Page 50 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 50
The Phoenix Letter to the Official unfairly criticizes Dear Editor: Editor On behalf of Scarpati Productions. I 1 extend my sincerest apologies to the students of Western Maryland Col- When the Blanche Ward Hall lobby was' demolished enough information upon which to base a news report. lege for the cancelled Comedy Con- on the morning of October 18, the editorial staff decided Also, a combination of the requested delays in cert due to our late arrival. I accept to assign a staff writer to report on the incident_ and any reportage and the scheduling of weekly publication responsibility for the confusion of starting times. relevant information that could be responsibly obtained. makes the Blanche incident no longer a newsworthy topic We have rescheduled the show for In his attempt to learn the established and recoqpized to be reported Thursday, December 10, at B p.m.!!' fact of the incident, the assigned reporter was told by For their cooperation and consideration, The Phoe- That's EIGHT O'CLOCK, EASTERN members of the administration ,that they could not, and nix staff is criticized by the very -people who asked for STANDARD TIME!!! would not, make any comments about the destruction in - that cooperation and consideration. It certainly would We promise a great show. See you Blanche. not have been too difficult to amass.some report on the on December 10 (at B p.m.) Sincerely yours, Furthermore, that reporter was told by college matter, though all of the facts maynot have been separated Andy Scarpati, President officials on two separate occasions that it would be in the from the unsubstantiated information in the case. Scarpati Comedy Productions best interest of the college, and The Phoenix, to wait until The editors of .The Phoe~ix~_acted in:a truly the investigations into the case were concluded. Both professional and considerate manner in dealing with the its all greek ta me officials told the reporter that waiting to report on the Blanche incident would allow them sufficient time to make news of the Blanche destruction incident. They do not expect any praise for doing what is considered as ethical a thorough investigation before releasing any information among journalists, yet they do not deserve to be Punk party about the case that niight be erroneous. Supposedly, this chastized, unduly ridiculed, or compared to the unethical delay in releasing information also gave the administra- ana sensationalizing actions of previous WMC newspaper The brothers of Phi Delta Theta tors enough time to apprehend the guilty party before he editors, by the very people who ask for their cooperation WOuld personally like to invite all was aware of being suspected of the destructive act. The editors chose not to report on a situation that, students, faculty, and members of the to our first annual administration Well, the guilty party was apprehended and the "Punk-Halloween Party" on Halloween because of IimitiQg factors, could not be reported with administration has taken what it considers' to be proper .accuracy. For that act, and that act alone, they have Night, October 31, at 9 p.m. in the action. The case is resolved and life goes back to normal been declared poor journalists by some members of the Forum. at WMC. Yet, the story does not end on an altogether administration. The entertainment will feature the happy note. sounds of the band "TOYS" a WMC Certainly, the effects of the Blanche destruction will tavorite. We anticipate a large crowd and lots'-of fun. So dress up (cos- long be a reminder of senseless vandalism on the WMC Watertower leaks rcmes are expected) and party with campus. The college body must certainly have some the Phi Deus .this Saturday night in reservations about the security of the campus. Yet, the the Forum. The Phi Delta would like to thank editors of The Phoenix have another concern as well. S-upply side econ the S.GA for allowing us to co- The editors and the assigned staff reporter gave sponsor this event consideration to the request of the administration to not includes tax breaks, incentives and r-~~~-..,~--_ .. I report anything about the Blanche incident This included Corey Mann deregulations. This he hopes will nor treating the off the record conjecture by the have the foggiest notipn of what promote productions and increase Lets face it, most Americans do no! administration as reportable information. The administra- 1 tion asked for silence on the matter by the The Phoenix Reaganomics supply sioe economics faith in investmenfwhich in turn, after an initial price increase, will bring is. When I set out to reach an ' and the request was granted. prices, as well as interest rates down. One week later, however, the very administrator who understanding of-these widely used, Since the Great Depression we narrowly understood terms, I decided had. requested the suppressing of any reporting on the to ask a few of my friends, who are have been priming the pump from the demand side like pain killer into a Blanche incident now criticizes the editors of The Phoenix indeed econ. majOrs; for some in- race horse. Reagan believes that too for not preparing any news story about the incident. The sight. The first guy I approached told much of that shot in thp arm is what official did not consider some factors that make reporting me that he had failed economics, but got us into this mess in the first of the Blanche incident not possible, and no longer would show me some marginal cost ptace. In order to keep up with the newsworthy. curves anyway, but I came to believe stimulation we had to create more that marginal cost had more to do The administration will not release any tangible with Nancy's wardrobe men Ron's stimulant and common sense, not economics; tells us that there has· to information about the person responsible for the Blanche ecoo-mecres. This, what follows, is be a finite source of stimulant. Now lobby destruction, the motivation for the incident, or any what I found to be true and a great what we have is essentially everyone evidence upon which they based their conclusions in the help to my understanding getting a big piece of a very small Supply and demand exists for all pie. Reagan intends to decrease the case. The only information released was that the guilty commodities of trade. Governments size of everyones piece, in fact he is party was a student who did not reside in Blanche, and are forced to take sides with this even going to take away some peo- that alcohol did playa factor in the incident. This is not concept and Reagan has latched ples piece, but in return he will offer a himself to the supply side, big busi- ~!!~~~§~~~ It all sounds The ness, robber barons. His plan in- much larger pie pretty good on paper cludes assisting the supply side in at the moment. but we will have to let Phoenix ....any way he can i ; this I I ... Darryt Grant. Jeff Frazer Marc: Sartoph, JUdy Mitnick. Dan Trollinqer Proofreading.. ... Chris scto. Melanie Clippinger Business Manager.. . Jonathan Dickey Ad Manager .... JeannineRailey Ad Artist Cindy Wilcox Typist .... Alice Krempasky Published by and for the students of Western Maryland CoIiErge.The I opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect 1 those of the staff or administration We welcome comments and/or suggestions Please address all mail to The Phoenix, Box 1. Western Maryland College. Westminster. Md 21157.
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