Page 141 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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The Phoenix l Thursday, March 11, 1982 Western Maryland College Volume I, Number 19 Hawks & Doves meet In debate Beth Piskota overkill." Four hundred nuclear exp1o- amy." He eKplalned thai military situation. He pointed out that we clear arms race." Trachtenberg re- sions 'NOUid destroy either the Soviet spending is the most inflationary item offered to stop producing B-1 's yet sponded that "the idea 01 a bilateral On March 8, 1982, the Bderdice UniOn Of" the United States. However, in the budget. There Is en inverse the Soviet's continued to build up freeze is an idea whose time ~ Peace Week was started with a we have 20,(0) bombs, according to factor in resources put into the mili- their strategic weaponry. He accuses has come and gone." debate concerning nuclear arms, Cortright. "He said, ''These numbers tary and economic growth and devel- the Soviets of having a ''VVhat you do Cortrigtjl ended the debate asking ''The Present Danger." David Cor- are mind-boggling." opment. He claimed, "This is is your own business" attitude. thai people take the time to look at tright, of Citizens-for a SANE World, Trachtenberg responded that over- undermining our country's great- Cortright insisted that ''We must the literature table and at the exhibit criticized Reagan's defense policy kill "is one -of the persisting myths ness." have the maturity· to go for arms on lhe walls. The exhibit is currently Supporting the present administra- that refuses to die off." He explained Trachtenberg answered this issue disarmament." He suggested a 50 being shown in Upper level that of tion's policy was David Trachtenberg, that everything we have is necessary saying, ''To say that the present percent bilateral disarmament as a Decker center. He also asked people sign the petitions that would danger is militarization of U.S. ecoo- defense analyst for the Convnittee for because each system is applicable to "sound prccceet" He said that ''We the Present Danger. a certain situation. People whO talk of omy runs contrary to the facts." He cannot possibly survive as a human show congressmen that they must Trachtenberg spoke first saying that overkill forget that we will not be continued, "In military terms, we are race with the escalation of the nu- ask for a freeze on strategic arms. the danger is an unparalled ooild-up fighting with a M force assuming that behind." However, in economic of Soviet arms. He explained, ''This some of the force will be destroyed terms, we already have a strong WMC plans unique country tee gone from relative superi- during the preliminary attack. Trach- ecooorw. ority to a position of rough tenberg said that the United States Cortright proposed that ''the only A equality to a position where we find "military doctrine Is one of retaliation. solution to the probl9m and reduction." homecoming of the SeMel: ourselves inferior to the Soviet's." He We must be able to absorb the threat is negotiation continued, ''This administration has Soviet's attack and be able to retal- fie supports a ''Verifiable arms agree- penalties, this Academic H0mecom- realized these trends. and pr0- iate." ment." 8ill Byrne ing will bring alumni together in the posed w;rys to offset or reverse Cortrignt defined the present dan- Trachtenberg does not believe that context of critical analysis. The con- them." ger in a different manner from Trech- this is a possible altemative. He cites' Westem ~ryI~ College alumni cept of the Academic Homecoming is Cortright responded by saying tenberg. Cortright said that it is the the SALT talks as one of the -primary and friends have been invited to visit an outgrowth 'Of a discussion at one there is an "enormous excess in Wmilitarizationof this country's aeon- reasons thai the U.S. is in this their alma mater and actively partici- of the college's "Know Your Faculty pate in a unique "Homecoming" Thompson brings' 'Pond' event. The college's first Academic Luncheons" in which professor of religiOus studies Dr. Ira Zepp met Homecoming, to be held Saturday, 13, 1982 will provide March BaHlmore-Washingtonarea opportunity fOl interested persons to an with friends· of the college from me back to Westminster exchange ideas and opinions with will be held at 1 p.m. at the college's Registration tor the day's activities other alumni under the leadership of Decker Center. Keynote speaker foUr members of the WMC faculty. Beth White formed off·Broadway at the Hed- TICkets for the showings 01 On The topic for consideration will be, Wayne Cowan's address will be fol- son Guild Theatre before it climbed to . Golden Pond are on sale now, and ''The Implications of the Growth of the lowed by small group discussions led Ernest Thompson, son of retired success at Washington's Kennedy may be purchased only at the Inf9r- Right Wing on the American Scene" by WMC faculty members. Cowan WMC professor, Dr. Theron Banter Center and on Broadway. 'Nhile on mation Desk. The price is $2 for ''The resurgence of the so-called ('48) is the Editor of Christianity and Thompson, and author of the award Broadway, On Golden Pond was students, faculty, and staff as well as . "new right" is having a profound Crisis. The small grOup discussions winning On Golden Pond, witl appear voted Best Play of the Season by the senior citizens, and $4 for the general effect on our society. Is it a ccoeerve- will explore the economic, political at Westem Maryland on Thursday, Broadway Drama Guild and selected public. Tickets for the evening recap- tive movement? Or is it a substantial and religious implications 01 the new March 18. His visit is structured lor BEST PlAYS of 1978-79. tion are required but free. Arly profits ideological shift in the nation's social right and will be led by Dr. Alton Law around !'NO showings of the film, Since its success on Broadway, On 'from ticket sates will go toward the views? Or is it any of these? In any and Dr. John Dish, Dr. Herbert Smith, which will be presented as a benefit Golden Pond has been produced summer theatre schOlarship program case, it cannot be ignored," says Dr. and Dr. Ira Zepp, respectively. lor the college's Student Acting and extensively throughout the United On Golden Pond is a humorous Ira Zepp, professor of religious A reception and dinner in me Scholarship Fund. The showings of States, Canada, and the world. One play which contains the serious studies. Through the use of" fectures President's Dining Room will precede the film will be at 2 and 5 pm and production of the play was produced theme of two elderly people coming and small g~..E. discussions this the evening's concluding event, a will be open to both students and the In Westminster, sponsored by the to terms with the inevitable fact of phenomenon will be examined from presentation of the play "Uncommon community. Carroll County Arts Council, directed death. Set in Golden Pond, Maine, three perspeclives--poIiUcal, eco- Women" by the WMC Drama Depart- Mr. Thompson will corldUCI a brief by lim Weinfeld of the WMC Ora- the movie protrevs Norman Thayer, a nomic and religious. The format will ment in Alumni Hall. All interested questiQn and answer session at Car- malic Arts Department. and featuring witty rnan who is convinced that he be designed to provide participants persons are encouraged to obtain roll Theatre after the first showing of Of. Raymond Phillips of the English will die soon. The main action of the with an infonned perspective from more information by contacting Mrs. the film, and witl be honored with a Department in the leading male role. plot is the conflict of Norman with his which to draw their own opinionS and Donna D. Sellman, Director of Alumni receptlon at 7:30 p.m. in the Under- The film version "of On Golden Pond, daughter and the attempts of Ethel conclusions. Affairs, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., 301-848-7000, ext. stage of Alumni Han. Immediately starring Henry Fonda, Katharine'Hap- Thayer to conSOle her husband and Unlike the traditional Homecoming following the reception, Thompson bum, and Jane Fonda, was released bridge the gap between Norman and event where conversations center 297. will give an informal talk on Main-. in !he fall 011981, and has received his daughter. around touchdowns, field goals and stage, Alumni Hall. several awards, and nominations;or Thompson was born In Vermont, many other awards. moving to Westminster with his par- lor the movie, Mr. Thompson is the Williams attacks regulation In addition 10writing the screenplay ems in 1961. He attended and gradu- ated from Westminst6r High School, author of other plays. His play The and graduated from American Univer- West Side WaltZ opened in New York Greg Elbo Govemment red tape was another Arlli-disc.rimination laws caused the sity in Washington, D.C. with high City in November, 1981 after a suc- On March 3 Dr. Walter Williams big problem Williams pointed 10.The reverse effect in employment. Em- honors. Throughout his educational cesslul West Coast tour with Kathar- lectured on his new book entltled requirement of a license to wont in ployers are sometimes fearful of hir- and professional career, Thompson ine Hepburn and Dorothy loudon ''The State Against Blacks." Williams, many professions created a barrier to ing blacks because of potential has worked extensively as both a Thompson was also honored as the an economics professor at George Ma- entry in thOse areas of wor1c;. Williams lawsuits against them if tney choose stage and screen actor first recipient of the George Seaton son Univ., is considered by many to used the example of taxi drivers to to fire the person later. So, instead of On Golden Pond, Thompson's first Award for Playwrights at the Ahman- be one of the top black economists in prove this point. In New York City and aiding blacks in getting wont, these produced play, was originally per- son Theatre the country. He eamed his Ph.D. al Philadelphia, thOUsands 01 dollars actually prevent their employment. UCLA must be paid to drive a cab In t~se AU this govemment intervention, Williams blamed a large part of the cities. In contrast, Washington,-D.C. while intending to benefit minorities, Et-r-.t 1hOmpeon • ThUf'lldly. March ........., 11 unemployment problem on the mini- charged very little for a cab license. in reality is damaging to their well· that mum wage laws. People with few the being. Williams believes The result is that many more low 2:0D-4:00 p.m. Rrst showing of On Golden Pond at Carroll Theatre skills find it increasingly difficult 10 income people are cab drivers in government is responsible for many 4:00-4:30 p.m. Question and Arlswer Session with Emest Thompson at Carroll locate work because they simply are D.C. then in N.Y.C. or PhiUy. The of the employment problems plaguing The"'e not worth 53.35 an hOUr.By law the fares are significantly higher in the our country loday. He seemed to 5:00-7:00 p.m. Second Showing of On Golden Pond at Carroll Theatre employers must pay this wage to cities with the costly license permits. agree with Reagan's belief that the 7:30-8:30 p.m. Reception in Unclerstage. everyone, with the result being mat Williams made it cl~r that he thought government is simply too big and it 8:30-9:30 p.m.Jnformal talk; Question & Answer Session, Mainstage. these practices were ludicrous. takes time to trim it down to size. these people are often unemployed.
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