Page 37 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 37
October 151981 The Phoanb: page 5 Godot arrives Jody Morrison Waiting for GOOot, an absurd two audience. The Youth. portrayed by act tragicomedy was performed un- Lori McCoy acted as a messengerfor Seafarer's Restaurant derstage in Alumni Hall October. 9, eooct Her appearances on stage 10, and " were short but essential in pointing The play had no evident structured out that Godot would not arrive. The 'plot but some major themes were three actesses playing traditionally presents excellently presented. The idea that male roles was a welcome change people cannot always rely on others and did not effect the meaning of the to do things for them or place play at all authority in the hands of others was The lighting techniques used were continually expressed unique as well as effec';'''' During Vladimir (Rob McQuay) and astra- intermissionthe house lights went on, Karen Goldberg gon (Steven Rossman) emphasized but the stage lights did not dim. The these thoughts throughout their inter- characters on stage at the time froze. actions. They tried to think of things and then the audience did the "wait- to do to occupy their time while lnq'', This method really transmitted Waiting for ecocr to meet them. Their the essence of the drama to the portrayal of the characters was re- spectators markably impressive The scenery consisted of a curved Friday 10/16 Karen Lambert as Pozzo. the gray-splattered cloth as a backdrop strongest and most aggressive of the and also as a floor covering. This Saturday 10/17 characters, showed herself to be gave a cosmic effect and further weak like the others. Even she emphasized the characters entrapp- needed assistance when she found ment within themselves and their herself blind in the second act lives. " Pozzo's slave Lucky, played by I believe that the performance of 9 p.m.-l a.m. Robyn Quick was a grossly inhuman Waiting for GOOot as the first play of character. She did everything Pozzo the year was an excellent choice arid demanded. even the task of thinking, should,serve as an inspiration to all for fear of her life Who or what is Gocct? Maybe a Roby.n captured the attention of ..-person or an object, but possibly a 7 Vladimir and Estragon as well as the concept we all ar w~i!ing for.. 59 W. Main Street Westminster Gold and Silver Exchange DON7 SELL FOR LESS 875-5447 JEWELRY • WATCHES • DIAMONDS I'.,.,i"glll(·,,~h - (·h.·,·ka,,,IC"mpan· Reservations Accepted Live music every weekend Carroll Counl-;··" Largost (iold & Silver Dealer 1i9 west Main Street \\'estminster, Md. 9_-6DA,Li JUNIORS AND SENIORS IN MATH, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY AND ENGINEERING. Earn over $900 per month! Your undergraduate curriculum may entitle you to earn $900 per month each month during your final years. In addition. you can look forward to a secure four years employment opportunity in the Nuclear navy as a nuclear-trained Naval Officer! If you seek valuable training and experience with excellent salary ($23.000to start - $42.000after four years) and benefits. call or stop by to discuss career options with: - LT. STEVE RUDIGER He'll be on campus 20 October 1981. Check with Career Placement or stop by the Student Union. Or Call TOLL FREE in Maryland - 800-492-0326Or direct or collect - (202) 436-2072
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