Page 143 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 143
March 11, 1982 Page 3 Pulling no punches Classmen and their differences has a quaint, awestruck demeanor, Juniors (coitus interruptus) are a ekcot has noticed, are almost uni- paganislic rituals. Most seniors are Chris Beyers and is inordinately:-gullible. A fresh- different matter entirety, according to formly marked by deep worry lines on neurotics, seeing their dreams man M10 will be duped by the Sctuesskopt. As a group, they have their brows. These wrinkles come mashed up like so many potatoes Eminent sociologist Reinhold old "want me to take that empty no outstanding traits whatsoever. from knowing that soon they will be "But they are in surprisingly good Schiesskopf, a fellow from the Univer- pitcher back for you?" routine, the "They just trudge around campus shoved into a world of ntemaucnet humor" Schiesskopf remarked, "con- sity of Berlin, has chosen Western one with the beef-a-roni or baked listlessly," Schisskopf observed, strife, taxes, dehumanizing working sidering that most of them are such Maryland College as one of three. scrod on' his plate, the sap who "waiting to be seniors. They serve no conditioos, flatulence, heart disease, losers." I objected to the harshness educational institutions to be ob- brings an apple to class, the poor purpose here in school or on this racial inequality, slums, physical and of his appraisal, but he told me to served for a major sociological study devil living in Rouzer. By second earth, really, and are generally re- mental menopause, nuclear holo- shut IUP and ~uy him another beer. The other two colleges, both women's semester, Freshmen gel a little more garded as a mistake by their parents. caust, and crabgrass. Seniors can be I think we can all benefit from Dr colleges, were chosen "because they cocky, thinking that they finally fit in What little wit they have is spent on found in an instructors office, beg- Schiesskopf informative study. As in were more fun" than most colleges, .. Sadly, they are ·only fooling them- . the junior follies; afterward, they are ging for a ~ssing grade in a crucial all surveys of this sort, there may be .and WMC was picked because - .eefves .. The only ~Iimmer of hope, as exciting as a bowl of soggy course; or down in the apartments, some who dispute the findings, but Schiesskopf happened to be in the says Schiesskopf, IS· that "they will comtlakes." forgetting their oncoming troubles in the facts speak for themselves. neighborhOOd. Herr Schiesskopf has one day be sophomores." Seniors (humanus phallus), Schies- what can only be described as closely watched the pattems of social Sophomores (angelicus perfectus) stratification and interaction in college are, in scnesscore words, the "gem Conservatively speaking environments, and will soon publish of campus." In general, they are his findings in a forthcoming book, superior to all other classes in every King's philosophy has faults Social Stratification and Interaction in social category. Schiesskopf put it College Environment. f managed to this way: "Noble, yet humble, humor- buttonhole Schiesskopf at a local bar, oos, yet sincere, idealistic, yet preen- where he detailed the different traits cal, short, yet tall. Sound of mind, firm Keith L. Arnold that the states will become supreme ~ntrY "should make you all as- . of each academic class for me. of body, pure of heart, Sophomores It is King's opinion that Reagan is Shamed." I am ashamed that racism According to sctuesskccr. freshmen exemplify all of what is good in My topic this week is racism, and using !:liS federalism to circumvent the exists in this counlry, and the prob- (generic name: incompetus humanus) soCiety. Day in and day out, they are witttOut resorting to statements like "I power of black mayors by giving lems that it has caused. But I refuse are the most easily recognizable of all the paragons thet all others aspire am not a racist," I would like to take power to white state govemments to feel personally ashamed. And t academic classes. The typical fresh- 10." I blushed when he reported these exception to Dr. Charles King's state- The logic of this is highly question- certainly do not buy that because man appears out of place, like a finds; ironically, I myself am a eopro- moot that Ronald Reagan (and by albe. Many state govemments have blacks have a shorter lile span then black panther at a KKK meeting. He implication all conservatives) is a' strong black contingency, especially "ten years of our life goes to allowing I you 10 live an additional ten years" those with large urban centers, and Theatre on the Hill racist certainly contain more blacks than Many of you feel that this column is me' start out by saying that I thoroughly en;oyed the lecture, and I the central govemment. Any attempt unfair, because I am picking at Dr Auditions begin respect what the man is trying to do to harm blacks cesec racism would be King's statements, without giving him a chance to respond. This is true, but far more effective, using King's logie, 1 disagree, however, with.some of his statements and arguments .trom the federal government. I still feel that my criticisms are valid ,Rehearsals will begin Monday, June In calling Reagan a racist, King first King also Objected to Alexander I can not accept a man who advo- Western Maryland College's sum- 14. Room, board and stipends will be of all in my opinion, is out of line. Haig as our Secretary 01 State. He cates desegregation on the one hand mer repertory Theatre on the Hill available to some actors, as well as Beyond that though, ~is logiC is commits a sweeping generality in as the answer, while labeling every- 1982 will present Man of La Mancha three to six hours in college credit for incorrect condeming all military men in such thing black and white. The solution and Godspell from Wednesday, July performance and tech His reason for Reagan being a positions. First. I would reply, that the begins with the destruction of that 7 through Sunday, Aug. 1 in Alumni Artistic director for Theatre on the racist is that he is taking money away Secretary of Stale is a diplomatic boundary, not the reinforcing of it. Hall. Theatre on the Hill will continue Hill 1982 will be Diane Malone of from the welfare structure. Yet he post, not domestic, and in defense of One final note: King implied that the stage for summer theatre in Falls Church, Va. Ms. Malone, who insists on making the point that the Haig, despite his faults, he is vital to Reagan had the satanic qualities of Westminster set in 1980 by the highly directed "The Magician" at Words- majority Reagan becomes prejudiced our N.A.T.O. relations. Secondly, de- Dorian Grey, for no other reason than successful American Musical Theatre tage in Arlington, Va., in October against the poor, or the elderly spite his military past, George Mar- the fact that he has stayed so young Festival (AMIF), also at Western Mary- 1981, received the "Technical and perhaps, but not blacks shal proved to be one of the greatest This is down right slander and makes me almost want to exorcise lena land College Visual Excellence Award" at the 1982 King blasted Reagan's federalism humanitarians of this orancentury. Horne. Auditions for this repertory theatre Northern Virginia. Theatre Alliance as "Confederalism." The analogy to t<;ing states that racism in this will be held by appointment on Festival of One Act Plays. Technical the Civil War (or as King would have Saturday, March 13 and Sunday, director for the summer repertory Reagan say, ''the War of the Northern March 14 at the college. To audition, theatre will be Ira Domser, assistant Aggression") holds up to the extent in call Dot Myers, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m professor of dramatic art at Western that Reagan would grant the states I>lnn~ weekdays, at 301-848-7000 ext. 599 Maryland College greater power, but there is no hint for an appointment. .Bring a prepared song with music for the accompanist- More Entertaining -nc prepared monologue will be nec- Than HwnanIy Possible! . "'~ __ :~~~al Charm.., I-------------~l ~ V ,~,."" Cuisine essary, This Friday : : at 7 p.rn, washington Rd .• t Green si.. I ,..e N;ght 'p«;'" ,I' (\ Westminster 848-1441 8 p.m.-" p.m. I I Decker Aud. Free! . I I I Cheeseb~ger - : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ir- When 1I0aball a I A Reminder from Quarter Pounder : SELECTIVE SERVICE I I It you are 8 male citizen, or alien residing in the U.S" CarroU Plaza Shopping Cente:r you must register with Selective Service within 30 days : (with this conpon) : of yourl8th birthday. ' IYou DesePlle AI I If you were born in 1960,61.62 or 63 you should already Monday & Wednesday: r' r B peall ·oday I have registered. H you have not, you should do so as $1 Off a pitcher. of-beer I PA. I I soon as possible. without There penalty in effect through Tuesday & Thursday: I period for late is a grace I registrations 28,1982_ February : Me J You may register at any U.S. Post Office. $1 Off all large pizzas I •• I I I Selective Service System I Westminster Eldersburg I Registration Information Bureau d f TkO d expl'res I ReisterstowlT" I Washington D_C. 20435 Call Ahea or a e01,lt r ers 876 3550 3/18/82 I Las~_value 1110 of one cent I, ~ 1- ~~.~.~~ ~~~~~ L~_~~~~~l~!__~~J L-
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