Page 140 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 140
Page 6 Ma,ch 4, 1982 Art abounds in Hoover Library Students make show of art Joseph !?Ieott orange, yellow, and red sunburst a statement. said freshman Lac band or "frieze" (in art language), Gwynn. This special drawing (dis- Some of us in the library, after that casually blends into another played in the library with other works pouring over our exciting textbooks frieze of stylized waves (meticulously of art) took first prize in the graphics for two or three long, intense, and drawn with a compass) and sailboats and illustration category of the WMC mind-warping minutes, just lean back Over the main study area, they art contest. But what exactly does the in our chairs, let our eyes become painted an abstract and fragmented title and drawing mean? The illuslra glazed over and spaced-out looking, explosion of pinks, greens, purples, tion shows an old, Bible-carrying, and stare lip at the ceilings and and yellows. II won't be easy going to _shopping bag lady arguing with and wails. Normally, the soft colors, the sleep with this Sluff in the library trying to convert a black kid on a city quiet atmosphere, and the distant Many times during the four weeks street. hum of the fluorescent lights would of January, Eileen and Susan got The sketch's statement, states Loc, put us to sleep like a rock tired and disgusted and just wanted is that people shouldn't go around When we 10I::lk up now, however, we to chuck the paint all over the place forcing others as 10 what 10 believe can't fail-to notice the brand new art But they finished and they are ex- and what not to beleive, especially in murals on the libary "Valls.The three tremely pleased with the result, as ~eligion. One person can't say he or new murals (not to be confused with are many people who have seen the she is positively right and other The Moon, ·Sun, stars and sky abound in library n;ura/. the two old ones that you see above rrurets.. The project took a lot of people are evil eno wrong. These and opposite thecheck-out desk) are imagination, hard work, determina- kinds of people are "forcing it down on the far wall~ of the third floor. They tion, perserverence, as well as litty your throats," said Loc. '"I get sick of are the wor!<.of two WMC Juniors bucks a piece for supplies.• it" His statement of "quit trashing Eileen Riley, a studio art major, and And what did the two get out of it? with rencon'' asks people to tolerate ACAOSS 2 Aecover Susan Lucy, an art-education major Knowledge and experience; some- others beliefs and not to be so guog- 1Metal alloy 3 Morindindye After clearing matters with Wasyl thing to be included in their art ho about pushing certain views on 6 Lilt 4 Mournful Palijczuk, the associate professor of portfolios; and a feeling of contribut- others 11Tell 5 Hall CROSS art; and George Bachmann, the li- ing to the college and community as Lac didn't expect to win: he thought 13Dr'edgrape 6 Evatua.e. brarian; and Hugh Dawkins, the Re- a whole. As for us library sleepers, I his picture (which he drew with an 14Klngot 7 Riverisland ~WORD aasnan gistrar; Eileen and Susan planned a suppose we'll be better off staying ordinary #2 pencil) was a little 15Famed SEx'sls 9 Quiet Special Studies program for Jan Term awake and studying. Th~n again, we sloppy. What he really wanted to do . COWbOy' 10Growing out PUZZLE in which they would paint the murals can always go down to the first was make a statement. But he's J.7 State.Abbr , 01 Neither woman has had extensive floor.. happy he got first prize; additionally, 18Trealygp. 12Great Lake experience in this type of art work, "Quit Trashing with Religion" makes he said, '"I got my message across." 20 Pari 13Sums up although Susan took an introductory 21 As,anholi- 16oecosus FROM COLLE!iE 19Seamen do, . mural course at WMC a while ago in 22 Clock lace 21 Sarto,s PRESS SERVICE which she- learned some of the Math Quiz ;>4G,eeklel1e, 23 South Ame,,_ basics :>'>"o.son can an.mat '- __l Each person drew some ideas for ).6 "'",um"ve, 25 Shock mural subjects on graph paper; then, Answers to last week's puzzle: Please submit all answers, along n'fnthus.asm 2-7 Attonso s 47 eac.e occo- 10Plth 37 Harmony male they picked a few out, drew an Bruce Anderson won one hour of free with your name, room number and J2~p"" 34 Shortjacket _., sue 29 Greek ,Sland 39 CUi 1- enlarged grid on the library walls, time one pool table in the WMC extension to Box 577 by 9 a.m. 33Perlumed 31 Aedactor 41 Unsleady 48 Ocean 51 N,ckel sylT"...- Monday, March 8. One winner will be transferred the outlines from paper to game room with the following solu- Oln!menl eo wall. and finally painted them in tion: 7643 + 0826 = 08469. Brian drawn from the correct entries re- 35 Svperctucus 33 Sedarated 43 Awry sa weue 44 Lampreys Both artists had leeway in their Kemlage also submitted'the following ceived 00' , , , . s .. , choice of subject matter. Mr. Bach- correction solution: 9567 + 1085 '" Prize for this week: One dozen free 378n12thao ... estuary mann, Ihe librarian, offered one 10652. Congratulations 10 both of donuts from Plain 'n Fancy Donuts in aa scssessive tt ." '2.' ." guideline: he wanted something 10 you! Westminster! pronoun ". .' keep the students awake. So Eileen This week's puzzle: Solve for X: "Sponsored by Kappa Mu Epsilon·· 40 waste allow- " " and Susan used vivid colors. As vivid 42 Oral pauses " ance as they could gel. Over the large Last puzzle answer " " 43 Make picture window, ~ey painted ~ bright 49 Mil. police - " , monkey \V{'~t,ninslcr (;old a'1d'Silv(,T Exchange 45 Capuchin 46 Near 54 Aomanoffi- .. . 47 Tortures DON7 SELL FOR LESS 50 Middle ." .. .. .. _- JEWELRY • WAT~HES • DIAMONDS, 52 Folds .. , .. Cial 55 Pert 1'".,·il1,1.( in ('ll,h - ('h{~'k and Cl!mpare DOWN 54 1 Progeny Carroll Countys Largest Geld & Silver Dealer 6Y West Main Street Westmill~ter, Md. Westminster rpawn Outlet Student Cre~fi! ~ SELLING NEW AND USED STEREOS, tioning, or maybe just for emergen- Ever wisn that while traveling, vaca- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY cies, you could have a national credit card? 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