Page 15 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 15
September 24. 1981 The, Phoenix Bloomery: "roughing it" for fun Audrey Adams Kim Oppenheim Another year of ROTC is here, and The ROTC program sponsored an frankly, I don', know if I'm ready yet. I adventure filled expedition in Bloom- mean mentally. physically, emotion- ery, West Virginia last weekend where 1 alty prepared.Granted,the check is they practiced basic skills in bridge already in Ihe mail, but let's face lt, building, rock climbing, and rappen- I am I mlly ROTC~aterial? I walk ing. past a mirrbr and WInce. Freshman The outing was open to all WMC fat is 8tI11 telling on me--a whole size students and, according 10 Captain larger in fatigue pants! By the end of Mauldin who helped- organize Ihe last year, thai zipper fell every time I event, "was not a tactical training--tne made a move. Push-ups were pretty idea was to have fun in the woods" 'drafty. On the other hand, even the Captain Mauldin and several other smallest shirt will stili dangle well cadets arrived in Bloomery Friday past my hands. Nothing like being evening and set up base camp unbalanced before the remaining fifteen cadets Sometimes, 1 hate being five feel. arrived. Their campsite was a patch one and a half inches tall. (Every- of privately owned land surrounded body's allowed that extra half men. by meadows, thick forest, and rolling right?) Whenjt comes to ROTC, that hills. They made one or two-man means that tents using rain ponchos 1. I can barely see over the counter After setting up camp, the group in the storage room. Sleeping bags hiked through the WOOdsalong Caca- come crashing do",!n on me from pon River and -built a one rope bridge nowhere as I struggle out of the aisle over the river. They had some techni- with my gear. cal problems at first ("Mauldin's Folly" 2. When the cadre handed me that as Captain Mauldin called it) because 22 small bore rifle last September, their nylon rope was too short and I'm sure they didn't realize they were they were forced to tie another rope unleashing a darn good deadly to- it weapon on the world, and not neces- They made a fire at their campsites sarily for the right side, either. Never- later that night and had a "good theless. I got pretty handy with the, dinner of C-rations-a bite of history as er, weapon after about a month. I'm I call them," Captain Mauldin said now lethal at ankle level-prone posi- On Saturday night, however, the tion is my specialty. That way. I don't students enjoyed a special dinner of have to lift anything but the muzzle ribs and corn from Sergeant Baura 3. That thirty-inch step has got to and some cases of beer, which they go! That's nearly half my heightl all contributed to. ' In another ROTC adventure last May. ROTC Cadets jump from a helicopter Not to mention the other fun things Saturday morning the cadets during an Airborne Operation. that have virtually little to do with crossed the rope bridge they had height. Like waving at the ground constructed the day before and hiked handholds. balance, and safety Most people had never rappelled you knew. There was a good mixture from forty fee! up on the ranger approximately forty minutes to Castle points _ before and were briefed in basic of people from all experiences and tower--no! my idea of a fun afternoon Rock. This large rock face is a sheer Everyone climbed to the top individ- techniques before descending the we had a good time together" There are more mishaps than I'd like ridge with a 300 foot cliff on one side ually using ropes for security while rock lace. "Although they were a lillie In addition to Army preperauon, to think about or admit to. No way is and a 100 foot cliff on the other side. Sergeant Baura belayed. Captain apprehensive at first to go over a cliff ROTC provides training in military ~ anybody going to talk me into going dents how to tie baste knots and Mauldin secured them to a safety backwards, they did real well." Cap- and outdoor skills featuring rappen- Captain Mauldin taught the stu- rope once they reached the top. ing, water skills, land navigation, on any of those "test-your-talent" type missions this year! No sir. swiss seats as well as belay tech- "Unless they could break a rope tain Mauldin commented backpacking and general outdoor According to Rich Hlrfst. a fresh- 1 What? Did you say an "adventure niques which involve climbing safety which could hold the strength 01 man who participated on the expedi- skills. Next semester they hope to weekend" to Bloomery this weekend? factors. Sergeant Baura introduced 3,000 pounds, they were relatively tion, "everybody took care of you real offer a course in Judo Sure.. why nol!.. _ basic rules of rockclimbing such as safe," Captain Mauldin said well, no matter how much or how lillie The ROTC program will offer other Five Underclassmen honored outdoor excursions including a hike on the Appalachian Trail on Novem- ber 20-22 and a white-water raft trip Barry A Winkelman Memoria) Award Award for "showing potential lor be- the Felix Woodbridge Memorial in April. Liz Sieganthaler for advanced ROTC, and Yurcisin coming a Mathematics Major" Award Five Western Maryland men were ('84) received the James Moore James Nelson Start! ('84) accepted honored at last roescev's Fall Award fOf "superior qualifies of char Awards Luncheon for "happily justify- acter and leadership in all phases of ing admission to the college commu- campus lile." NEED LODGING FOR FRIENDS nity on The Hili," as well as for Two students won academic-related academic and athletic performance awards: Kevin Ray Clawson ('84) OR RELATIVES? Mark Cockerill and Glen Yurcisin received the Freshman Chemistry were recipients 01 ROTC-related Achievement Award; Millard S. Mazer _awards. Cockerill ('8:3) received the ('83) accepted the Clyde Spicer An Altemative to motels Bed &- BreaJcfast LOCUST BOOKS Ve:ry comfortable: accomodations with private: balh 9 East Main Street· CalI 848-5869 Westminster, Maryland 21157 /rwin/oramtionanJ~n.I 301/848-6813 IT'S PARTY TIME! HOUTS: WE'VE GOT THE CUPS, PLATES, NAPKINS.. YOU FIll 'EM'! Mon, thru Thurs. 10 a.m.-7 p_m. rri. 10 a.m ..s p.m. 12·oz. Trans/uct1lt Saturday 10 a_m.·7 p_m. Sunday 11 a.m.·.4 p.m. COMPARE Plastic Cllpl CUPS (THE ONES FOR THE BEER) W('stminstcr Gold and Silver Exchange PLATES 50/1.65 NAPKINS SPECIAU DON'T SELL FOR LESS UTENSIl.s "DON'T CRY OVER SPLIT BEER" TABLE COVERS CARPET SPOT CLEANER JEWELRY. WATCHES • DIAMONDS PAPER TOWELS 20--oz. Can/2.50 CLEANSERS WITH THIS AD I',;,j"glll('a~h _ {"Iw<"kand(·ompar r- Curro!! r;mntv's Largest (iold & Silver Dealer !MARYLAND PAPER SUPPLY CO. 69 We::;1 Main Street 23 W. GREEN ST. Westminster, Md. 9.~60AIL" WESTMINSTER Sat. 9-12
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