Page 148 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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.•p~~" llMl.""-". King says attitude changes are needed among races Fldy Kuo said. accident," he asked, "that Reagan King recalled the conclusions of the plans to take the' federal Il'IOfleV thai ''We are a ·dying nation, a dyfng Kemer Commission after its study of. goes to the cities and give it to the pOOpie," enoconceo Dr. Charles King civil disorders. The first was: "What states?' This way, the states can as he opened his lecture entitled wtlite America has forgotten and choose to spend it on white people "Wtry VVhitePeople must Change" In blacks can't forget -wttite institutions only." Alumni Hall, March 2 at 8:00 p.m created and maintain the ghetto. And, The second danger King foresaw is King, 57, and a native of Pottsville, ...mitesociety condones it." the growing military complex in Amer- Pa., served as a Baptist minister lor He reported that the Kemer Com- ica. He charged it Was "damnable" to ten years, and was a theologian and mission posed three altematNe solu-, spend millions on MX missiles while, teacher at Wittenburg University in lions to racial violence: 1) let millions starve to death," he ore- Ohio. Later, he directed the Civil conditions remain .es is, 2) Urban posed thai money be spent fOr Rights Commissiolrin Gary, Indiana renewal of Cities, or 3) Desegregate During the civil right cOnflicts cd the r the races as quickly as possible 10 ~~n~~~I=pening, nol things Sketch by Unde Boyer late 60's, King ~ ~Ied 10serve avoid raising a "nation of strangers." had only to say, "How can anyone be SF' As for Secretary of Slate Haig. King as a staff analyst on the Kerner AcCOrding to King, the fi·rst allema- Commission on Civil Disorders. The live was considered disastrous in the so stupid as to choose a general to ~ ~ phonathon cOmmission invesligated the causes long run. The second was not ccnstc- direct a nation's foreign policy? ~ '_ ._ of racial violence. Presently, he is ered enough. The third was conslo- man has war in his brains." . director of the Urban Crisis center in ered the best alternative. The last danger King presented Theresa Bs!5er~ training session. _ Atlanta, Georgia which he founded. However, King argued that accept- Deliberately, King chooses predom- ance of blacks has been too slow. Of was general apathy. He went back to Everyone is telling you to gel Phonathon 1982 is organized inantly...mite colleges to lecture in. He all the thirty ethnic and racial groups, his definition of racism and he said involved - ignore them ~d ssteo to through the Student Foundation. ''This attempts to make his audiences feel accepted by white society, blacks that if a white person went along with usl Shortly after spring break Phona- -veer'e phonathon will be much better what he considers,_ ''the forces of ranked 28. He claimed that Ironically the majority, but did nothing deliber- thon 1982 hits Western Maryland. The than past ones, because the atmos- ately diseriminatory, he or she was phere will be relaxed," said Checka Phonathon is more than just money prejudice against blacks." He calfs even the Japanese were accepted still a racist. "The majority attitude is making, it's a chance to call old lienwall, phonathon chairman. "Of this his, ''tremendous responsibility." t>efore blacks during WWlI. The tast racist." He reminded the audience. friends, to eat out, to win prizes, and course, we're out to make money, but He stated ~ he has devoted his two groups to be accepted were the "You must stand up" and say 'it's to show your spirit for WMC, Let's kill we want to have fun too." Matt Baker life to st~se attitudes, pat- Turks and the "nave-rots" 0' India. wrong!' " student apathy! and Caryl Coonor are assistant chair- tems, and traditions of while people "This," he said, "does not make me In conclusion, King remarked. "no This year's Phonathon runs from men, each responsible for one of the that are prejudiced. He claimed that proud to see acceptance based on man is an island. We all ~Iong April 18 - 29. Each week, Monday two weeks most ...mite people are blind to their skin color." The study showed the togett1er...the death of each man will through Thursday, students will be You have a stake in Western Mary- own racism. Through his lectures, darker a person's hue, the slower dimish each one ?f you." calling parents, alumni and friends of land. Don't pass up this chancel King said that he tries to make his their acceptance. WMC between 7 p.m. and 9:30 PM 318; whitE! audience aware- 01 the racist King went on 10 attack. a- stereo Dinner for the callers will be served at Contact Checka Leinwall, ext. Matt Baker, ext. 344; or Caryl Connor, that the inner Boyfriend aspects of themselves type 01 blacks-that they havejnlerior e p.m and will be followed King also redefined racism. ~'Rac- intelligence. He stated ism is not the evil thing people neve city teacher must not only teach, but made it to be." He then relabeled the he must deal with the child's poverty, and the auditions word as a tool of suppression by the perhaps a fatherless home, majority group on a minority group to social disorganization 01their lives. "It protect its own interests. In this case, has nothing to do with brains," he he said, the majority is the white stated. AUDITIONS _ Dramatic Art Depart- population. He added that in reality King claimed that since the av.erage ment _ Dancer aoomons for The Boy most while wish well 01 blaCks, but black person dies at the age of 58.6, Friend will be held from 3:30-5:00 since they are part of the "pro-white" while most whites die at the age of P.M., Friday, MarCh 12 on Main- majority, their altitudes are oriented 68.4, they do not outnumber ...mite stage, Alumni Hall. Actor/singer audi- that way. receiving social security: He went on tions will be from 4:00-6:00 P.M. and Another thing mat "allows wttite to charge, "ten years of black lives 9:00 P.M. until? on Monday, March people 10 justify their racism, said are sacrificed so thai whites can live· ~5 in levine Recital Hall. Dancers King, is ...mat they perceive as the ten more years." wear leotards (if possible) and char- unacceptable social conditions of As he saw it, three dangers per- acler shoes. Actors and singers. blacks: high crime rate, living places, vade the country today. The first is come dress£fd "spiffy." NOTE: Every- etc. According to King, this amounts Federalism as he saw it. "Reagan is a one auditioning lor the .Boy Friend to "blaming the victim." "Break a racist," he charged. He stated that' must attend BOTH the dance audio _:_ __ _:_~~=~~==~=~~===~_l man's legs and then laugh at him the major cities are fast becoming' tions on Friday, March 12 and the 3121 SI. Pg",ISlr •• t because he is unable to walk is black dominated and black run. And, actor/singer auditions on Mooday, Bg~jmg,.,Mg'Ylg"d 21218 what while peOple have done," he Regan knows this. "Is it by any ~M~a":"h'..:l~5t"'h' Westminster Pawn Broker's Outlet GETAN EDUCATION Westminster Gold & Silver Exchange MONEY CAN'TIIr! ~·BuYing. selling. and trading ... PWS$15.100 FOIt COLLEGE. Gold. Silver. Diamonds. Slereos. Anything of Value'" , Join the Army for two years. 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