Page 136 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 136
The Phoenix Letters to the Editor SGA. responsible Army be l to inforna electors G.A.A. this campus Name Withheld by request and and the submission can of your of answered win- between applica- the tion announcement Dear-Editor, Barron's real use ners in May, Basic If ROTC you on have campus not completed After reading the C.P.S. article "Gay It is that time of year when all ~d student politicos and their supporters student gain recognition" I was some- then you can attend the Army ROTC start rallying support for that grand day when all the students at WMC elecllhe what confused as to the G.A.A's Dear Editor, Basic Camp this summer to qualify SGA officers and various class officers for next year. It has seemed in years existence, I would like to take this The article by Beth Piskora about for entrance into Advanced ROTC in past that many students were voting for or against candidates that tIley did not time to correct any misconceptions tuition costs contains a quote from an the fall. There is no military obligation nave any real firm idea about, much less any substantial campaign platform on as to the C.P.S, article. This first unidentified student which is grossly to attend Basic Camp either. plans for tile next year. An Army ROTC Scholarship cadet correction I would like to make is that in error. Barron's Profiles of American The PtJoenix invites all candidates for SGA and class officesto submit a the G.AA. of the Univeralty of Okla- is obligated to serve four years 01 not statement discussing not only their experiences and service to various homa is in no way' connected with the Colleges does standards rate or colleges by of active Army service. This obligation is academic quality organizations, but to also discuss potential issues and concerns, and various GAA. of New York City education. Its rating does attempt to incurred in the fall when the student plans and ideas that will be Ihe center of a potential year candidate's in The first true G.A.A. was the Gay describe the degree of competition in contracts with the Army to accept the student office. Pemeps the SGA can sponsor some open discussions and Actwists Alliance of New York City admissions. That's a big difference scholarship. I would imagine that this debates between the respective office candidates with the hopes of is the point Irom which many qualified The G.AA of the University of Okla- By any standard, Western Maryland students recoil. It is natural to be encouraging a more responsive aM informed group of electors, Indeed, it homa represents the Gay Actillist orov ides an excellent education. would give rise to a less apathetic constituency, a constituency that cries out Alliance. Notice there is a difference Those of us who work in the_admis- hesitant about-entering the unknown. for a truly repr~sentative SGA et WMC, "- • with the "s." sions area find that Western Maryland Let me elaborate a little further. The Why not gwe Ihe students at WMC something substantial to vote on this I would also like to mention that the is very well regarded; students can active duty obligation does not pre: coming election day? of New elude attendance of graduate or G.AA York City no longer be proud to be from Western Mary- professional schools but can be de- ensts. It was disbanded on October t3, land! layed until after completion of an 1981 when the last meeting tOOk Sincerely, advanced degree, Consider active Oops! place which GAA. was initially set out for its to ASSociate C. Director duty as a job waiting for you when Joan Murr revive The reason the It is an oppportunity dissolution was that the group was 01 Admissions you fallen graduate. resume with skills and to your inactive for almost a year. training that will cut a lot of ice with Apologies to Teresa Johnston, who wrote "Jan term: Paradise' Islands," The article also spoke of the legal Scholarshi~s! civilian industry and business. Active ., and Mark Cavanaugn, who wrote "Manson: Man and his music," for the non-recognition of Gay Student duty can mean a very satisfying omission of bylines with their stories in Ihe issue last week Groups. The C,P,S. certainly did not Dear Editor, career. It can mean travelling the do enough 'research. The article sur- I apologize for the necessity of world and handling more responsibil- passed the most pertinent point in using this column as a sort of ity than you have ever considered Gay Student Group recognition. All "Advertisement," but an opportunity being capable of handling colleges that have refused to recog- for Western Maryland is being stolen So don't sell yoursell short. II you nize Gay Student Groups and have by the flight of tiine need a scholarship and you qualify, gone to court oller the matter nave Army ROTC Scholarships pay for come see me immediately, I'm in the' lost out and thus had to recognize books and fees, tuition, and $100.00 basement of Albert Norman Ward the group per month during each school year Hall and my phone extension is 620 I have sent a clipping with this With 23 scholarship students cur- Sincerely, editorial. 'The clipping is the The rently attending WMC, Army ROTC CPT Mike Mauldin AdvOcate, a gay monthly paper, and saved these students $40,000.00 P.S. Stay tuned, 3-year scholarships reads as follows while collectively paying them $9,200 are coming up shortly. "According to the Chronicle of last semester. It could have been Higher Education, 26% of 4- higher, but last year a 2-year scbclar- years colleges and universities ship already earmarked for WMC and 805 of public universities went unclaimed because nobody ap- Absurdities have recognized gay student plied for it. This scholarship, instead organizations of remaining on the campus, went to "The Poll of 150 unstitutions some student at another school who Dear Editor, found that only 2,7% of them knew what he or she wanted and After attending the SGA meeting on banned or refused to recog- didn't hesitate to go lor it Wednesday, Feb. 24, I was extremely nize homosexual students' The application period for 2-year disgusted with what had taken place. groups." scholarships is very brief. It closes on The portion of WMC's student body "In a.ddition, ellery legal chal- March 17. Army ROTC Scholarships that was there showed how petty they lenge so far against instituions are awarded on merit, not need. If could be. The subject of the meeting that refuse recognition to gay you have at least a 2.7 GPA, are in was supposed to be the bid of the groups has been successful." good health and physical condition, gaceoancer mixer, that was accom- Through no fault of the editors was and have 2 years of college remain- plished, but the main battle turned ttus not brought out. Maybe the ing, then search me out immediately out to be which group could expose C.P.S. should investigate its articles a No one has yet applied and I would another group for cover-up while lillie .more thoroughly and find out all hate to see a scholarship worth over making their cause seem worthwhile the pertinent information. Otherwise, I $10,000 escape again, You do not I don't agree that Ihe lacrosse team like be nor The would Phoenix to commend printing the a editor C.~.S of have to a military an ROTC cadet, to apply is should nave won the bid. From the for obligation there The article that does have relevance on Questions you may have about ROTC evidence presented, they never even continued to page 3 Phoenix Editor ... Robert Ho!t AskOmar ....Managing Editor ... . Les Martin . News Editor . . Greg Elba Sports Editor . . Rob McQuay Photo Editor.' .. ............................ Andy Ci!.ang your situation is the exception rather I'm sure other people here are ir. the Paste-up JeN Frazer, Cathy Bowes Dear Omar than the rule. Trying to fit in will not same situation. It's tearing me apart solve your problems. Be an individ- to keep my true emotions inside. Do Judy Mitnick rm a junior a WMC, Last year, most Proofreading .. Sore ual. Make friends wrere you can. you have any advice on how I can .... Beth Piskora,.Chris of my friends rushed sororities, but I Melanie Clippinger, Deb Ratzburg did not. At first I thought we would better handle this problem? Business Manager .. . .. Jonathan Dickey stay close, but we've grown far apart. Omar. In the closet - Ad Manager Dear Dear Gloset-dweller ..... Jeannine Railey They just seem to hang around with To be brief, I'm gay. I first realized Ad Artist ... Fortunately, there's a Gay Rap .CindyWilcox their "sisters" and took down on this when I was 14 years old. Since Typist Group forming at WMG. I'm sure that ... Alice Krempasky "Independents." Should I try to regain then, I've always preferred the com- to teo- Mlcnele Everett their friendShip and fit-in with the pany of other young men, Girls just talking about your problems Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The sorority or should I go my separate ple who care will help you feel better opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect way and make new friends? don't appeal to me. I'm in ntt junior about yourself. To become involved those of Ihe start or administration year and as yet haven't come "out of or have your questions answered, Cliqued-out the closet." I'm not ashamed of my ext. We welcome comments andlor suggestions. Please address all mail Dear Cliqued-Out, dial 243, 467, or 564. These to The Phoenix, Box t. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md Fair weather friends are a dime a gayness, but just think that the stu- people will be more than willing to 21157. - dents of WMC. are not ready to help you, and more importantly, are dozen. If these girls were true friends, accept gay people without ridiculing better qualified than Omar to assist they would've remain close. I think them. l-have to get this off my chest you
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