Page 138 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 138
Office nominations open dent newspaper, the Administration responsible for but not limited to' Elections will be April 5, will your i being ex-officio member of all a. conducting all financial transac- name appear on the ballot? Running committees~ and any other interested persons; tions of the Association and the d. giving notification of dismissal of lor office gives you an opportunity to j. organizing the freshman class until all deliquent Senate members to the Senate; meet not only tile members of your class officers have been elected. . b. as chairperson of the Finance class, but the entire student bodY." SECTION 2. The Vice-President election committee and the deliquent Committee, preparing the budget to elected you will be given the chance shall be responsible for but not member The Corresponding be approved by the Senate; SECTION 4. to 'work closely v.r:ithother student limited to: secretary shall be responsible for but c. inspecting the financial records of leaders and the administration. As an a. assuming the duties of the Prest- any Eirganizationr~eiving funds from officer you may express your leader- dent when he/she is unable to fulfill nO.tlimited to) the Student Government Association a. co-ordinating all correspondences ship, schOol spirit, and creativity in them; of the Association; . prior to the end of each semester; the activities you undertake. YO!J will b. being chairperson of Homecoming; b. maintaining the files of the Asso- d. filing a monthly financial statement also be included in the creating and C. -being ex-officio member 01 all ciation; to the Senate. ' upholding 01 student government poI- committees .. c. being liaison between student- CLASS OFfICERS icies. 1f you feel things at WMC could SECTION 3. The Recording secre- Each class shall have the following be run more efficiently and you have tary shal! be responsible for but not facuity committees and the Senate; officers: President. Vice President ideas as to hOw to improve things, limited to d. distributing voting cards to all Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian thef'I carry it through. Become an a. preparing an agenda for al! meet- Senators or their alternates; Candidates ior office shall have at officer, delegate authority and be ings of the Association and the e. keeping a record of the _Senators' least a 2.0 WMC cumulative grade attendance of regular Senate meet- responsible tor the conditions here at Senate; ings; point average. All classes are urged WMC. Take the initiative, become an b. keeping records of all official to enter floats for Homecoming and active member of our student govern- proceedings of the Association and f. reporting to the Executive Council booths tot May Fair. Traditionally ment - the Senate; when any Senator has missed two classes have been responsible for . DUT1ES OF THE OFFICERS c. preparing and distributing copies ccneecm ...e meetings or a total of the following events' SECTION 1. The President shall be of the minutes and notification 01 four per semester without sending an Sophomores - a class picnic at the responsible for but not limited to: meetings of Ihe Association and Sen- alternate end of the year a. presiding over all meetings of the ale to all Senate members, the stu- SECTION 5. The Treasurer shall be Association and the Senate; W.M.G.A. Gay Rap Group Now Forming b. representing the Student Associa- For nearly a year now a small group Or write: W.M_G,A. tion at aU public functions; Advance deposits of gay students has been meeting to P.O, Box 11 c. appointing a parliamentarian; talk about their concerns. If you W,M.C d. being responsible for the freshman would like to meet and speak with Westminster, MD. 21157 class until its officers are elected; people like yourself who are gay, All correspondence is i e. delegating ad-hoc duties to appro- lesbian or bisexual, lake the time now center. It could be the priate committees; Students have the opportunity on to make the right connection f. being executive co-ordinator for all March 3rd and 4th to pick up their Call: Ext 243, 467, or 564 major Student Government not else- advance deposit notices from the where delegated; Finance Office before they are mailed - g. advising the Senate as to fill the home. Students-desiring housing for w,g,TT.f positions of the committee chairper- the 82-83 academic year must return sons; the form with a $100.00 non-retunda- IYew h. being acting treasurer of the ble deposit. This deposit must be Association in the absence of the paid by April tst in order to receive a 'Rebecca Orenstein LOCUST BOOKS Photograpby 9 East Main Street Weddlngs- westminster. Maryland 21157 Portraits 301/848-6813 Cards, Calendars, 'Diaries, Journals, 848-2148 'Prints, 'l'uzzl" & '[Ofebag' call In evenings after ~. p.m. 0"." 7 Jay. a WefXf>j1~~~ lifl<"'-_#M""'G~' r-,t:tu...r7i'-- ;duC-~ t'.h. dLb- /f-. %. ff1"'-~""",,-, II ~fo.C~ Putters Palace 202 Pennsylvania Ave. (comer of sUllivan Ave.) Open Weelcdays ]ยท10 p.m. Weekdays 9 a.m.-Midnight 50' OFF 1 Game Moo. thru Thurs. With this coupon _ ,-----.----~---~-----------~-----
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