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Hall of Fame inductees honored Each 01 these five athletes and each and every female athlete at class of 1931. was another important 1952. Hart, who is now an assistant coaches were nominated and elected Rich Harfst WMC should be grateful for. Before figure in womens' athletics at WMC football coach at WMC, played four by normal procedures. Each had to sports. For all four years. he played On Saturday, October 3t, WMC will she came to the college in 1920. She helped organize the Womens basketball. three seasons on the first be out of school (or finished coach- honor seven of its greatest athletes women's athletics were nearly non- Athletic Association of which she was team. For three years he was a ing) at WMC for at least ten years in 1930. Cockburn vice-president and coaches by inducting them into edstant She was the director of played lhree -sports in her years at member of the Jcctoen squad. He Walt Hart was nominated just before the WMC Sports Hall of Fame during physical culture for women and a WMC which was the reason for her was captain of the undefeated 1951 he took on his present coaching the fourth annual banquet. These major figure in the development of receiving her college blazer. The football team position. If the nomination had been seven, who join only 21 other Hal! of womena' athletics at WMC blazer symbolizes her outstanding Hart also played lacrosse and after he took the position. he would Fame members, each have impres- She introduced basketball as a performances in athletics over four baseball for a year. All 01this earned have had to wait ten years atter he sive qualifications in their contribu- varsity sport for women in.1923, prior years. II is hard to say which is her him the Alellander Medal in 1952 finished coaching. In addition, each tions to society as well as athletics to that only class teams (a type of best sport • she was so adept at all The medal was given to the outstand- nominee had to be' Martin O. "Mitch" rune. class of intramurals) existed of them - but it may have been ing athlete of the year. I "former athletes of WMC who 1952, typifies the inductees. During In the next four years. she compiled tennis. In 1930 and 1931. she won After graduation, Hart. kept up his have performed outstandingly his years at WMC, where he majored an impressive 32-14-1 record. In the single tennis championship. Then athletic interest. In' 1954. he coached as undergraduates and who in history and education; Tullai was 1927 she organized a volleyball pro- a sandlot football team. he organized have contributed to society an outstanding football player gram, a field ball program. and again, she was a member of varsity a bowling team for boys in 1957, and since leaving WMC" In 1950 he was the team's leading started field hockey al WMC basketball lor all. lour years, and in a youth golf tournament for boys and Or: scorer with 36 points; the next season The 1927 yearbook. Aloha, summed 1930 she was a member of the girls in 1971 and 1976. He is also a "To be other persons recog- he was a key member-both offen- up her worth to women athletes at Maryland State Volleyball Champions member of the Rolling Road Golf nized for outstanding and soe- sively and defensively - on WMC's WMC best when it said, "To her, and The inductee- Who may have the Club (which won the Baltimore Area continued to page 5 last undefeated team (8-0). His play to her alone, belongs the credit for all most impressive athletiC qualifica- title in 1978) that season earned him the opportun- that has been achieved at Western tions could be Walter A. Hart. class of ity to 'play in the 1951 .Blue-Gray Maryland in the way of intercollegiate Football Classic. In that all-star game sports for girls" were players from such football pow- The next name may seem familiar, The erhouses as Navy. Notre Dame and especially to those who play tennis MiChigan. . That is because the WMC tennis He was also the Student Govern- courts were recently dedicated in this ment Association president and man's honor. Frank B. Hurt was the named to Who's Who Among Stu- coach of 28 tennis teams between dents in American Colleges and Uni- 1935 and 1~. During that time. he Phoenix versities during that y.ear.Since 1953, compiled a match record of 248 wins, Tullai has been a history teacher 157 losses and 3 ties (now department chairman). adminis- Thai record was more than enough trator (a former athletic director), and to qualify him for the National Century coach (his 1970 team was unde- Club for college coaches. The club is Thursday, October 29, 1981 Western Maryland College Volume I, Number 7 feated and in 1971 and 1972 the Tri- for those coaches who won 100 or County Champions) at St. Pauls more games during their coaching School lor Boys in Brooklandville, Md careers. Hurt was an associate pro- He is also "one of the most respected fessor of political science at WMC. lacrosse officials in the area" and an and today, at 80 years old. is still Committee focuses goals "oft-publishedwriter"' playing tennis Faith Millard Reinhardt is someone Catherine (Kay) White Cockburn, ~ Pride'82 launches Audrey A. Adams based on the criteria lor the particular job. The Affirmative Action Committee of I Western Maryland College is a group Each subcommittee is presently Plans lor Senior PRIDE '82 are went before and contributes to the made up of the combined efforts of drawing up its goals lor the 1981- under way wilh hopes that the suc- education of those wto follow students and faculty 10 discuss and 1982 school year, formulating a direc- cess of Senior PRIDE '81 will pave Chairpersons for the '82 campaign look lnto changes for the school tion for the committee as a whole. the way for 'reaching an even greater are seniors Laurie Mather and Sern policies concerning women, minority Present focuses for the next meeting goal in '82. The grand total for last Cricchio. Along with other senior and handicapped people, not only in will be the Compensation Review as it . year's campaign was $8,044.28. The volunteers they will be asldng fellow the classrooms, but in the faculty and pertains to WMC teachers' benefits class of '81 (and two non-seniors) classmates to pledge $19.82. Volun- staff as well and salaries, and Communicationsl Dr. Neal 1981-82 gave $4:044.28 while a matching gift teer workers will find Senior PRIDE a The committee wants to strive to Advocacy. The next meeting is of $4,000.00 was donated by Ran- source of accomplishment and enjoy- achieve a better balance 01 these scheduled lor Friday, November 6 CommiHee Chairperson dom House 01Westminster. The cor- rrent As a team they will lead their three groups on campus; the present lected donations become part 01 lhe classmates towards the significant level 01 minority students ratio is tour Trick or treat for Hinge Alumni Fund and help cover the 19% goal of providing necessary funds for percent. 01operating costs that are not met by WMC to preserve its quality educa- Members 01 the committee vary in departments and abilities: the new tuition, room and board. The cam- tion and student services. And as a 1981-1982 chairperson, political sci- kids at WMC paign funds of Senior PRIDE '81 will team they will celebrate their efforts be applied to fiscal year'82. II is the with a kick-off party on campus and a ence professor Dr. Charles Neal, Dr mas party and an Easter egg hunt In beginning 01a tradition whereby each victory party aboard the Pride of Helen Wolfe, Dr. louise Paquin, Dr. Robyn Quick the spring. senior class benefits from those who Baltimore William Miller, Dr. F. Glendon Ash- II you happen to be looking out The main function ot the group, burn, Wray Mowbray, Less Bennett. your door and see a parade however, is to spend time with, the Jeanne Higbee, Ruth Helfrich, Carol of young goblins, wilches and incre- youngsters on a weekly basis. Each Arrieta, plus student members Jay dible hulks, do not be alarmed. Your Hinge member is assigned a young Edinger and Carol Connor, and the brain has not snapped non one too student from a local elementary newest members, sophomore Audrey many econ problems. This is the school with which to spend time. The Adams and Dr. Margaret Denman Hinge Kids' Annual Trick or Treat college students, or tutors as they are Subcommittees now formed by the Night called, help their young friends with members are the Recruitment and Hinge co-leaders, Bill Byrne and Bill school work or take them out lor Selection Committee, Compensation Spence, commented that this Hallow- recreation. Review. Development and Retention, een activity is a special favorite of the As Byrne puts it. "We do help them and Communications/Advocacy group, because the people in the with their homework. but mostly we Short term ccmrruttees have also dorms really get into the spirit of the just goot off" been developed for searches for occasion. Some even put on cos- According to Byrne, the only prob- presently vacant staff positions: the tumes to hand out the candy. lem is that there are more kids who search and screen committee for a Trick or Treat Night, although not need tutors than there are tutors Director of Annual Funds and Assist- the only activity of the. group. is available ant Director of Development. headed probably the most well known be- Anyone interested in -cecomoc m- by Jeanne Higbee, and the search cause many WMC students are in- volved in the Hinge Group should comminee for the new position of volved. The group also holds cook- contact Bill Byrne. Garden Apartment Financial Aid Counselor, headed by outs. picnics, swim parties, a Christ- 2-6 Wray Mowbray The main function of these search '81 crew of the WMC Senior Pride rest, relax, and ~:rmt~!n~~~e;:ntto~~;~~~, ~~~~c~~~~ Last day to drop courses without grade celebrate a successful campaign on The Pride of Baltimore vide recommendations to the decl- penalty is Tuesday, November 3 at 4:30 p.m. at the Baltimore Inner Harbor earlier this year. '82 Senior sion making body headed by the Pride campaigners hope for another successful voyage. college president, Dr. Ralph C. John
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