Page 33 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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The Phoenix Thursday, October 15, 1981 Western Maryland College Volume I, Number 5 Deaf World has many Maggie Park -ATTENTION WMC STlJDENTS. DO INTERPRETER TRAINING OTHER CREDIT OPTIONS YOU WANT A HIGHLY PROGRAM Sign language courses are not the MARKETABLE SKILL IN THE JOB only courses available in deafness. MARKET? HERE To become a certified interpreter for Other courses include an Introduction IS YOUR CHANCE TO AND OUT the deal. one needs no previous to Deafness, The Psychology of Deet- ABOUT AVAILABLE EXPERIENCES exposure to sign language. Dan Dal- ness and Audiology. WMC is now IN THE VARIOUS AELOS OF ton started signing when he was developing the first program in the DEAFNESS OFFERED TO twenty one years old and is now a world to prepare individuals to work UNDERGRADUATES. GA nationally certified interpreter. Many with the adult deaf-blind population. -OH YEAH. WHAT KIND OF students going through the program Practicums and Special SWdies EXPERIENCES ARE AVAILABLE start wilh little or no sign language Even though courses may be inter- TO US UNDERGRADS? GA skills. esting, motivating and informative, -READ ON AND YOU Students completing this program practical experience in more impor- WILL FIND OUTI SKSK graduate from WMC with essentially a tant and more informative than any If you recognize the format of the double major. Interpreters work lull- lecture could ever be. Dr. Greyer- above conversation as being a typi- time or part-time depending on their biehl, the new full-time faculty mem- cal TTY call, you probably already own personal choice. As Dr. Vernon ber of the deaf eo. department, know something about deafness. 11 so aptly put it, a good lntrepreter can stresses the importance lor under- you have never heard of a TTY or actually become a sell-motivated 6h. graduates considering careers in even met a deaf person, this article trepreneur. continued to page 3 may open up some new ideas for WMC Homecomi ng 1981 future career 0< pe,,,,,,,' goa" lrV1JyTake Sign Language? q:~!~c~:; C::::d: ~;;:;!bi~~~-------------------r------~~----------- H. Ieel that tho students g"no lntc Fest begins tomorrow Homecoming meaning the "people prolessions" should take at least one year of sign. Graduates Kazoo band; the Octocertest tent-- In fields such as social work, busi- Andi Vob ieaving spirit the campus wide; the ness education, psychology, pre- ~ John~n of the football field. Homecoming. defined as the return radiance of the Homecoming queen med, law and numerous other fields, An exciting weekend is In store for A new feature in this year's parade ~tothe homeland, will'be celebrated and her court: the dapper visage of will find that sign language is a very everyone as Homecoming festivities is the addition of eight antique cars 01 this up and coming weekend. WMC, lhe King:the rilual 01the homecoming marketable skill. start tomorrow night with a bonfire at various model years with WMC al- homeland for many students, will game; the end of ends in the home- For example, a social worker Who B p.m. This year's theme is BLUE umni from each of the eight years welcome back its alumni with a horne coming dance; the hugs of hello and has some sign background will be GRASS FESTIVAL and the junior riding in their respective cars. A football game, festivities and the reaccualntance: the undying school able to work not only with the hearing class under Scott lohman'S direction Westminster councilman. and Dr. traditional evening dance. patriotism radiated through all 01 Ihis people in a community but also with has developed an excellent agenda John, along with many other Western Homecomers this year will find new tradition; the crispness of the air; the the deal residents there. In loday's tor the weekend. Maryland officials witl participate as additions to the college, such as the splendor of the campus as it dresses job market, any skI!! which can Besides the bonfire on Saturday. wen. Much of the Class of '81 is Iso renovation of HoHaField and the host in its October finest; the welcoming; distinguish one applicant from the the Homecoming Parade will com- expected in attendance. Four faculty of new classman filling their old the rekindling of old friendships; the many other applicants for a job Is 11 mence at the East Middle School members will serve as judges for the ranks. But. as tradition would have it, revival of memories: the common skill well worth acquiring. (12:30 p.m.) and follow up Main float competition. Awards for the there are still those things that reign bond that is shared; the joy; the A less career oriented yet no less Street to the Scott S. Bair Stadium. floats can be collected Monday. as a rule. spectacle; the chance to unile one- important reason to lake sign lan- With the new track under construc- The alumni will be treated to a blue The hues of autumn that grace the sell with pasts and futures; the senti- guage is that it is lots 01 fun. tion, however,'this year's parae will grass band and lunch prior to the campus, the homecoming parade mentality: and ultimately, the reunion According to Dan Dalton, Lecturer in end up at the baseball field. instead .Continued to page 4' that features the famed Phi Deil It is for all this they come home ... the Interpreter Training Program, many studenls lake the introductory sign language courses out of sheer WMC alumni comeback to bluegrass curiosity. ~r Sign Courses are Available? Sign classes are oHered each se- mester and during the summer. There Beth Piscora because of Its ''wide range of Inter- umni Association Board 01Governor's decade will be seated in each car. are three beginner sign courses, an "Bluegrass has seen lis emerg- est." The weekend will kick oH with a meeting in the morning, alumni, as Ibe football game against the Mo- intermediate level course and ari' ence" said Donna Sellman, Alumni Friday night bonfire co-sponsored by well as students, have four choices ravian Greyhounds starts at 1.30 p.rn. advanced sign course. Students in all Affairs director, as she discussed the SQA and the College Activities Pro- open to them. They can either attend During the halftime. the Homecoming of these courses have full use of the upcoming Bluegrass Festival. She gram Board. a faculty art stew. see WMC volley- King and Queen and their court will new videotape lab. Dan Dalton feels said that the Bluegrass theme was All alumni are invited 10 join in the ball face York, or cheer as current be introduced. Also, Alumnus of the ~;~:el~~I:Ci~re~e~:~~e ~~n ": ~C:!!hose=O-"~O'-H~omac=:::om::;o:!!:g'_th::::;::.'.,!y;:,a::._'....::;,,,:::""'":::.::ยท,,:...::.""~Sa='"':::d'::!y;... A:::ff:::"~t:;:h';..AJ~ sl1.Jdentslace alumni in both soccer Year, F. Kale Mathias, '35, will be presented. and field hOckey, Eve n tS During the lunch hour, the football Mr. Mathias was chosen on the g~e~lor tape cassettes are made field will resooro with the strains of basis 01 his service to WMC, his here at WMC and feature the sign Friday. October 16 bluegrass music provided by the Big service to his community, and his achievement in his field. Mr. Mathias language instructors and the deaf 7,9, 11 p.m. SGA Movie "Animal House" The Forum Pipe Creek Blue Grass Ensemble. served as President of The Alumni graduate students working in the lab. B p.rn. Bonfire The menu will include pit-roasted Students are able to practice and Saturday, October 17 tenderloin tip beef. No one win be Association from 1958 10 1960. In his refine their receptive sign skills by 9 a.m. Alumni Association Board of Governor's Meeting served unless they have secured a business, Kale is the president of watching different people on tape. 10 a.m. Soccer Game lIS. Alumni, Soccer Field reservation Joseph L Mathias, Inc The Homecoming Committee says The lab equipment is also used to Faculty Art Show _ Fine Arts Building After lunch. everyone is invtted to he was chosen "in recognition of film the individual students signing 10:30 a.m. Field Hockey WMC lIS. Alumni watch the annual Homecoming Pa- honor reflected upon his Alma Mater themse~ Volleyball WMC vs. York (Gill Gym) rade. WMC's pep band, pom-poms through long-term and productive various student floats will be l themselves on tape and critique their' 12:30 p.m. Homecoming Parade under the direction 01Scott Lohmann, leadership serving his church as well and students may !hen observe The 1:15 p.m. Minutemen Precision parachutists team _ Football Field skills. The Instructors and deaf gradtr 1:30 p.m. Football Game .parade marshal. Carroll County will as a variety of community agencies of organized for the betterment ate assistants are also available to 4 p.m. Homecoming Court Reception, Harrison House have seven cars representing 7 cec- human welfare. critique students and help them to 1... 9 p.m. Homecoming Dance. Decker College Center .....1 ades from 1910 to 1979 in the continued to page 3 improve their skills. peraoe. Various' alumni from each
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