Page 35 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 35
October 15, 1981 page 3 Adifferent world WMC Republicans unite the WMC community. The songs Tim Davis group's'first"major effort' is to petition "I was really excited about the re- from page 1 presented in sign take on a beautiful Republicans arise! Western Mary- in support of the Polish Solidarity sponse of the first meeting. l hope it deafness to get some experience visual dimension. Although the club is land's own Colege Republicans held Union. Signatures gathered at WMC continues!" l working with deaf people. This can mainly comprised of undergraduates, their first meeting Mond.ay,.October will be sent to Washington with those Republican group here at WMC dis- Two years ago, the existing College State fifth. The Chairman of the some hearing and deaf graduate be accomplished by taking from other groups nationwide. The practi- cums, designing special study students are also members. To be- College Republicans, Bill Frank, as goal of the National Collega Republi- banded when many 01 its members projects, pining deaf clubs, and just come a flJember, one does not need well as other students from Mount cans is one millio!' signatures. Those graduated. Keith is pleased at the associating with deaf people. any previous sign languag~ skills. Saint Mary's and Goucher College signatures will be handed to lech large tumout of freshmen and sopho- One Jan Term option provides The group meets every Sunday at 7 attended Walesa, head of the Polish Solidarity mores. His hope is that the club will students with the opportunity to p.m. in the Leidy Room Discusses were the various College Union, when he visits Washington remain active in the years to come spend time in a classroom in a Republicans activities: such as voter next month New members' are cordially invited school for the deaf. This provides an COME TO OUR PARTYI registration drives, state- meetings Kelth Arnold, president of the CoI- to joln. Meetings are tenatively set for excellent hands-on experience in What better way to start getting with other College Republican chap- lege Republicans. is enthusiastic 7:30 P.M. Tuesdays in the Leidy deaf education. WMC students ven- involved in deafness than to take ters, trips, and conventions. The about the turnout of .t.hefirst meeting Room. ture to many schools for the deaf advantage of the opportunity to meet throughout the country to discover if other people interested in deafness CAP Board brings full film teaching the deaf would be an appro- This party is open to graduates and priate career for them. Students inter- undergraduates with personal or ca- viewed about their Jan Term be time for socialization with other season to ..WMC- reer interests in deafness. There will practicum have agreed that it was a positive leaming experience for them nearing and deaf people, for games 'Will~m Marshaf Cooley 9182) the first film, but commented, "those regardless of whether or not they encouraging mime and other forms of "OScar Wiimers, For Free," might "Allegro Non TropPO::"which means that were there had a great time". decided to pursue a career in deaf- nonverbal communication, and for the be the title of this year's College fast or cheerful, is an Italian take-off Arnold has also set-up lour Hitch- enjoyment of a captioned film. NO Activities Board Rim Sties'. CAP on Disney's ·."Fantasia" by animator cock films lor this January "Dial M for GRADUATE PROGRAMS IN SIGN LANGUAGE SKILLS ARE NEC- Board, formerly lecture Concert ·Bruno Bozzetto. (10/13181) Murder," "Notorius," -aeoecca," and All these films are on to continue its fine "Spellbound." lIatian film is "The Tree of· A second DEAFNESS ESSARY1This is a great opportunity Committee, hopes for graduates and undergraduates, tradltion .of cultural films, with a few the Wooden Clogs," an award win- Tuesday nignts, at 8 p.m. in Alumni During the academic year approxi- deaf and hearing, signers and non- new twists "ning depiction of pesant life..(11/3/81) . H~II mately 40 full-time students are en- signers to get to know one another. EQUIPM~NT r:tI.. ..... -"'"---"""-1 rolled in this- program. About half of The party will be sponsored by the fO:~n~:~g :n:s ~sastbei~~cc;;:;eda th:A~~it~~a~~o~n ~~~n~~:~ .:~~ ,....---- these students ave on Pennsylvania deaf education department on No- The series, which was planned by in a Communist Party scrcot in 1948 M"'"'N[ Avenue in the two "Total Communica- vember 6 at 6 p.rn. in Winslow. Watch reference librarian Carol Quinn, and (3116181) ....ONITOIIS tion" houses. The deaf and hearing for posters and announcements Melanie Rhodes (WhO has since Throughout the-year a residents of these houses communi- closer to the time. II you have any transferred to Georgetown) features series of Frank' Capra's ams.rare cate with each other 'through the suggestions or would like to help, lour films from three nations being presented. Capra, a master of combined use of signs and speech pelase contact Dan Dalton or Maggie The films were chosen, according dramatic comedy, 'cnrectec firms '811111" During the summer, the program's Park. to Quinn, for two reasons: critical about the' common goodness of man. (3. 8. & SteteD enrollment expands to 150 full-time If you have any interests in deaf- acclaim, and awards received. All are and his ability to triumph over evil students. Many of the summer stu- ness come to the party on November shown with subtitles, except the Aus- They are: "Mr. Smith Goes to 452 EAST MAIN ST dents come from different schools for 6. There will be plenty of people there trialian film, for reasons that are WaShingtcin" (9/22181) .. "1I"s a Won- WESTMINSTER.MO 21157 the deaf arouhd the country. WMC to answer your questions. obvious derful 'Lite" (1218J81), '"Mr. Deeds AT JeT OF"RT '97 & E MAIN ST graduates are given special admis- Dr. Prickett extends an invitation to The Australian film, "My Brilliant Goes to Town" (2123/82),"Meet John sion preference in the M. Ed. pro- any underqraucatea interested in Career," concems the efforts' of a Doe" (4120182). Arnold was admit- PHONE 84~ 607
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