Page 142 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 142
The Phoenlx Letter to the Editor Senator responds Dear Editor, I am of the opinion that it is not the drive, and dream to seek higher family aid, he left his Alabama coal mining town at a young age for he education has the facilities to finance to letter po~tion of any scholastic institution to his or her own destiny. And as for the knew that if he wanted to achieve that a campaign such as the sponsor convenient excuse of the nations education he desired, he had to earn l letter writing campaign of last week present unemployment rate, my every penny of it. No federal program Each individual may be encouraged Mr. L Leslie Bennett, Jr. to write to their respective father, to name one in a majority, helped him and many others like him letters Western Maryland College elected representatives, but I find the .worked various odd jobs in a time He supplied all of the necessary when the entire population wished tools. There is no reason why it can't _ Westminster, Maryland 21157 School's action deplorable. and dreamed for 10 percent unem- work today The state and federal- loan pro- ployment to obtain his college degree Sincerefy, Dear Mr. Bennett: grams provide needed assistance to I wanted to be sure You flad an opportunity to review the enclosed copy students who can not achieve the and subsequent law degrees. As for Jonathan Dickey 01 my recent statement reiterating my vigorous opposition to the Admlnistra- necessary fianances for college edu- lion's proposed cuts in equcation assistance. In the past weeks, I have. heard cation. Unfortunately this program Ask Omar from many' students who woold be seriously effected by the President's has been abused as more and more proposals. Each limitation, each restriction, and each cui-back minimizes the students opt for this crutch at a opportunity to obtain the education that is essential to the individual jf he or moment's notice. The loans in many Dear Omar, she is to function in our modem society. What is at issue is whether the nation cases provide a four-year vacation to ! have a problem. I'm in love. That Dear Devoted, is going to realize the enormous potential that exists in this country for the people who have lillie regard for the may not sound like such a problem in The sooner you r~a'ize the situation development of our human resources. You can be certain of my continued value and respect a college degree a normal situation, but it is for me. It is hopeless the better. Intimate fac- vigorous efforts in this very important area throughout the 97th Congress. entitles them..! see no reason for the concemsa member of the faculty. I ulty-student relations are out of the With best regards, govemment to support this end. am a female sophomore and he is question, as they should be. Even Sincerely, There are many ways to obtain an unanachec as far as I know. ! would though you feel the guys your age Paul S. Sarbanes education of value and utility. Many have had him for class next year, but are "boring and immature," start United States Senator state universities offer extensive ecu- he is leaving WMC to report for duty paying attention to them. They are al/ you've got. I'm sure these guys are cetcoat opportunities at ideal costs at another location. He has tHe most more mature and worldly than you There is no reason to avoid this beautiful blue eyes 1 have ever seen! give them credit for being. Speaking Statement by Sarbanes opportunity. The financial burden is I don't know what to do! The guys my of being worldly, Omar has beim as lower and opportunities for realization of the benefits behind such an edu- age are just so bOring and immature far as North Carolina and you do and he's so worldly. Senator Paul S. Sarbanes has ~ned with other Senators in sending a eaton numerous Please advise. know how to reach me.... letter to President Reagan strongly urging that he reconsider his proposed cuts Ally student who has that desire, Hopelessly Devoted to Honey in student assistance programs. the letter states that, "the proposed cuts continued on page 7 woold seriously reduce the chances for millions of students to receive a college education, and the American promise of equal opportunity regardless Watertower leaks of income would be undercut considerably" year's additional cuts a serious threat to a -package of aid that has been Tribu te to Belushi Sarbanes voted against the administration's reduction in the Pell Grant program and the Guaranteed Student Loan program last year and calls this carefully assembled and has made it possible for our nation to respond to the financial needs of families and students in our country seeking a college' Corey Ma_pn ecucaton. The education package goes to the basic concept of opportunity in The watertower is not leaking this one time was a college student, a Divide," with Blair Brown never made our society. week in memory of John Belushi, who homecaming king and a regular on it out into the suburban theaters Senator Sarbanes is also co-sponsoring a Senate Resolution opposing I am sure you all know, died last the old National Lampoon radio show However his last and final release, the administration's changes in the Guaranteed Student Loan program that Fridayat the age of just 33, due to, at The later helped him gain a role in his "Neighbors," I understand is doing would eliminate graduate and professional students from borrowing through this writing, "natural causes" first flick. "Animal House." His cor- quite well. the Guaranteed Student Loan program to finance their education. One-half of John Belushi captured a wide trayal of an uncooth p·i-g, pig, the John Belushi once said, "I guess the professional students depend on Ihe Guaranteed Student Loan program range of fans and entnusrsts back in unsatiable, unregenerate college that I want everything out of life," and "What is at issue is whether the nation is going to realize the enormous 1975 wnen. he and fellow "Blues slob, "Bluto" made Animal House the go for it all he did. He was an avid potential that exists in this country for the development of our human Brother," Dan Akroyd.-Lome Micheals highest grossing celluloid product to partier, a hedonist in all rights and resources," the Senator stated. < and Chevy Chase founded the outre- date. senses. And perhaps it will come out In addition to the President's recommended cuts in the Guaranteed geous Saturday Night Live. Later, he made "1941", playing Bill Student Loan program, the Pell Grant, the College Work Study program, and No one can hardly forget Belushi's Kelso in a spoof of World War II, post that th'is lifestyle lead to his death, be the Supplemental Education Opportunity grants, many seniors in high school antics in that most acclaimed televi- Pearl Harbor mentalities. was that as it may, I believe that John are also finding out that their Social Security student benefits have been sion program. With his sometimes not as lucrative as Animal house, but Belushi did more in 33 years than many could do in 70 years terminated. In testimony to the Ways and Means Committee in February, silly, sometimes gargantuan, and Belushi's next movie, the "Blues Senator Sarbanes calls the administration's termoencn-ct this program unfair even sometimes onccrestc sense o,f Brothers" broUght out some of the I will still appreciate and admire and unwise and states that, "many of our students will lose the oPP9rtunity to humor, he tackled such personalities best bluesmen of today for a movie John Belushi, and will turn my head receive an education -- a prospect that will affect their entire lives and also the as the samuri swordsman. that greek that I saw thirteen times. It fostered a to stories, rumors and even substanti- ability of our nation to ensure an educated citii!:enry" deli owner with, never a hamburger, resergence of the popularity of fine ated facts that in any way degrade Sarbanes states that each limitation, each restriction, and each cutback only a cheeseburger, a giant killer arherican blues and inspired a him. It was in his nature to stomp on minimizes the opportunity to obtain the education that is essential to the bee and'-the space aged cone head record, Briefcase Full of Blues which his accelerator. I will miss the genius, individual if he or she is to function in our modem society. More important, father, and not to forget my favorite, sold nearly 2.5 million copies. the man, but the mentality will live on these opportunities are essential to"society if it is going to fully develop its the Joe Cocker imitations. • Belushi's next movie efforts I never And now I ask you, politely to take strength. a minute and remember a time when _f!.Js___!nobscu~~~Jhilt Joh" at sa~ t:.6£3~se---,---_1think "Continental John Belushi made you lauqh. The Phoenix Editor ... Robert Holt Managing Editor ... ..LesMartin News Editor . ..Greg Elba Sports Editor . . Rob McQuay snore Editor . . _AndyC~ng Paste-up ... JeN Frazer. Cathy Bowes J~yMitnick Proofreading ... Beth Piskora, Chds Soto Melanie Clippinger, Deb Ratzburg Business Manager.. . ...... Jonathan Dickey Ad Manager ..... Jeannine Railey Ad Artist. Cindy Wilcox Typist.. ._.... Alice Krempasky Michele Everett Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this publicatibn do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 21157.
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