Page 139 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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March 4, 1982 Tho _Ix Page 5 Uncommon women rermrnsce Cindy Leonard of humor. She is constantly cracking social things; yet out of the 9 charac- jokes and appears to be very secure ters. Carter' is the most put-together l Uncommon Women and Others, A closet wit would best describe She is very inner directed and very written by Wendy W!3sserstein and Leslie Shipp's character of Samantha. aware 01what's going on around her directed by Tim Weinfeld, wilt be She is a classic lady but a sort of She doesn't judge people so people I presented at 8:15 p.m. on March 11, child woman find it easy to talk to her. Carter never 12, 13 and 14 in the Understage of Stacey Pfeifer portrays Rita, who is really does become a real friend of Alumni Hall. Tickets are free to tac- "daring and impulsive but has terrible Ihe others" ulty·, staff and students and may be domineering blocks," She is very Lori McCoy, playing the role 01 picked up at the information desk. uninhibited, experienced sexually and Muffet stated that her character, feels The play deals with the lives of nine a very playful character that men are very important to her. college women and their interrelation- Kate, played by Lynn Kunst. is goal Her greatest fear is of "being alone." ships. oriented, Lynn stated that Kate - She is a very pretty and charming The play opens in a New York "wants very much for everyone to woman and men are attracted to her. restaurant where five of these nine think she is confident, not that she Leilah, Katie Altman's character women are reunited. It has been six 1 isn't, she Just has a need for every- could be described as a mysterious years since their college graduation one to know that she is," She is a intellectual. It is during her senior from Mount Holyoke College in Mas- serious character but likes it when year that she. begins to feel many sachusetts. They spend the afternoon Rita makes her laugh fears and anxieties reminiscing about college days and The school spirited, preppy Susie is The housemother of all these accounting for certain events. Out of played by Susan Udy. She is very women is ponrayed by Lee Ann the nine women involved in the play organized and a .reet doer. She is Ware. She is a well bred lady who there is a housemother. seven seniors made fun of by the other girts for her attended Mount Holyoke herself. She and one freshman ./ involvement and responsibilities in so is a little eccentric and tends to live in From left: Katie Altman, Janey Collins and Stacy Pfeifer rehearse for an Janet Collins playing the' part of many organizations the past Lee Ann feels the play is an "uncommonly" special show. Holly describes her as "very insecure Robyn Quick, playing the only important one in that it. 'tee a lot to ity in their lives, Everything seems to replied, '" hope this show is going to I and slightly neurotic." Holly does not freshman. Carter. says, "she seems say and is really relevant to women fall into place and tie together in the allow a lot of men and women to want anyone else to know this how- catatonic but really tso't. She is only a today' end. It is a humorous play and shOuld realize that they are normal in their ever, so she hides behind a facade- freshman and doesn't know scour There is no conventional plot \0 the be enjoyable to all. When asked what fears and their concerns" play. There. are many interactions she hoped the play would bring Nominations among the girls and a lot of complex- across to its audience. Lynn Kunst The time 'is here to nominate the the most nominations being for- warded to the Office of Student professor you feel deserves the Dis- Affairs. A group of campus student tinguished Teaching Award. A"tl Jun- leaders, selected by the Sigma Alum- nae Club, wil( rate the nominees by iors and Seniors are asked to Club tallies the rating sheets and SAVEO~ participate in this selection process secret ceuot which will then be The Distinguished Teaching Award placed in sealed envelopes and sub- is presentee annually by an inter- mitted to the Student Affairs Office for ested alumnae club at the Spring mailing 10 the club president. The Honors Convocation and Investiture to commend a WMC faculty member selects the recipient. for excellence in the field of teaching Remember 10 make your nomina- Juniors and Seniors who vote will tions on Tuesday. March 9, 11 a.m. - be asked to select not more than 5 1:30 p.m. and 5-6:30 p.m. in the Mall nominees Irqm the list of eligible The formula for the method of STYLE faculty members. To be eligible a nominating and selecting the recipi- faculty member must have tenure and ent of the Distinguished Teaching teach both semesters during the Award was revised in 1979 by a joint academic year in which the award is student-alumnae committee in an et- given.. Past recipients are re-eligible fon to sample a broader base of after 8 years student opinion. Formerly only the Ballots will be totaled by the SGA Junior and Senior members of the UP TO S?5 OFF! Committee. with !he names receiving SGA made the selection. SILADIUM·COLLEGE RINGS NOW ONLY We've got what you want-a handsomely styled selection of college rings at a price you can attoro. SI~,?IUM@I ColI~ge Rings carefully crafted in the ArtCarved tradttfcn from a fine and durable jeweler's metal. 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