Page 32 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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page 8 October 8, 1981 Comedy slated Loan rush Monopoly still favored Backgammon IS also among the for students make less than $30,000 per year to CPS games, Monopoly . and most popular board games at book- 1 From page Even in an age 01 sophisticated games the brand-.n~ stores. But electronic Chris Soto Andy Scarpati is a Philadelphia get the maximum S2sOo klan without Scrabble are still the best-selling mentioned by students In thiS su~y, Western Mal)'land College Activities comic who has his own weekly show having to pass the needs test. The diversions offered in college stores, 46 percent owned Monopoly, while Office and Scarpati Comedy PrOduc- at John and Peter's Place, a night "test" itself is a set 01 tables laying according to a survey of student 30 percent owned a Scrabble game. lions wi!! present a "Comedy Con- club in New Hope, Pa. Scarpati also out what families of different income buying habits by the College Markel- Of the electronic games, hand-held cert" Thursday evening October 15 in performs in colleges and clubs along levels must spend on their children's ing & Research Gorp. and Monroe models that simulate sports are the education from their own Iou,d the ~d "",dby. ROTC 0 K Alumni Hall eta p.m. the East Cost. Scarpati has a long list pockets Mendelsohn Research, Inc. best senera _ Randy Heck and Karen Cook, co- of comedians who perform in his before becoming eligible for a loan. The study The standard need in the tables is chairpersons of the Concert and shows. each with their own list of set fairly generously, however. Even still sell better than other hot items • • Public Events Committee, arranged to television and night club credits those families with incomes over like stuffed animals, electronic Continued from page 5 bring the Comedy- Concert to WMC As a host of and a performer in the $100,000 may still be eligible, de- games, and puzzles, though Dun- difficult to maintain, but lOOkIngat the Heck stated that he heard about the show, Scarpati will introduce comedi- pending on the cost of the school geons and Dragons sets and their semester from this angle, he does show from people who had seen it at ans Bob Nelson and Joe Bolster who imitators ere getting into the same admit, "\ still hbe to make it." Duane MI. St. Mal)"S College last year. Also, will each give their own original acts and the number of students in the league as Monopoly and Scrabble simply says,"! hope it's my worst many different performers, inctuding Nelson is described in a press re- family. For example, at some of the semester" Scarpati and his comedians, sent in lease as an "outrageous comic-mad- more expensive private colleges _ Piano recital Both also have ambitious goals. information and reviews concerning man" who will "bring the house down where costs can exceed $11,000 per "rve thought about this a 101." Ron their acts 10 the College Activities with his sensational energetic brand year -- loans are available lor families Arleen Haggemeier; professor at said. "I'll never be a millionaire. but Office to be lOOkedover and decided of humor." Nelson's TV credits in- with' incomes up to $110,00 a year music, and David Kreide, adjunct it really depends if I'm happy or not .. upon. staled Heck. Reviews included clude The Merv Griffin Show and The with one student. For families with two -instructor in music, will present a A political science/German major, he students, the income limit goes to those written in the Bloomsburg State Tom Snyder Show $130,000 piano recital at Westem Mal)'land would like to -etteod law school il he College newspaper and the Susque- Bolster's credits include the televi- College at 8:15 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 9 doH decide to leave after the man- Some observers estimate the im- hanna University newspaper. All the sion game show "Make Me laugh" pact will be greatest on public col- in Levine Recital Hall. They wilt datol)' tour years reviews praised and applauded the and a Phi.ladelphia based television lege students from lamilies in the present a repeat performance at 3 Duane, a pre-mad major, would, at hitarHxlSshows that were given show called "AM Philadelphia." $30,000 to 545,000 per year range p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 11, also in this point, like to attend medical Heck has also talked with the host The many enthusiastic reviews and Public COlleges, 01 course, Charge Levine Recital Hall school first and enter the Army as a and producer of the show, Andy the impressive TV credits .behind less than private schools. Their costs The duo-pianists witt perform "van- - doctor, to stay in at least the Re- Scarpati, who, in Heck's words, is a these three comedians seem to would represent a smaller percentage ations on a Theme of Haydn," by serves until retirement age. I think vel)' "enthusiastic man witl! a lot of promise a hilarious, fun show for all of lamily income, and thus disqualify Brahms, "Suite from 'Billy the Klu," Ron summed it up best when he said ooergy." Heck himself is vel)' confi- TICket sales will be announced in some families from GSLs. by Copla·nd, "Sonata. 0 major," by to the effect that, "If there's no job .dent about the Comedy Concert. WMC TOday. Admission is free for "The thinking here has been that an Mozart, and "La Valse," by Ravel seustecncn. what's the good of stay- expecting It to be a good, entertain- students and faculty income ceiling could discriminate Both the Oct. 9 and Oct. 11 recitals ing7" ing show. are free and open to the public. Just wait till those first tactical against middle income families and exercises. guys! Rolling Stones leave a potential for abuse among says 'Light is the Life' these automatically eligible," John Phillips of the National Associa- The needs test, however, is in effect Domser new man tion 01 Independent Colleges and Universities begin anew only during the 1981-82 academic year ending June 30. Administration Ed Johnson "Ught is the ute.'' are the words of officials have said they hope to Tim Kirkner and Neil Putman extend the test to lower income wisdom to mankind from one of Western Maryland's new faculty addi- A crowd over 90,000 people strong As ·the crowd rose to their feet Ihe groups at that time tions, Ira Domser. As he was working stormed the gates of J.F.K. Stadium ~~~e~~~e~~:b,~I~~~C~';~~~/i: ru~~~:r, ;::~: :~Od~:~r r~~;;eSn~ on sets and lighting for the upcoming Wailing for Godot, the bright eyed ~oc~il::~'~~1 t~:ne~ri~~:e G~~~~~~ Dice." It seemed the crowd never -with the exception 01 the flrst six The Rolling Stones. The perform- utilized their seats as they played -mcnms after graduation -- have been Damser expressed his enthusiasm ances on September 25, and 26 Iheir recent hits "Imagination" and eliminated. over becoming a member of the manifested to their followers a renee- ''When The Whip Comes Down." The Dept. of Education has also Dramatic Arts department. Domser, a light and sound expert sance of energy that was the trade- Mick's suggestion "lets rock n' roI/" increased the minimum annual loan will be developing an improved de- mark·of The Rolling Stones. seemed to charge the crowd to new repayment amount from $360 to sign and technical program for WMC Mick Jagger was a constant center heights. This charge didn't climax $600. other changes went into effect students. He works in the "world of of attention with his skillful vocal until the final moments of the concert. earlier. As 01August, the loan origina- the dirty" and majors in "Iumia," the abilities and his unique stage pre- Some key factors in the development uon fee for GSLs was increased from art of life. sense. The feel and intensity of the of this charge were attibuted to the one percent to live percent of the To design slower, rhythmic, melodic music was best illustrated through the original versions of such greats as total amount. of the loan. All the tight programs, more classical than guitar work of Keith Richards. In "Brown Sugar," "Shattered" and "You ~hanges. are Just a first round. Many the light shows you see with rock and addition, rhythm guitarist Ron Wood, - Can't Always Get What You Want." ~nWashington feel .the~ amount to a roll, is Domser's major project. In bassist Bill Wyman and drummer Towards the end Of.the concert the 't~'era~l~ compromise. . . , Janual)' he hopes to give us a test of Charlie Watts were in peak form. majority of the mUSIc consisted of . But It s only II It doesn,~ The fans, consisting 01 parents as songs from thelf new best selling the beginning of a trend, his knowledge or a light recital Oomser: drama department's Meanwhile, Domser invites every- well as their children, surrounded the album "rerrcc You." Their new single Phillips says. one to visit him in Alumni. Anyone new technical director. "Start Me Up" and the classic ''Jump- Quotable stage with no more than inches interested in art should find him ing Jack Flash" helped to reassure between them. The intensity of the the fans that their downfall was Short- Q interesting. heat prior to the Stones arrival U0 te prompted stage hands to bring out lived and that th~ ~r of the hoses and water .jugs to retain the Rolling Stones is still alive, well, eno Art film series begins crowds welfare .....I;I!owin Gradually I began to find that there were disadvantages to going to col- During the lall semester the West- VAN £YCK, ·FATHER OF R.EMISH SGA MOVIE lege. The one I fett and still feel most ern Maryland College Art Department PAJNT1NG - This film is a monument ISlack of time. 1 used to have time to is presenting a series of films on to the 'marvels of the art of the think, to reflect, my mind and I. We artists, ancient peoples, arChitecture Remish master Jan van Eyck, and CLOCKWORK would sit together for an evening and and a few unusual short subject films. aptly iliust(ates his mastel)' with many - listen to the inner melodies of the close-ups which reveal the precision Films will be shown on Wednesdays spirit, which one hears only in leisure in Memorial 106 at 8 p.m of his images. The camera explores The schedule IOf upcoming films is ORANGE moments when the words of some as follows: the major subjects 01his paintings as loved poet touch a deep, sweet smallest background as the well chord in the soul that until then had been silent. But in college there is no October 14- detail November 4-- THE TRIBAL EYE: THE SWEAT OF time to commune with one's thoughts THE SUN- A visit to various siles of THE TRIBAL EYE: KlNGDOII OF Or.e goes to college to learn, it FRIDAY the portals of learning, one leaves the ancient Inca and Azlec splendour BRONZE MAN AND NATURE seems, not to think, when one enters and an examination of those gold November l1--a series of short films: artifacts which escaped the pillaging BUDDHISM. solitude, books, at dearest pleasures - outside with the of the~Spanish conquerors AIIERICAN TillE HISTORY OF THE A CAPSULE: and imagination - October 28-- VERY SHORT 7 & 9:30 p.m. whispering pines. I suppose I ought BRUEGEL'S PEOPLE: A study 01 DREAM OF It7LD HORSES UNITED STA1E'S to find some comfort in the thought selected paintings by Pieler Brugel thai I am laying up treasures for TAXI Mure enjoyment, but I am improvi- the Elder and film analyses of such BIG YELLOW OF TEN POWERS Snow, works as HIIItten In the dent enough to prefer present joy to ChIldren'. Gllmee Md The LMJd of November 18-- Decker Auditorium hoarding riches against a rainy day Plenty. The film shows Buegel's inter- THE ISFAHAN OF SHAH OF BEAUTY ABBAS Helen Kef .... est in nature, peasanl tife and man's THE TRADITIONAL WORLD OF Of My LIfe) (Tho ..... - perpetual folly ISLAII: THE PATTf!RN
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