Page 137 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 137
approach to capitalism right now. homes in Baltimore) and a cosmetics Instead of having them waste their need their money desperately. They The problem is that 'he's trying to company to make you look presenta- money on worthless neme. let them rationalize that if we put a burden on I was focusing my substantial brain get money...___where there Js none. ble, you'd probably have trouble give it to the government. the poor rich folk, they won't invest power upon the state of the economy Where is he trying to raise funds? remembering too Also let's tax big business. In 1975 anymore. But I figure, rich people other day, when I suddenly hit on From poor people and the environ- To get back to the main subject, we (according to F!JCfS On File, Nov, 13, always want to make more money a revolutionary idea. This notion was ment These two entites don't have must pose the' question who has all t976) Delta Airlines, Bethlehem Steel, (That is why they are rich) and will so new, so original that it dazzled my any money to begin with, so how the money? Rich people, that's who Lockheed, and Western Electric all always invest for their own selfish mind. Yet it was so simple that it does he expect to overcome a ninety Not- only rich people rQlling in the paid no income taxes, even though purposes. So, I propose that we take astounded me that no one has ever million dollar deficit by picking their dough, but, most of, the time, they they raked in the bucks. Let's 'close money from the tycoons and the thooght of it before, It suggested a pockets? You can't draw blood from don't know what to do wilh their these loopholes and make the big huge conglomerates' who have a few to balance the budget without a turnip. money. So they buy yachts, big cars, businesses pay up. billion to spare. I'm not asking for overburdening the middle class, with- To digress a bit here, it is ironic that fancy clothes, statues, butlers, jew- The brain surgeons who run the socialism, but just a little more rea- out cutting social welfare programs, Reagan has inadvertantly broken an- elry--all kinds of expensive things govemment, of course, would not sonable capitalism. without. costing millions of people other campaign promise, His first, if they really nave no real use for. consider taxing people who don't ~he~~~i:s~:e h:::i~u;~~ar%h ie::: ~:f~i~:~~ti;~~;~ -:;~r h:~~i~t~U!: Watertower leaks us that he would W plel wouldn't (Ha-ha, he must have gig- Ronald Reagan's budget-balancing gled after making that one), and now t . t b . policies haven't worked, even though after assuring es mInS er ars unIque he's tried his best. Since he's been in reduce the deficit. he has actually oetce. Reagan has tried 10 make up , increased it to its highest level in_ the huge defiCit by cutting social history; to his defense I personally do welfare programs and allowing the not· think that Reagan deliberately Corey N. Mann enviroomeni to be.cesccneo. (so that broke his promises. He probably as they appeared when they threw spoke of big business can make more money forgot he made them in the first Last Friday night there was ret two of my friends over a pinball We went to Jack Delany's Irish Pub, and pay more taxes). But after all place. I mean, if you were a seventy- much at all to do, so a few of my machine into the coat room a sharp place with an Irish flair and a this, he still claims he must increase two year-old man that needed a good friends and 1 piled into an on- We spent an hour or so talking real leprochaun; yeah, and no I had the deficit to 91.5 billion. What went dozen bottles of hair oil (if 'you could its-Iast-Iegs-Chevy Nova and with a about the establishments of both not had a lot to drink, Delany's was wrong? He is ~obably asking Nancy tap his scalp, you could light half the few cases of sixteen oz. BOds we Westminster and College Park, as voted #1 tavern last year, but what of headed for College Park,' The U. of they were quite well informed on both it, the beer was cold. A nice place, M., swimming pools, movie stars: not accounts sort of like Friscoes, but, hey.... thinking about ever coming back "vou ever heard of the Pit?" bel- We went to Ihe South Seas and did here lowed Rocko to a dude COwering in not stay loog for some reason responsible of a few established watering holes the comer, "Sure, many a time," was decided not to go in. After discussing the relative merits We got carded at the Cellar and the only reply from behind the toilet -- along a three mile strip of Route one; the sole piece of furniture in the The back room was closing so we and demonstratioo is planned for none of which we knew anything quaint temporary accomooancns decided to head home. Thank June 12 etme U,N.'s second Special about, we decided on the Rendez- __They went on in much the same vane heaven for the all night gas station Nuclear Arms Session 00 Disarmament. Several stu- Vous Inn. We stood outside in a line telling us of all kinds of joints from Other than Friecces, most of the dents will be circulating petitions for close to an hour, but finally got in which a good time could hardly be Bars in Westminster stand alone, during Peace Week. You may also ~t:~d a more comfortable place re:~nber~~~sed lor good behavior Ernies Place, The Pit, Gils Den, East contact Jim Shepherd (Rouzer 408), One of my buddies went to the we decided to sample a fe~ 01 the End, Counlry Air, and Angelos Jim Start! (Apt, 3D), or Ann Karn in Vous-bar to get some suds, but on places our new-found friends had I would suppose the choice is all Whiteford'222 to sign the petition or yours cheers for more information. his way back with three pitchers in We cannot shift our share of res- hands he accidently spilled a small ponsibilty to hal! the arms race to OUT amount of beer on three rather siza- Colleges to survrve policy-makers. We must become in- ble gentlemen. formed and act now, before it is too That's when the fight broke out, and late. As the Nuclear Arms Freeze I'll never know how I got dragged into CPS cope with federal cuts much better Campaign slogan states, "In a de- it but later 00, in the police station, than public schools, according to a mocracy, we are all responsible for between bites of bread and sips of Private colleges -- which are sup- new study of financinQ_fer'lhdepen- pushing the button." water we found that Bruno, Rocko posed to suffer the worst effects of dent campuses and Moose actually were.not as nasty the decade's enrollment declines and Researchers James Henson and federal budget cuts -- may be able to Pamela Tolbert, both of UCLA, found Letters to the Editor that private college and university administrators are typically more effi- cient in raising money. Because Ihe private colleges rely less on lederill. from ""go 2 while they are just as wrong as those cations. From what I have heard, the money, the researchers reasoned Ihat bid again!- other people. I hate to think about 1983 .budget will be scrutinized they could survive the loss of funding what examples like this one indicate tried to find out if the athletic budget about the future of Western Maryland closely and input from students can better than the public colleges Private schools can hike tuition and make a difference. could help them. They just assumed College If any student missed the chance to fees with less difficulty than public they should make rtus money for new Sincerely, write and wants help with a letter, he colleges, and are better prepared to uniforms so that their leam could Name withheld by request or she should come by the Office of compensate for losses incurred by present a good image of our school. Admiss-Ionsand Financial Aid and we lower federal funding, the report -- The team said the other organizations will give assistance. called "Patterns of Fupding in Public were rot representing the school but Thank you Recent C,P.S. articles about student and Private Higher Education" only their organizatiQ!lwith the charity aid which you have published have asserts ,. contributions they were going to also been useful. Thank you for your But in releasing the most recent make. Dear Editor: coverage of this issue study, UCLA Dean Eugene Weber .~~ I think this is where everyone Your editorial informing students of Sincerely, observed the private colleges and shOuld stop and take a look at the financial aid letter writing cam- L. Leslie Bennett, Jr universities have a "tradition in raising themselves. Are we really trying to paign and March 1 Student lobby Dean of Admissions private money" that could offset some benefit' WMC with the things that we Day and urging their support was and Financial Aid of the federal cuts. do or are we just benefitting. our- timely and worthwhile. President Rea- P.s Over 200 students wrote let- "I don't want to give the impression selves? It worries me to look at gan's budget definitely would hurt ters. That's a terrific response! I'm citicizing," Weber told reporters in Thanks to all who wrote Los Angeles. "I'm envious." people talking about one another students' ability to finance their edu- .------'-- ..:;---"--------~-.---...........-, : i Carriage House Liquors at the forks.. Jcp~Q.oey. 1 : I Jl~.W. Main Str~t : I : Sp(,cial! I : Busch 12 Pak $5.04 Pabst Bulk Bottles $7.99 : I STORE PHONE WESTMINSTER CATALOG PHONE ~ 1 coupon per student please! • ~:: ....n.. 848-5100 i Present Student ID expires 3/11182 I MON.-SAT, 9:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. l----------_------~.-------------~~-
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