Page 51 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 51
page 3 October 29, 1981 Th. Phoenix WY0898.6 CCCO draft advice Fall break at WMC the SGA neglected 10 set up any Andi Yo]! mode of entertainment for the "Fall Can you feel the draft breathing the bland public relations statement registered with CCCO through its On October 23, at 2:30 in the Break Ten" down your neck? of Selective Service that registration conscientious objector card. "These afternoon, Principles books slammed Forms of entertainment ranged from The Central Committee for Consci- and "the draft" are altogether differ- cards are available, free of charge, shut throughout Memorial 310 and a closed party on Rouzer fourth to entious Objectors warns that the ent propositions," said Goldberger from CCCO, P.O. Box 15796, Phila- smiles painted themselves upon the and exciting evening of "pork sur- reinstatement of draft inductions may During the oral argument of the delphia, PA 19103. They simply state students' faces that finally, finally. prise" hosted by the Enqlar cocktail were free of Ihe perplexing problems waitresses. The weekend was lull of be closer than you think. case, Solicitor General Wade H Mc- 'Because of my beliefs about war, I of Economics 203. Stat Labs for the excitement as the ten experienced "The resumption of draft registration Cree, JI. admitted that "you can.'t am opposed to participating in the for te-veer-crc males makes it very separate" the questions of registra- military' " week found their way into Luke's box the falling of leaves from various before the 3:00 deadline, Englar's campus trees, the dramatic setting important that all Americans think tion and the draft. The Court de- "The usefulness of this card," com- lunch crowd pulsated with excitement back of the clocks on Saturday through their beliefs about the prob- scribed registration as "the first step mented Spears, "is that it provides a and anticipation, cars were being evening, and the highlight of the lems of war and the draft." said Larry 'in a united and continuous process record of an individual's opposition to loaded up with camping gear, sum- Spears, Director of CCCO's Youth designed to raise an army speedily war. The CO card will help to mer clothes to take home to mom, consecutive four day phenomena 0' Campaign and efficiently.' " demonstrate to the military that and the usual vacation fare the sun rising and setting. Also, the Supreme Court ruled on CCCO is also concerned by what it hundreds of thousands of young Intramural dog-washing was ar The three students that attended June 25 that registering men but not perceives as President Ronald Rea- people will not serve in the armed french drills that day left Memorial at ranged by the social committee chair women for the draft does not violate gan's retreat from his 1980 statement forces. Support for conscientious ob- 1:40 and headed for a final mailbox man of the ten on Sunday evening, the U.S. Constitution. According to of opposition to draft registration jection, along with the large number check before heading home, ignitions but there being only one entry, a Prof. Peter Goldberger, and attorney "The increasing likelihood of a of non-registrants and the vocal anti- winner was clearly pegged and to and teacher at the Villanova Univer- draft," said Spears, "is causing con- draft movement may help to deter were turned, waves of goodbye were date goes unchallenged. Mud sliding sity School of law, Villanova, PA, cern for a growing number of high Congress from establishing a peace- exchangiKI, Luke and laura beamed was a popular past time as a few of out to an empty couch in the student "This decision brings us a step closer school and college students " time draft" the co-eds engaged in sliding outside both to prosecutions of non-regis- With the elimination of the student CCCD was founded in 1948 as the center as the regular General Hospi- of Decker as they made way to trants and to resumption of draft deferment in the mid-70's, the classi- Central Committee for Conscientious tal following had packed it in, and respective dorms -- a result of tour inductions." The exclusion of women fication available to the greatest num- Objectors and has served continu- outside leaves furled on the rushing straight days of rain that graced the from registration will make it easier for ber of young people is conscientious ously since then as a national, non- wind of speeding cars as they made land Congress to reinstate the draft objection. A conscientious objector is profit agency counseling young for the campus exits. Alas, fall break Monday brought more rain and One consequence of the Court's someone who is opposed to partici- Americans facing the prospect of had come momentum of excitement built up as decision, commented Goldberger, is pating in war on the basis 01 deeply military service, and those already in left to be counted were but a a few familiar faces leaked back into that it should remove any doubts that held moral, ethical, or religious be- the military. handful of Western Marylanders who the flow. Soccer players had returned anyone {flay have had about the liefs. During the time of a draft, Goldstein went to their corners only to come out and tre pensive len who feared their close connections between registra- anyone recognized by their draft eating in a nightly vigil in Englar. 01 lot would mimmick that of Agatha ten remaining students, wren tion, a "real draft", and mobilization board as a conscientious objector presents art tte polled, 5 were from out-of-state, three Christie's "Ten Little Indians" relaxed. The weekend events wound down for war. would then serve\two years doing were resident assistants on duty, on Tuesday with the return of the "The position argued by the gov- alternate civilian service one's car wouldn't start and one, fellow class men and the ten sepa- ernment's lawyers and adopted by Spears stated that over 27,000 laura Cole oddly enouqh. wanted to get work rated with the mass, leaving fall break Westminster, Md -- Gladys eoro- Justice Rehnquist flatly contradicts draft-age individuals have alreadv stein will present a collection of her done. The student body having been 8" behind with memories only the foreign film paintings at an art snow in Western granted leave, had taken the oppor- select could share of their never-a- Maryland College's Gallery One of tunity of escape and ran with it to dull-moment weekend sights unseen. The ten remaining Olmi film unique the Fine Arts Building, from Tuesday, however, were stranded to find for Editor'•. Not•• : WYOB 98,6 Is a Nov. 3 to Friday, Nov. 20 weekly column on campus life. themselves. Extra curricular activities Goldstein received her art ecuca- uon at the Maryland Institute College for the group were self planned as of Art, Ine Art Students league in =mo"~. his wooden clogs, and Betisf chops New York, Columbia University, and 7JJ.%?~ Robert Holt a poplar three down to form a new Pennsylv ania State University. She is et presently teaching Jewish the Westminster, Mel -- Winner 01 the clog. The landowner, enraged by Community Center in Baltimore and 1978 Cannes Film Festival Grand aanstrs chopping down a tree on his at the College of Notre Dame of • L, • Prize (Golden Palm), "The Tree of estate, evicts Batisti and his family. Maryland Art Supplies Now A_Verilable. ~ ..: Wooden qogs" will be presented at News of the landowner's punitive Goldstein. one of the most presti- Western Maryland College.on Tues- action upon Batisti and his family gious artists in this area, has dis- day, November 3, at 8 p.m. in Alumni spreads through the viliage. As the played her art work in more men 150 Hall. The second feature of the outcast family leaves the village, the natio~1 anti regional shows. She has 28 West Main Street, Foreign Film Series, the film was other sharecroppers gather in a received many awards, including Wutmin,ter, Maryland 21157 BROWSERS produced by the heralded Ermanno group to watch in solemn recognition those from the Smithsonian Il)_stitute, Telephone 301/848 - 0060 WELCOME Olmi, wno writes, directs, photo- of their own vulnerability the Baltimore Museum, Pennsylvania orecte. and edits nis films Unique to this film is not only its Slate Unlveesity. and the Maryland "The Tree of Wooden Clogs" is a orovecenve content and style, but the Regional Exhibition crafted. political statement about the casting with people who live much The art show will officially open on life of the peasant natives' of lom- like the ncucoar characters of the Tuesday, Nov. 3 from 7 to 9 p.m. The bardy, Italy. "It is really a story 01my story. It is a trademark of most of exhibit is free and open to the public. childhood," according to Olmi. With- Olmi's films, which are produced on a Gallery One is open weekdays from out elaborate fanfare, or glorification, co~tinued to page 4 10 a.m. t~4 R·m ~zation in the plot 01the film, only daily .~m Olmi depicts the simple existence of several turn of the century families who subsist on the stark earning of sharecropping. There is no glamori- living presented by Olmi in a creative and interesting manner: a communal pig slaughtering~ a widow wnc sup- JCP~Qney ports her family of six by scrubbing laundry; a newly married couple hon- eymooning in Milan for only one day. CATALOG PHONE In a style described as "rough- STORE PHONE WESTMINSTER hewn" and "unadorned" as the peas- 848-no. 848-5100 ant life scenario in the film, Olmi MON.-SAT. 9:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. SAVE $.JOO attacks the unbalancing 01the natural withs1Udent !.D. order by the feudal economic system 1__ - .J- --- ..:.. ,;, I. sequence, a villager hides a coin I HOUSE OF LIQUORS I Shampoo, Cut &. Blow-dry with smooth flowing subtlety. In one Men's or Women's upon his horse. WIlen the coin disap- . . I ::::!!!al!l.i;;;~ pears, he strikes the horse calling it a I I Carroll Plaza. W",tminster 848-1314 ~ Reg. ~O thief. There are several such scenes; however, the center of the plot fo- I Special of the Week I cuses on a villager named Batisti and "We're Close To You" 848-3220 change in the lives of him and his ! I Moosehead Beer 12 oz. bottles $3.76 I I. PRECISION UNISEX HAIRCUTIING an incident that precipitates a drastic family. I Batisti has a son named Minek. I expires 163 W. M~ ~e;~~9,n,e,~O;~f;~~""th,e,College Minek attends school, an unheard of luxury for most peasants. In the t_~~~~~~n ~~~~8~ __t L.. ";,W";,O";,lk";,-lns,;_;o,,;,re_w;;,,e,,;,lco,,;,,,,m;;,,ed;;,,' -' course of a day, Minek breaks one of
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