Page 133 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 133
Entertainment .;.... _ February 25, 1982 n.. PhHntt Page 7 Manson: man and his mUSIC and whites which. presumably, the about the man to analyze his lyrics. "They'll never show that peace of society, a society of prejudice, blacks would wijn. Being too inexperi- "The pass where the Devil you of mind, discrilT1inationand hate 1 ance of this name is met with mixed' enced at leadership, the blacks can see Because they don't know how Today," repeated over and over. Charles Manson.. The mere utter- Lacking in words it may be, but would call upon Charlie to lead them to be free Flying along in sight for eu to reactions ranging from knOwing grins He and his followers would have see So burn all you bridges, leave certainly not in meaning and clenched lists to distorted facial escaped the strife by hiding in a On the edge of infinity YO"' These songs echo the feelings and expressions of horror bottomless pit in the desert. Charlie Santa Suzana is the pass old life behind." beliefs of Charlie Manson, patriarch The story of Charlie Manson is was to emerge as leader of the world. where you look to be This untilled lyric expresses Char- of the notorious Manson Family. Dur- widely documented. Born to an To start Helter Skleter, Charlie sent look for me lie's lack of faith in the establishment. ing the late 1960's, many people in unwed prostitute and given the titte his disciples to the residence of Twelve in the night love of fight Peace of mind can't come from our the music business in California "no name Maddox" Manson was Sharon Tate and Leno LaBianca in a 'Anyway is right if you come society with all its restrictions and heard the words and music of Char- raised in a variety of foster homes well-to-do suburb of California. Here out in the night sactions. Don't become one with the lie. there was mixed reaction. It was and reform schools. Charlie gradu- seven of tne most gruesome murders it's-so out of sight in Devil's establishment, Charlie urges, cam- generally agreed that Charlie was a ated to bigger crimes and state penal in the annals of crime occurred. Canyon" paign against it. "Burn all your fine guitarist and adequate singer. institutions. Burglar, car thief. forger, Charlie figured that the blacks would This is an excerpt from "Devil's bridges," sever all connections with His song subject matter was lam- and pimp were all roles assumed by be blamed - and this would ignite Canyon."' Manson is saying the des- society as we know it. Be truly free basted. He was simply ahead of his Manson. By the age of 32, he had Helter Skelter. He figured wrong. ert is the epitomy of life and death Be an individual time. A talented orator with amazing spent 17 years in prison This is the Charlie Manson every- You can see death. You can touch it "Die today," another Charlie Man- charisma and an uncanny ability to In January 1967, Charlie was re- one envisions. A long-haired, tea-eo. To survive the desert at night you son tune, echoes the previous communicate with people, Charles leased from McNeil Island Federal five foot, two inch murderer who must possess the instincts of an . thought. Let your old, established, Manson could have been a philoso- Penitentiary in Washington and should have died in the electric chair animal. There is no right or wrong, conformist self die. The sooner the pher. But, sadly, he was not. He moved to tte .Haight-Ashbury section Instead, he got a life sentence he's just survival. "trs so out of sight" better reasons Charlie. The song should have died lor his crimes of San Francisco where he spent the now serving in the Vacaville Penal because you're free from the bonds consists of only two words, "Die against humanity." spring starting "the Family." As a Institution in California. traveling minstrel, Charlie roamed the But few people realize that Charlie streets wijth his guitar singing of love was also an aspiring singer, song- and peace. A fast talker with a writer and guitarist. His music was a Bruce tops In '81 mUSIC glittering eye, Charlie developed a "family" institution. Frequently, after small following of runaways, outcasts, daylong sex marathons orchestrated and even a college graduate. The by Charlie (whose goal of simulta- Manson Family was born. They neous orgasm for the whole family Greg Elbo TOP THREE MALE SINGERS BEST NEW GROUPS moved to the California desert and was never actualized) the family The following is my opinion of the 1 Steve Perry 1. U2 led lives characterized by sex, drugs, would sit around a tire and listen to best music had to offer in 1981. I 2. Mick Jagger 2. Quarterflash love and Charlie. Charlie has an the words and music of Charlie stress that it is only one opinion, 3. Bruce Springsteen 3. Iron Maiden absolutely mystical domination over Few people realize thaI there is. a however the choices were carefully TOP THREE FEMALE SINGERS BEST SONGWRITERS his followers. They believed he was Charles Manson album. The LP made. Some people will consider me 1. Stevie Nicks 1. Bruce Springsteen Jesus Christ. They killed for him boasts 14 songs with titles ranging a real "hOsehead," and my chOices 2. Pat Benatar 2. JaggerlAichards Charlie attempted to start his own from "People Say I'm No Good", to not correct, to ecse I can only say, 3. Rachel Sweet , 3. Ray Davies Armageddon, Helter SlI.elter.This was "Sick City." Although I've never heard "Take off, eh?" TOP THREE GUITARISTS COMEBACK OF THE YEAR 1. Edward van Halen to be a civil war between the blacks the album. I do feel I know enough TOP THREE ALBUMS OF 1981 2. Angus Young 1. Gary U.S. Bonds 2. The Kinks Moth Quiz 2. Tattoo You-Rolling Stones 3. Ron Wood 3. The Moody Blues t. Fair Waming-Yan Halen ALBUM COVER OF THE YEAR TOP THREE KEYBOARDS 3. MSG-Michael Schenker Group TOP THREE SINGLES OF 1981 1. Roy Bittan 1. Killers-Iron Maiden MATH QUIZ Find the numeral that each repre- 1. Start Me Up-Rolling stones 2. Rick Wakeman 2. Escape-Journey Answer to last week's puzzle sents 2. Under Pressure-David Bowie & 3. John Paul Jooes 3. Season of Glass-Yoke One 6 cigars. SEND cueen TOP THREE BASS BEST TOUR OF THE YEAR Congratulations 10 Robin Grey and +MORE 3. The Break-up Song-Greg Kihn 1.John Entwislle 1. Bruce Springsteen Tom Jaques, who each won a free aeno 2. Geddy Lee 2. Rolling Stones half-dozen donuts from Plain 'n Fancy MONEY TOP THREE GROUPS 3. Bill Wyman 3. George Thorogood Donuts of Westminster. and to the Please submit all answers, along 1. Bruce Springsteen & the E Street TOP THREE DRUMMERS WORST GROUPS following people who also submitted with your name, room number, and Band 1. Alex Van Halen 1. Adam and the Ants correct answers: Melissa Main, extension, to box- 577 by 9 a.m. 2. The Rolling stones 2. Neal Peart 2. The Plasmatics Wayne Keen, Linda Block, Ronald Monday, March t. One winner will be 3. Van Halen 3. Charlie Watts 3. Devo Kyle, Debby Neely, Wende Reeser, drawn from the correct entries re- TOP THREE UVE GROUPS TOP THREE HORNS Jacques Read, Jim Riner and Craig ceived. 1. Bruce Springsteen & the E Street 1. Clarence Clemons Sarsony Prize for this week: One f-our's free Baod 2. David Bowie This week's puzzle: Each different time on a pool'table in the WMC 2. The Rolling Stones 3. Chuck Mangione letter in the following addition prob- game room 3. ACIDC _l --------------""1 lem represents a different numeral "Sponsored by Kappa Mu Epsilon" I I I ~ Late Night Spec;"I! 8 p.m.-11 p.m. Free! Cbeeseburger When you buy a Quarter Pounder ? ----------------"'-"'-------------·-------------~----------...---1 i Indoor Miniature Golf Carriage House. Liquors . : Putters Palace 1 \13 W. Main Street I 202 Pennsylvania Ave. ·1 "at the Iorks.." : (comer of Sullivan Ave.) I' Special! : =::;::".~~i~':;;:i : Stroh's 12 oz. can $2.76 : I I 50' OFF 1 Game Mon. thru Thurs. : 1-coupon per student please! \ ' I With this coupon I Present Student ID expires 3/4/82 : I ~--- __ ------~------ ~-----~---------~_---------- __ J
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