Page 146 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 146
March 11, 1982 1- The Phoenix Math Quiz Answer to last week's puzzle: 72 ~ (Square both sides and substitute, giving X + 9 = 81.) Congratulations to Linda Block, who I won one dozen free donuts from Plain 'n Fancy Donuts, and to Erich Leh- nert, Vincent Liv, Craig Sarsony, Bruce Anderson, Lauren Ruberg, Wende Reeser, larry Uhrig, and Doug DiVello. who also submitted correct answers This week's puzzle: Two fl,agpoles are each 100 leet high. A rope 150 Artists say new Iibrory mural creates feel long is strung between the tops of the flagpoles. At its lowest point the rope sags to within 25 feet of the posi tive atmosphere ground.. How far apart are the flag- poles? Please submit all entries to Box Susan Lucy was a Special Study in Art consisting phere to- the library's reference sec- so you can study those books and 577, along with your name, room number, and .extension by 9 a.m. I spent my Jam Term climbing of a mural painting on two walls of tion than is r.ormally found il},.the give a break from the monotony (not A drawing from the arOUnd on scaffolding; getting -multi- the Hoover Ubrary. books there.. Our main concern was just to be distracting "stuff" on a Monday 3-15-82. correct answer submitted will deter- colored paint allover me; and sug- After a long process at drawing out to express bright 'colors, neatness, wail!). The mural is Quite contempo- mine one winner. gesting possible designs for walls; all preliminary designs and getting two accuracy and fittin.g composition, all rary and we found people like to for a very worthwhile project to (of the many submitted) approved, without drowning in the latex, falling guess what it is Prize for this week's puzzle: A free contribute to the school. The Jan Eileen Ailey and I tried to project a off the scaffold, or being cursed out In our seccind mural, we show a 15 inch pizza from Maria's in West- minster! Term project that I am referring to positive and inviting atmos- by "stl.ldious students" sitting below. more objective theme of land, water, Sponsored by Kappa Mu Epsilon The most important aspect of our calm water that radically turns into Faculty and the sun. We show sailboats on The Cuts project. though, was to contribute our time and hopefully a bit of talent to spiral waves to complete the designr Your College Career Short? the'WMC community, and have this The design gave us more freedom to bit of effort be appreciated. From the SCHOLARSHIP CLEARING HOUSE feedback we have gathered, I believe show our use of color and a fantasy rec I"tal setting. Student Loans & Scholarship we succeeded on both counts Eileen and ~feel that we have done w~eo/irt~e ~~;::~n: t::Ct:,n~~la; :.o~~rvi~:e t~o ~~;a:~~:rs a~~a!wft- Jennifer Gill Tell You Where They Are non-objective design that resembles wasn't just a great hassle to put a bit faculty members will present a con- Three Western Maryland College broken glass or "asteroids." With this of our work on permanent display. , And How To Get Them design, -we were basically trying' to We would also !ike to thank Wasyl cert on Sunday, March 14 at 7 p.m Palijczuk, Mr. George Bachmann, and give an explosive feeling rather than in Baker Memorial Chapel. The fea- I More then $3 million dollars in financial assetence is available a boring roller-painted wall. Yes, we the entire library staff for their help jured performers are nUlis! Linda annually. Scholarship Clearing House can find 5 to 25 aid geared speciflcaJly to you. di°:';W:"":;:.t~to~r:~ .. __ ... .:a;:"d;;.::::;:;;:;.;:th'~,":9=hout.:th;;i';':P:"=lject~~~ic~t~~~,R~~~~~dcts~~:;~,u~~~n~: neve-reseercnec thousands of sources of financial aid instructor of music, playing the bas- that research into vast computer data banks. When you I soon, with Arleen Heggemeier, pro- ~ sources of assistance just right for you fessor of music, accompanying them SCH data form, the programmed computer gets to work selecting! il Results are guaranteed or your tee is refunded on piano; , _ Contact ' linda Kirkpatrick has studied with Julius Baker and Dr. George Morey. She graduated from North Texas State University where she received a WEHAVE PART-nME JOBS CQ~ea&a~ ... bachelor of music degree, and a master of music degree in flute. Ms, FOR (OWCiE STUDENTS. ;tof"f'/~~'4'ftJd,,_ .., Calvary United Methodist Church in Kirkpatrick is the Director of Music at ""~'P"",-«~~ .. Gamber, and teaches lIute and piano The Army Reserve helps you with college COSts without inter- privately in Carroll County. rupting your college schedule. You learn a marketable skill and use Richard Spittel. a graduate of Tow- it with your local Reserve unit one weekend each month and two son State College with a SA in education, has studied with Dr. Har- weeks a year. You can split your training over two summers ...vJe'll old Griswold, Brent Rickman, and pay you up to $11,000 during-four vears of college. Call your Army Gerald Cory. Currently, he studies Reserve representative. in_rhe Yellow Pages under "Recruiting." with Phillip Kolker. He is a member of the Baltimore City Muncipal Band, the II Gettysburg Symphony, the Annapolis Symphony and the Baltimore Cham- ber Consort. Mr. Spittel also free- lances in the Baltimore-Washington area and teaches bassoon privately at Western Maryland College Dr. Arleen Heggemeier, a member 01the western Maryland faculty since 1950, has received both undergradu- ate and graduate training at Berlin Conservatory and her doctor of music degree from Northwestern University Dr. Heggemeier is also the accompa- ,---------------------------i nist for the College Choirsters and serves as faculty advisor for Delta : Carriage House Liquors : Omicron Music Fraternity The pieces included in the concert : 113 W. Main Street . I are "Sonatine pur Flute et Bassoon," I "at the forks .." : by Pierre Gabaye, "Night Solioquy," by Ken! Kennan, "Hungarian Fan- : Special! I tasy," by Carl Maria von Weber, I National Premium $2.50 6 pak : "Three Dances in A Minor." by Georg Philipp Telemann..."Concert for Pic- ARMY RESERVE. : r Molson 6 pak $3.14 II -coc in C Major," by Anlonio Vivaldi, "Bass Nightingale," by Irwin Schul; BE ALL YOU CAN BE. 1 1 coupon per student please! expires 3/18/82 I I hoff, 'and "Trio for FIUle, Bassoon and Piano," by Ludwig von Beethoven I Present Student ID . ~-----------------------------~ The March 14 concert is free.
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