of bad press clippings already "dire shortaqee" of teachers school districts with an oversupply of at Martin's West in Westminster. None former players from 1951 on the and a rash of "burnouts" have re- in the South and Southwest. Scatzi teachers, When vacancies opened, other than the last undefeated football WMC campus; coach John Motes- vived the job market for what was also expects the shortages to be education grads inundated school team at WMC will meet first for worth and Dr. Ira Zepp. Molesworth, one that most pitied of college majors. nationwide by the mid-eiqhfies districts" with applications. By 1978, cocktails at 6 pm, then go on to a who was center for the team, couldn't -- the education student Broward County (Fla.) School Dis- there were two education grads for banquet dinner at 7:30. The year of say enough about Charlie Havens School district demand for new trict staff chief Roger Beaumont had every teaching job in the United the team? 1951 Motesworth said that "he was a great teachers is way up in some areas of to visit 84 campuses last spring to fill States, according to the National WMC coach Walter Hart, along with coach" and that "everybody toved to the country and in some academic 'the teaching vacancies he had. Los Education Association (NEA). Vic Makovitch, principal of Westmin- ptay for him." Havens stilt lives in areas, especially math. The demand Angeles advertised nationally and In response, job-conscious college ster Middle School, Ron Jones. and Westminster is expected to become national soon. installed two toll-free long distance students simply stopped enrolling in Mitch Tullar are the members of the Molesworth stated that there was a The Association for School, College telephone lines in an effort to dig up education courses. Penn State committee which arranged the up- unique, great comradier love between and University Staffing predicts in its math teachers last year. Before last handed out 62 percent fewer teach- coming reunion. Hart, the captain of, the team members. "Everyone had .a 1982 annual report "that in the next year, out-of-state recruiting was ex- ing degrees last year than in 1972. the '51' team, spoke about the reun- good time practicing and playing" one to three years there will be a tremely rare Education enrollment at North Dakota ion with enthusiasm saying that ap- Molesworth emphasized that it wasn't critical shortage of teachers in all Indeed, teaching State has fallen five percent a year proximately 25 players will attend the just the winning that brought on the since 1970 The National Center for Education reunion along with some 75 others closeness between team members: it Statistics (NCES) says that, nation- consisting of spouses, friends and had a lot to. do with the coaching of special guests. Hart stated that some Havens (who was assisted by Dick wide, the number of students prepar- of the players would be coming from Harlow) and the men themselves ing to teach after graduation fell to Massachusetts, Florida, California, Many members of the team were 159,000 in 1980, down from 284,000 and possibly as far as Hawaii. Many veterans who had returned to their in 1970. players will stay overnight and men interrupted college educations. This At the same time, the U.S. birth rate watch the game on Saturday against made for a slightly older team than is climbing again aner a long period was usual . of decline. The first wave of the new Lebanon Valley "Every Friday night before a game baby boom is expected in elementary Charlie Havens, coach of the 1951 there was a pep rally." stated Moles- schools in 1985. NCES researcher team. will attend the reunion. Dou- worth, "and rrostcot the college Martin Frankel predicts that by 1995 bling as emcee and guest speaker at stayed up here to watch the games" enrollment may surpass the record the reunion will be John Steadman, Molesworth described the upcom- 51.3 million students at all grade and sports editor for the Baffimore News ing reunion as a nostalgic event. He college levels in 1971. While there will American is also looking forward to seeing his This 30 year reunion is a first for the soon be more students to teach and 1951 team. Hart commented that this former teernrneras. "It's hard to real- fewer grads to teach them, current will be the iirst time he's seen most of ize 30 years have gone by that teachers are leaving the field in his teammates since they all went quickly," . significant numbers number of older The increasing obvious incentive to vote to increase CC topples again has "no people in the population taxes or pay teachers more," explains Illinois' dean of education Joe Bur- have won get away nett. "We have a voting bloc that Shawn Armstrong Mary lynn Schwaab had the best seems to be turning off to education" With every meet meaning an en- time in the womens' race, despite the "ln the old days," Burnett recalls, couraging step toward a winning loss, with a 21:08. Berit Killingstad "(teachers) would take time out, but season, beth the mens' and womens' dropped out of the competition be- they would return. Now, they're just cross country teams took a stagger- cause of an injury. Sue Stevenson staying away" ing step backwards with a loss to a suffered a knee injury, but finished The shortage isn't universal yet team they should have beaten, York the race in eighth place Some geographiC areas still have a Although Dan Wilson and Mary For the men, Tony Japzon has run teacher surplus. "Not all these places lynn Schwaab. the top runners had very competitively, although he has (where there are jobs) are desirable run their best races of the season, it been ruled ineligible- .LOCUST BOOKS places to teach," explains Dr. Patricia was to no avail, losing 26-30 in the Murphy of North Dakota State. womens' and 21-38 in the mens' Film series An Association of School, College race 9 East Main Street from page 3 The teams lost basically from either Westminster, Maryland 21157 and University Staffing study last fall illnesses, injuries or poor efforts. They fraction of the funds expended on found demand highest for rnam. in- 3011848-6813 dustrial arts, physics, special educa- let a win get away, dropping their Hollywood productions of the same tion, agriculture, chemistry, science chances for either a .500 season or quality. Olrni prefers to work on low and speech was high. winning closer to the wayside production budgets, since it allows 1982- Calendarl and datebook,s now available Dan Wilson turned in his best time him to remain independent of the date with a 28:51 for the men. The cinema corporate moguls who pres- Lat~ Night Special! was marred with injury and sure producers for artistically unful- Open 7 days a week 8 p.m.-n p.m. , the Terrors let one they should filled "box office smashes." SAL'S PIZZA & SUB SHOP FREE! \ 22 W. Main St., Westminster, Md. 21157 Maria' 5 Beauty Shop 10% Discount With College 1.0. All Haircuts $5 Sunday: Free large drink with any food order -Thurs. , 1 :00 a.m.>t 1 :00 p.m. Call ahead Bloux/ry & Seb are extra 11,00 a.m.-LOOa.m. for take out I with Cheese 7 Carroll St. 848-8333 ~====4,::;00~p.::m=.-='1='0=0=p=.m~.;;::;;::;;::::::8~4",8::::-5~2~7:::::6~.1!(with this coupon) :,You Deserlle Westminster 'Pawn OutLet \\"('stillin.<.; (;nld and Sil\"('r Exchange : Drealt Today DON7 SELL FOR LESS .1fJA SELLING NEW -AND USED STEREOS, JEWELRY • WATCHES • DIAMONDS ! ~ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY • Carrolll~~~n:t~l':·~r;e~·;~~~I~'1~~~::r~ealer !: I Westminster Eldersburg 71 Wesl Main Street 6!:1West Main Street I Cash val~:islt7n)t0;;fnone cent Westminster. Md. L.,. w_'_'_tm_io_,_t,_,,_M_d_. _;,....;;=..I.J_,---~E!!~~tiqy~lO..L.-'2CP-' .•-.;II.L.~----------------~
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