Page 134 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 134
Page 8 February 2S, 1982 Basic camp a good offer it's all greek to me The Inter Sorority Council sponsored its annual dance this past Ronald Kyle in the Army ROTC Advance Course Equally as important, they like what Saturday in' the Forum, Dining Porch and the Mall outside the Cafeteria. The ISC had previously approached the Administrative Army ROTC Basic Camp offers and take advantage of ROTC's two- ROTC can offer them bOth now while Coenen with a request to allow the use of the Cafeteria for the dance year program. Additionally, there is l college students better than a an opportunity to compete for a two they are in school and in the future" due to the number of expecte guests. In an effort to accommodate Shari Bullard, an Advanced Army money back guarantee. "Basic Camp year ROTC scholarship while at basic ROTC cadet who attended basic the crowd the Administrative Council offered the three aforemen- gives students the chance to sample camp. camp after her freshman year com- tioned facilities. The dance was, by far, a success and the guests an Army training program designed Students who take part in basic mented Ihat the people that attend appeared 10 enjoy themselves. The theme for this year's dance was to enhance physical and mental camp have either recenlly transferred Basic Camp are "typical college "Sisterhood is Special." toughness before they make a deci- from colleges that don't offer Amry students." She said that the course The winners of the ISC Raffle were: sion to enroll in the Army ROTC ROTC, are recent community or junior was demanding, but it was not $25 gift certificate at Maggie's - Ann Royston program," said LTC Medley Davis, college graduate, or are young men impossible. If someone wants to at- $15 gift certificate at Maggie's - David Bogdanski Professor of Military Science here at and women who, after two years. tend basic camp, Shari's best advice $10 gift certificate at Maggie's - Joe Hedrick WMC. "It's better than a money back have suddenly decided to take a look would be to "cooperate and gradu- guarantee because students receive at Army ROTC ate" SPRING RUSH SCHEDULE top mental and physical training dur- Many of the student who go Matt Kormann, another Advanced Mon., Mar. 1 6:30 p.m. Non-Communication beings ing basic camp and are paid for their through basic camp continue in Ad- ROTC cadet who attended basic Mon., Mar. 1 Individual Bidding Sessions by Sororities time whether or not they chose to vanced ROTC, according to LTC camp noted that the platoon is like Tues., Mar. 2 Individual Bidding Sessions by Sororities continue " Davis family, and "where your spirit comes Wed., Mar. 3 11:00 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Preferrence Cards to This summer, more than 2,000 "Most of the students are excited from." Both cadets feel they are by completed by all rushees in Blanche lobby college students from across the about the opportunity to enroll in the much better off with the experience Wed., Mar. 3 Matched Bidding Session of ISC country will spend six weeks at Fort advanced course," LTC Davis said gained. Thurs., Mar. 4 Bids placed in Rushees' mailboxes by 12:00 p.m. Krox, Kentucky, where they will un- "They consider basic _camp a great The ROTC department is process- Thurs., Mar. 4 6:30 p.m. Acceptance of Bids et respective dergo intensive Basic Camp training confidence builder and an excellent ing applications for basic camp and it clubrooms and end of Non-Communication Those completing the course suc- way to work themselves into top anyone is interested, pay a visit to the Mon., Mar. 8 Pledged Period begins Pledge Period Ends Mar. 11 cessfully are given the option to enroll shape both mentally and physically ROTC department Thurs Women who are rushing and sorority members are reminded that Foundation formed during the Non-Communication period there is to be no communication WANTED between the Rushees and sorority members Baseball Cards New members will be presented then from page 1 Dean Laidlaw, Dean Mowbray, Dean Bible IS special Invited guests will include: Dr. John, and leadership ability. Once the applicants become mem- from page 4 McCormick, and Dr. Higbee, among 'Need Extra Money? bers, they will have the opportunity to others and the evidence of changed lives lands and limes." (The Christian Cen- serve on any of the various standing Said Laurie Slasman, "We didn't throughout the centuries, to name but tury. November, 1958). invite them to ask for their assistance Next time home bring committees. By the end of the semes- We invited them to show that we are a few other book has any such credentials The Bible is special. It is unique. No ter, if they wish, they can run for These factors led the great archae- back your old cards offices tile next year by election. here to help them" ologist W.F. Albright, to conclude, No other book even comes close To make memberShip in The Stu- In conclusion, liz Sigenthaler "The Bible towers in content above all "England has two books, the Bible Mike Worthem dent Foundation more desirable, ex- stated, "We want student to have a earlier religious literature; and it tow- and Shakespeare. England made clusive activities are planned for its Weeli - After 6 p.m, 433-7700 members only. One of the first activi- sense of pride as well as realize that ers just as impressively over all Shakespeare, but the Bible made (Victory Hugo, cited AU DilY Weekends 795ยท1658 ties is the reception for new members they have a stake in this school." The subsequent literature in the direct England" Encylcopedia of Religious by simplicity of its message and the Student Foundation hopes 10 be re- Mead, on MarCh 16 on the DininQ Porch. sponsible for that catholicity of its appeal to men of all Quotations, p. 49) 8ta)t ahead of the game! Reinforce your college degree by getting a better start through Army ROTC's special Two-Year Program. * At Western Maryland * See Cpt. Mike Mauldin Basement, Albert Norman Ward Hall Campus Ext. 620/62-1 * It includessix weeKsof challenging summertrainingthat's bolh lough, but rl!warding.Whenyou finish,you'll be in the best shape ever. And proudof itl Earn good moneyduring yourtraining, plusan additional$100per monthwhenyou return 10 collegeas an Army ROTC AdvancedCourse student. Meet studentslike yourselffrom more than 275 coll996campusesallover the country - makinglastingfriendships you'll neverforget. BE ALL YOU CAM BE. So lake the best shortcut10 yourfu!ure, no matter whal your career goalsmay be. Beginthe aeee Start withArmy ROTC- @ and stayaheadof the gamel For details and more information,call Of contactIna Departmentof MilitaryScience. ARMY ROTC.
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