Page 36 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 36
page 4 .The Phoenix October 15, 1981 Sinister is alright Doubtful guard Dan Trollinger Mollie King & Shawn Warner that are thrown before the left-handed desks and supplies. Lefties should is unable to do anything in most person. Measuring cups, can open- patronize stores that cater to the left- The security system on Western cases unless they're informed. Once Do you have a "sinister" view of the ers. cameras, and water fountains are Maryland Campus often falls prey to alerted of a potential problem. the world? Although it may seem like it at all difficult for lefties to maneuver. handed customer. (There is one in an undercurrent of criticism that filters security peopte can possibly prevent l limes. you are not alone, In tact, ten Power tools can become lethal to left· Harbor Place.) Stand up for your lefty through the student body subsequent other dorms from being hi! by the heritage and stop compromising in percent of the population shares your benders, as any lefty taking Technical to any campus related break-ins or so-cauec affliction, It is an affliction of Theater well knows this "dexter" world thefts. This unvoiced sentiment of same intruders. Presently, the college employs four being left-handed in a predominantly American-made stick-shift cars All in all, they feel that they are part discontent. resulting from incidents of other guards in addition to the direc- right-handed world, Even though the present a whole hew world of prob- of a unique minority. They are happy crime, points an,ambiguous finger of tor and the administrator rs in the WMC school store does not carry lems for the left-handed driver. We that most parents and pediatricians blame at the security department for process of hiring another guard, Their supplies for the left-handed student, have not even discussed the prob- do not force children with left-handed insufficient protection and action. But, primary responsibility. and perhaps one can enjoy being left-handed lems that archers, fencers, baseball inclinations into being right-handed is this criticism justified? most visible, is traffic regulation; how- Although they are abused. discrimi- players, bowlers, and golfers have in anymore, Even though discriminations Earlier this semester, several break- ever, their numerous other duties nated against. and kicked around by attaining the left-handed equipment against lefties still exist, they are a ins occurred in Albert Norman Ward, concern the safety of students, tee- the mainstream of society, they say As you can see. the world is no bed proud minority, One solution is lefty Blanche, and Whiteford dormitories ulty, and administrators. as well as 'we love it" of roses for lefties supplies, ect., in order to retain their In all cases, the trespassers entered assisting in any security related prob- Through the years, there has been After all of the problems that have uniqueness and prevent them from rooms left unoccupied and unlocked. lems that may arise, Fasano finds no much discrimination against left- been pointed out. you may wonder constantly compromising in a right- then they absconded various types of major problems or limitations with the handed individuals, On this campus, why one enjoys being left-handed. banded world. Lefties unite! Be gttld and silver jewelry. However, no present security system and feels thai lor instance, there are many things Considering that ten to fifteen percent proud, and left co! one reported these incidences nor it is sufficient to serve the needs of which make it difficult for a left- handed, they are rrembersot aunique Alumni return the many sightings of the trespassers this campus of the general population is lett- handed student to work comfortably until several days after their occu-r. Nonetheless, the apparently shel-' Let us consider the desks. Have number of famous people, such as; to bluegrass ance. tered and secure environment of the minority. This minority includes a you "rtghties" ever noticed that every Commenting on these circum- small college is still' vulnerable to the single seat in Decker Auditorium has Jimi Hendrix, Paul McCartney, leon- From page 1 stances, Director of Security Bob grasping claws of crime and its a right-armed desk attached? No, we ardo DaVinci. Michelangelo, and day's activities Fasano indicated that. "students have victims feel violated by such injus- bet you have not. Even' in Memorial John McEnroe Then of course the Homecoming responsibility for security on the cam- tices. Although there are no simple Hall there might only be two left- Another reason that one can enjoy Dance will cap off Saturday evening pus," and. "student awareness is answers within practical limits, pre- banders' desks to a floor being left-handed is that it gives him Two bands will play: one each in the lackadaisical." ventive measures such as locking Writing on a right-handed desk certain advantages, left-handed forum and the cafeteria. All those who This is not so much a defense of doors, reporting suspicious charac- leaves a lefty with his or her arms players can usually confuse right- have worked hard to put this week- criticism as it is a plea for help and ters, and cooperating with the secur- hanging off the desk, and this can handed opponents in a tennis match end together hope that there will be a cooperation from the students. In ity department appear as viable lead to backaches from twisting in Left-banders supposedly make better great turnout other words, the security department means of curbing incidences of crime the seat to adjust, as well as arm first basemen in baseball, and they on tre Western Maryland campus cramps from the lack 01 support. they bat because they face first base 'Test' law passes However, many students do ques- seem to have an eovectece wnen Many lefties are forced to compen- tion the adequacy and effectiveness sate by writing on their knees instead after their swing CPS of the present security system. For of a desk, This is just the beginning It has been said that lett-bandera SACRAMENTO, CA - California has The debate became national last ~~amp~_ wro insures that the duties Have you "righties" ever seen one are more creative and artistic than become the second state in the union spring, when a Florida teenager and responsibilities of the security of your fellow classmates with ink or their dexterous counterparts. This is to pass a bill allowing students to see found an error in the SAT that department are fuiWled properly? pencil smeared from the tip of his left because the right hemisphere of the and check their answers to standard- eventually forced Educational wting Some may suggest more visible and pinky up to his elbow? Have you ever brain generally controls the left side ized college entrance exams. Those I been curious as to why this is? of the body, and the right hemisphere who administer the. tests, however. Service (ETS), which writes the test. frequent patrolling to serve as a deterrent for trespassers. but is this to change the scores of some 240,- Chances ere that your fellow class- is the center lor creativity. while the say the law was unnecessary 000 students nationwide necessary or even feasible on this mate was a lefty who used a pen left hemisphere governs mathematics California's action continues a long In late March, an error found in a campus and within the present secur- without QUick-drying ink, or used any and logic. This is not to say that debate between test makers, who version of the SAT given in New York ity department budget? When incid- kind of pencil. This is a common every len-nenoer is creative and does argue "open" tests make the- SATs helped raise the scores of another ~ aggravation for ee-nenoers. and be- poorly in math, or that every right- too expensive to administer. and 87,000 students. New York was the ences do occur. are they thoroughly investigated or do they become lost I lieve us, it is not attractive hander is logical and fails all art student consumer advocates, who first state to have a truth-in-testmq in the files? Another persistent ques- Even a spiral notebook can be a courses say "open" tests help prevent abuses discomfort for a tett-hancer. Do you So what does au this mean to the in scoring exams that mean so much law, which wen! into effect in January, tion is whether the lighting is suffi- cient for certain areas on campus. know what it feels like to impale your lett-hancers '01 America? Perhaps it to students Complaints about the poor lighting of hand on the spiral rings of a note- means that we lefties should stand up student parking areas as well as book? Left-handed WMC students for their "lefts," so to speak. They around the library are frequent, yet no should be able to go into the school need to stand up against all of those Kelly's Stationery Store store and purchase a variety of spiral "oexters" out there who uncon- action is taken to remedy the situa- notebooks tailored lor the left-hander sciously discriminate against the left- tion. But, is the lighting actually the Most of you righties have probably handers in our society. Lefty students. responsibility of the security depart- never noticed the everyday obstacles should speak up for left-handed COMPLETE LINE OF ment or is the administration at fault for the inadequecies? On the other hand, what responsibilities lie in the OFFICE SUPPLIES hands of the students for implement- LOCUST BOOKS ing change of the present system? These questions and criticisms ap- 9 L1St Main Street 12 Carroll Plaza Phone: 848·5553 Westminster, Maryland 21157 ~;Cw~e;;st;m;;in;s;te;riiQ;iiQ;iiQ;iiQ;iiQ;iiQ;iiQ;iiQ;iiQ;iiQ;;8;76;.;21;6;ook ~ea~~~err:~f~~t~r~r~~~~7:~ti~~tt~h~~: as budget limitations, ultimate hierar- so 1.848-68"13 current deficencies in security such ~ chical responsibility, and lack of stu- HOUSE OF LIQUORS dent-security department 1982 Calendar3 and datebooks now available communication_ The need for cooper- Carroll Plaza, Westminster ation and change is evident. but the means for reaching this goal is still Open 7 days a week undetermined 848-1314 ~ IT'S 'PARTY TIME! SGA MOVIE WE'VE GOT THE CUPS, PLATES, NAPKINS... YOU Fill 'EM! Special of the Week Animal COMPARE! 12-0%. Trans/uant Plastic Cups House CUPS (THE ONES FOR THE BEER) Michelob PLATES 5011,65 NAPKINS SPECIAL.' in the UTENSILS "DON'T CRY OVER SPILT BEER"t 6 pack 12 oz. bottles TABLE COVERS CARPET SPOT CLEANER PAPER TOWELS 20-oz. 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