Page 34 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 34
The .... Phoenix Letters to the Editor Eloquent rejection Cheerleaders say 'it's not easy' Dear Editor: fourths. The cheerleaders tried many structive criticism. Any suggestions With the many changes in editorial policy that have been implemented I've just finished reading a letter to times to lead spirit raising chants to should be given to captain Michele this year, The Phoenix offered the various special interest groups and clubs you entitled "Rude Visitors" printed in get the crowd participating in yells for Sauerwald or co-captain Kim Bow- reserved column space in each published issue. your last edition. I too found Gettys- the team, but received little response anko. Also, if the author of the original This is a big departure from the editorial administrators of the past burg's band and fans very rude and Has Ihe author of the critical attack critizal attack feels better qualified 10 But Western Maryland College newspapers. It is one that represents a more open obroxlocs. my anger presently I am trying ever anempteo to look up at the cheer, she is welcome to try out for to curb enough to "reason- and responsible editorial stance towards the publication's obligations to the ably" respond to the other part of that stands from where we stand? Have the squad in the spring. college community n you ever tried to cheer to a brick The Cheerleaders letter that I call critical attack. wall? We went to the furthest extent In the past. the editorial position about columns for the campus special Unfair critic seems that there is a misconception we knew to get the fans involved. interest groups ttas been one of "if we ignore them, they may not go away, but that the cheerleaders are an organi- There's a point where we can go no Dear Editor, we will not have 10 deal with them." me Phoenix realizes its duty to offer the zation up on a pedestal that should furth-er, since I don't think it would be I am writing in response to last opportunity for all sectors of the student body to express their opinions and be "chopped" down. tn reality there looked kindly upon if we threatened week's Letter to the Editor by Beth interests to the college community is no such pedestal and what is the fans with brass knuckles, "cheer Piskora. As a WMC cheerleader, I am However, response to this oppornmry of eloquence has come from only being chopped down and mutilated or erse'." The fans must meet us hurt and angered by her unnecessary two sectors. of the student body. This is not .me result of a closed or half- is six girls who give I01"h to some- halfway. Did you cheer? attack on our squad. We spend hours thing they believe in .. cheerleading hearted offering of the opportunity to the WMC special interest groups. It is an As to our knowledge of the game of upon hours every week practicing our and attempting to raise team spirit, offer that has been given none or little consideration, and foolishly so football, I would say all of us know cheers and routines SO that we can crowd spirit and the school spirit The opportunity to express an opinion or interest in a publication is a promote spirit among our fans. If our Before addressing specific points ~~he~!SiC;~ue~I:ld,to s: ~::~~II net I priceless resource. Add to the fact that the column space for the special group fans do respond, sincerely mentioned in this critical attack I shall and you'll find she may know more believe that it is not because of a was offered with the condition of minimal editorial censorship, and it is clearly give some background information than you ' lack of enthusiasm on our part but evident that these groups reject an opportunity lor unrestricted possibilities. about the Cheerleading squad at There was one defensive chant perhaps because the crowd itself Such possibilities include the chance to express opinions on related campus Western Maryland College. For the started at the game when' our team lacks enthusiasm. We literally lose our and community issues, to increase awareness of a group, and its goals and past month WMC's cheerteadtnq was on offense. (One and only one!) voices for days on end because we functions, and to publicize the events and activities sponsored by a group squad has consisted of_ six girls The track is not the best vantage. try to pep up our sometimes unenthu- Approximately 1V2 weeks ago 8 new This offer extended by The Phoeni~ is rare among WMC newspapers. point from which to see the game. Try - siastic crowds. Were you cheering The lack of such opportunities for the special interest groups created the girls made the squad and they will it and you'll find out that at times it is with us that afternoon, Beth? cheer their first game on Homecom- necessity for the publication of WMC Today. It is the intent of The Phoenix to impossible to see any of the game at I am also angered that we are ing Day. The original six have and will assume the obligation to the student body in fulfilling this aspect of its role at be carrying the full "cheerleadlng all.. The cheerleader who started this considered disloyal to our sct100L Not WIy1C. chant's vision was blocked by players many people would be willing to lose load" until Homecoming. The cheer- Yet. the negative response to this opportunity only gives justification to leaders 'cheer three seasons; football on the sideline, and was immediately their voices, not to mention catch the decision of the past WMC editors not to extend the offer of a column for and soccer in the fall. basketba!l in informed other by end another of the squad line we member pneumonia, and while braving 32 degree rainstorms while weather at the were pelting each special interest group. The decision to make this offer again next year will the winter, and lacrosse in the spring on offense. After one repetition of the wearing nothing but- a sweater and a be based upon the response from the special interest groups this year. Hence, This takes time away from academ- cheer it was changed to an offensive short skirt. In addition, we must ics, especially on long trips to away the inactivity 01 WMC students today will create lost opportunities for the WMC cheer. We attempt to watch the game provide our own transportation to games, yet all the cheerleaders have students of tomorrow through two. thick lines of players, away games, even if it means cram- good academic standing. Three sea- The Phoenix has taken up The responsibilities of its role at WMC. No and things like this do happen. Next ming six girts and their pompoms into sons is a lot to ask from anyone, yet member of the WMC STudent body can say he was denied the opportunity of game come on the track in front-of one volkswagon for an uncomfortable the cheerleaders are not asked to free intelligent and responsible expression The offer has been extended and the stands and try it four hour ride. As for our Stripper any sports banquets, applauded or currenTly is being rejected. The fate of columns like it's al/ greek to me and recognized in any such way. A In closing I'd like to apologize to routine done to the music of Gettys- gave Band. burg's Over hill. over dale ... rests with the decisions and actions of the other campus simple "thanks" would suffice, but the Pep impression If we at any point support have been band: if we How had immature it would not 10 we do not you the decided special interest groups. after several years on the squad I you rm sorry. We appreciate the hard perform the traditional crowd favorite Speech. is encoded team players received that Irom some work you we were in. informed the you GettYSburg to just because music our guests And happened talk to only have put At play were game the you first! critical attack In the there previously a mentioned reference play the Stripper so we got our poms about us being immature? Besides, was direct Cathy Bowes not known how, the auditory nerve ready. For the first few seconds when many members of the pep band actually reacts to speech sound. It is made to the cheerleader's ability to the music started our natural reaction sympathized with us and our di- On October 7, Usa Hellstrom, a believed that the actual transduction promote spirit in the .stands at the was to do the routine, not reatizing lemma 1979 graduate of Westem Maryland, mechanisms involved are the hair Gettysburg game. Although I feel this who was playing it Our captain told Beth, have you ever tried to watch presented a lecture to the college cells within the inner ear needs little defense, some people us to continue on, her reasoning a football while standing behind fifty community on "Speech Perception by Her own work involves the record- need things spelled out to them, so being that a simple pom routine done towering players? It is not an easy The Auditory System." Before explain- ing of firing patterns by auditory here it goes to music would not offend anyone's task, and sometimes we do chant ing the intricacies of her own work in nerve fibers as they react to sound The GettySburg band composed a sensibilities. We never meant it as an inappropriate words for certain plays, speech perception and auditory en- Sounds are encoded or transformed quarter of the people in the stands at isult or disloyalty to our band. Excuse but nobody is perfect We do our coding, Ms. Hetlstrom outlined the, into neural information which is trans- the game. (Where else were they our error, we realized later that this very best to promote spirit. not only basic anatomy and function of the mitted to the brain. Ms. Hellstrom is going to sit?). This quarter of the may have not been the correct thing on the sidelines, but also everywhere human ear. In relating the great particularly interested in how the stands managed to cheer - exceeo- io do. - ---..on campus where we publicize importance of the auditorx system, auditory nerve encodes consonants ingly louder than the other three- The creeneacers appreciate con- games and decorate the players' she commented, "The system ena- Other work in her department in- Wal.otowc, lcaks doors. I am proud to say that I help bles an organism to react to .ns volves the encoding of vowels support WMC sports,j am also proud environment by transducing energy Ms. Hellstrom is now pursuing in the Freshman perspective to be a WMC cheerleader! doc- from The environment to the brain" toral studies at Johns Hopkins Ann Blizzard Ms Hellstrom explained that it is biomedical engineering department Corey Mann as he wiped his brow. A Euphony come to I realized The mented his his service distress to take and his compli- there I have is such of late a thing as the believe that I've a song, or some music, there was believed that always mind freshman ecstatic, Phoenix off "The the subject. r can't It was understand," he perspective. I have However, become don't' a haughty me some highly harmonized composition, get no use not wrong. thing complete health, went on. "Is that freshmen expect so senior. It's just something. the dean the equatable with of spirit, insoluable, im- equinox Editor .. ..... Robert Holt much" said the other day while I was mortal Managing Editor .. LesMartin "And seniors don't?" I interrupted. chasing his backhand around the , Spring, all coated with placenta, News Editor . ........... Liz Siegenthaler "Yes they do, but they know they tennis court vocal, human, Sports Editor . ... ,...... Rob McQuay ain't getting it. So as I said before, "Corey," he said, "l'rn worreo " Photo Editor . ......... Andy Chang they accept it." I thought, Cool Calm Wray worried? (yet transceoent of that airy plenum), Layout .............. Bill Byme, Cathy Bowes "So where's the solution start, No way. Why? where all could aspire, center upon, Dan Trollinger, Cindy Dean?" "It's the freshman class. They are focus, Wilcox, Diane Perry "I can't figure it out. I just can't, but no different than when you were a Paste-up ....... Daf/yol Grant, Jeff Frazer I think it's gotta start at home some- freshman .." where electricity pinnacled and spi- raled Marci Sartoph, Judy where" '/ This I did not believe, but I let him into wild, pervasive patterns, beauti- Mitnick, Dan Trollinger "That's Freudian." I replied, and talk. Proofreading .Chris sctc. Melanie Clippinger thinking of Dr. Whitehouse, sent a "Just more people to incessantly ful patterns Business Manager .. Jonathan Dickey tennis ball over the fence into the nag and complain about food, tuition where perfect, the orderly crystal reality patterns, defined messianic Ad Manager Lisa Heird new football field cost, lack of parties-the whole deal" itself as well Ad Artist... Cindy Wilcox "Right" says Wray, taking a new ball "Dean," I said, "you've always man- as it is, Typist.. ............ AliceKrempasky out of his pocket. "A freshman's aged before. Haven', things always where the dead weight of inhibited, parents have got to teach him to see been that way?" smelly, wicked Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The college for what it is and not for what "Actually no. Fifteen years ago they mental generation split free, to free ccocns expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect they want it to be" had the Vietnam War. Students were another, those of the start or administration Serving another ace, the dean oe- on the government then. Anyway, we ourselves, We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail elated game, set and match. I asked finally get students to see things as and the soul was wafted into utter to The Phoenix, BoK I, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. as we walked up the hill, "So what they are-to accept the things they space 2t157 can't change and they graduate on are we going to co. Dean?" uninhibited, unlimited, "I don', know," was his orav reply us. It just isn't fair, I telt you" I still believe in it OWl
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