Page 145 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 145
Swimmers; Track preview Chris Vaughan ~ Western Maryland swimming Jeff Frazer leam visited Johns Hopkins University 'W. the 25, 26, and 27 February to Women swimmers Head coach Richard Carpenter is . compete in the MAC league champi-, Inter very optimistic about this year's . . onShips. In a battle between 13 send 7 to Nationals' *********** onders************ ~asketball team men's and women's track and field learns, Hopkins finished first in the teams and believes they both can men's division as WMC placed ninth. . - ties best seasons have good seasons. One reason for 'lhe Western Maryland women placed the optimism is that more people are second also in a field of 13 teams to involved in track and field this year. number one GettySburg Carpenter estimates that there are .,..The first day of the three-day meet close to 50 people coming out for the was devoted to the diving competi- ( track team, thirty for the men's team, tion, Bob Ludlow competed for the and twenty for the women's team , ,men and Lisa Steel, who finished fifth Both teams have been practicing place, dove for the women's learn since the beginning of the second The swimming competition began semester and should be ready when on Friday and by Saturday the winner the season opens on April 3 of each event was decided. Gettys- With the return of many 01 the top burg used its depth and talent to. performers from last year's teams. defeat Western Maryland and third plus the addition of many. "outstand- place Franklin and Marshall. Western ing new people," Carpenter envisions Maryland squeezed second place overall improvement of this year's from F & M by only five points teams. Denise Frech was the high scorer With all of the women returning from lor the- western Maryland team. She last year's undefeated women's team, set a school record and a MAC this year's team could be even better. record in the lCJO..yard breastroke The women will be led by Sherri Linkoff, Kris Johnson and Bonnie with a time of 1:10.03. Also Frech gained another MAC record in the Schwab for the sprinting everiis: Bent 200·yard breastroke. Three WMC Killingstad lor the long distance swimmers qualified for the final heat events; Mary Lynn Schwaab, the of the 2CJO..yard Individual Medley; defending MAC champion lor women Denise Frech finished fifth, Mary in the 1500 meier race, for the middle Theresa Lurz was fourth, and Sue distance/events; and Mimi Nave and Lapidus placed sixth. Kathleen Crooks for the field events Mary Theresa Lurz, in addition, Linkoff and Killingstad, both sen- touched in at 2:19.2, placing second iors! will be the co-captains. Carpen- in the 200·yard butterfly. In the 21JO.. ter stated thaI the toughest teams the yard freestyle, lurz finished fourth women will face are Messiah College with a time of 2:02.39 and Delaware Valley College. But if Sue Lapidus, who is a junior but will the returning women can perform leave western Maryland to attend Jim Dawson of the basketball team, was chosen for his 26 pts against well, they could have their second Nursing School next year, was sue- Gettysburg and fr1uhlenburg straight undefeated season. cessful in the loo·yard and 2CJO..yard ~Carpenter also has" high expecta- backstrol<.e events. Her times were tions for the men's team. The main 1:07 and· 2:24.55 capturing ninth lorce behind the men's team include place in both races. Dana Hill for the sprinting events; Joe Sharon Rowley raced the same Hedrick for the middle distance backstroke events but she placed Mary Theresa Lurz, of the swim team, was chosen for her record breaking events: Paul Wallin and Bill McGoey eleventh in the shorter event with a times and for qualifying (01 the Nationals at least 5 times. lor the javelin throw; Shd Mark Cock- time of I:08.2 and twelfth in the erill, who holds the coaece record for longer in 2:29.22. the high jump, will star in that event. Recovering from a back injury, Cockerill and Wallin, both juniors, Lynda Rennie placed well in her will be the co-captains. In addition, freestyle events, since there was the men's schedule will be upgraded: doubt as to whether her iniury would they will be facing some tough op- allow her to compete. In the lCJO..yard position this season. Some of the top freestyle her time of 56.2 placed her teams they will meet are Delaware fifth in the standings. Rennie sprinted Valley College, Susquehanna Univer_ to a fourth place finish in the 5()..yard sity and the defending MAC cham- freestyle if1 a lime of 26.10. pion Franklin and Marshall College Maggie Schitfauer swam the lCJO.. Nevertheless, Carpenter believes that yard freestyle event also, finishing the men's team can do well this seven places behind teammate season. Lynda Rennie. Schitfauer also raced This year's team will have some- the 5O()..yard freestyle event and thing which last year's team did not· clocked a 5:52.85 and a twelfth _.. track lacilities at WMC. With the new place. track facility, WMC will be hosting its Lisa Kleven, the only senior on the first WMC Relay Carnival on April 3 to women's team, swam the lCJO..yard opel") the season. The relay carnival Is butterfly event in 1:06.26 and finished planned to be an annual event. Also, tenth. Her eleventh place finish came WMC will be the host for the 1982 with a 2:36.24 lime in the 2OQ·yard MAC Track and Reid Championships butterfly. for men on April 30 and May 1 The relays for the women provided Carpenter stated that he anticipates necessary points to their second a very successful season even place finish over Franklin and Mar. though it may not reflect it in WMC's shall. The 400-yard Medley relay win - loss record. team of Sue Lapidus, Denise Preen, Mary Theresa Lurz, and Lynda aen- Swim-from page 4 nie issued a winning time of 4:15.46 enroute to a new school record. The heat, and secured a seventh place in same foursome plaCed second to the the overall event Gettysburg team with a 3:46.84 in the The swimmers that qualified for the freestyle relay while setting another nationals during the season will be school record competing in the NCAA Division III The ninth place finish for the west- Championships at The University of ern Maryland men's team was high- Massachusetts at Boston. Competi- lighted by their placings in the relay tion begins next Thursday and lasts events. Fred Hubach, the only senior until Saturday. The Western Maryland ~ the men's team, plus Paul Burkitt • teern will be represented by Mary Mike Price, and Kurt Hubach finished Lisa Steel, of the diving team, was chosen as the female player of the week for Theresa Lurz, Denise Frech, Lynda with an eighth place time of 4:06.25, her performances against F & M and Ursinus. Dave Engel, o( the basketball team, was chosen as male player of the week for Rennie, Sue Lapidus, lisa Kleven, The same team raced in the 400-yard 41 pis. aga1nst'Lebanon Valley, Washington & Gettysburg' ' Sharon Rowley, and Maggie Schif- freestyle relay. won me consolation fauer. Teams mostly from the East Coast plus a lew from the Western continu';' ..on page 5 States will race against the women from Westem MafYland who were undefeated this season
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