Page 147 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 147
March II, '1982 Page 7 Mannequins revolt Hey Dummyl Steven Rossman cringe ilthey find themselves on the but they can see quite clearly, They today is: where do mannequins go fact my only concern) is for the same level as humans-ground level. I watch us, and when they watch us wten they meet their maker(s)? Is welfare 01 those downtrodden help- Mannequins live a life like ours, yet. dislike mannequins because of the they observe our movements very there a mannequin heaven and hell? less creatures bereft of heads, arms, separate from us. They come in all expensive clothes they wear. It's closely. When'we make silly faces at If ther~is a mannequin hell, they or legs. These miserable specimens shapes, sizes, sexes, races, and simply embarrassing to walk through them, they keep straight faces. If we certainly deserve it. Think of their are forever being paraded (and quite religions, just like we do. Yet they wilt a department store where the dum- make gestures, they try the opposite' rotten treatment of humans in depart- conspicuously, I might add) in full have little or nothing to do with our mies (mannequins) are better gestures. Their very livelihood is men! stores all these years. (There is view of everyone. I pity them, Do they kind. What makes it virtually impossi- dressed than myself based upon contradictions of human one story about a woman who was wind up in limbo, where they search ble for humans and mannequins to Notice those awkward positions movements. Isn't that remarkable? .1rying on a pair of designer jeans for their long lost bodily parts, before live together in harmony is that they constantly gel tangled up in? That is why they appear to be having while a warped little mannequin moving on? I don't know. Scientists mannequins are put on a pedestal, Did you ever wonder why they look spasms. They're mocking our life- laughed sarcastically nearby.) But may never discover the answer ei- elevated above us. Mannequins so grotesque? They can't walk, talk or 'style. these questions linger (like the smell ther. The unfortunate reason for this is (dummies.- as I like to call them) hear (although they think they' can), One question modem scientists a_sk of fish): If there is no heaven or hell the ancient Mannequin Code of Si- G 'abor film e FAA.! 8 p.m. in Alumni Hall. ~~~:~~::e:~~ :~o~,:!~:.n~rob~ from page 2 === The film introduces Angi Vera, a ttese opportunists, Vera learns to sell Dear Omar, '------- young Communist Party worker trying her human identity and inaepend- I'm a mildly attractive upperclass- to fit into the new Hungarian, Stalinist ence for success in the party. This is woman and this guy keeps on bother- bureaucracy in 1948. In a staff meet- most apparent in her relationship with ing me. He's realty sweet, but I just ing at' a hospital where she works, Istvan' (Tasa Dunay. don't want 10 get involved with 'him Vera openly attacks the hospital Chief Istvan is Vera's teacher. He is I'm afraid if Itell him how,I realty feel, as a "patronizing bourgeois whO young, vulnerable and attracted to his he'll be really hurt. But if I don't do abuses patients and workers" new pupil. Unfortunately, Istvan is something soon, I'll go crazy. Can also -married. Yet. the possibility of you tell me how I can get rid of this v~~~u~~~te~~rt~~ti~~!~f ~~e_r~~a~l~ being discovered and publicly ridi- guy gently? I still want to be friends - recommends her as a recruit to the culed does not deter him, or Vera, with him Community Party feaders. Vera is from romantic Involvement. Later, at Signed, welcomed by the party heads, and is an "Evaluation and self-criticism" ses- Wanting to be left alone ~ sent to a workers school sion, Vera confesses the affair with Dear Wanting, , Istvan, recants her love for him, and Tell him how you feel. You'll hurt Blecher makes repentancefor her ac1ions.For him more if you keep hiding your this she is rewarded with the ap- feelings. He'll get over iI. Express proval of the party officials and a bright future as a staff member of the your desire to remain friends. If this is not to his liking, tell him you aresorry recites party's publiction about the situation but there is noth- Did Vera confess her wrong out of ing yop can do about "it. Western Maryland College junior Nina Blecher, a voice student of Julia bobby's hobby lobby T. Hitchcock, assistant professor 01 I Captain Harvey's music, will present her junior recital at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, March 16 in family hobby center Levine Aecital Hall. "T.G.I.F.!" Her first and second groups, ac- companied on piano by Dr. Arleen models-arb and crafts Relax every Friday night Heggemeier, professor of music, will fetJJuring dungeons and Jrogons in the Pub! include songs by Bonocini, A~ne, Handel and Brahms. Accompanying Phone 848-4350 65 Eas- ~llain St. Westmimter. Md. 21157 live Entertainment • Drinks herself on guitar for her third group, Blecher will sing American, Yiddish 10% dIscount with 1.0. 11510 Reisterstown Rd. 356·7550 and Hebrew folk· songs. Nin Blecher is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Blecher of Silver Spring, Md. The March 16 recital is Seajorer's Seafood Restaurant -\or free. St. Patrick's Day Party! WTIR Disc Jockey 6·8 p.m. Mon.-Fri.·H~ppy Hour 3·7p.m. Drinks 2 for $1 Every Tues.·7:30·9:30p.m. 5 Drafts for $1 Entertainment 6-10p,m, _ March. 12th & 13th - Karen Goldberg March 19th & :?Oth • Chip Franklin ( is coming 50 W. Main Street 675-5447
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