Page 132 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 132
Page 6 February 25, 1982 Sports Terror B-bcllers miss Martin once a townie last shot NCAA bid and now college coach l Bruce Mable each.....added six points, Dave Engle pleased with her position and at the had four and Scot Kohr added two WMC's men's basketball team lost After a 68·61 loss to Franklin and ~;::e~~e~:.s c:~~t~:~~n ~!;:~:~~ it's final game 01 the season to Marshall that knocked the Terrors out M6e~:: on campus has a certain Dickinson College, 49-41, and also of the Middle Atlantic Conference type of person in mind when the word forward to developing a niche for lost it's last chance for post season playoff race, WMC came home and "townie" is mentioned. As an alUlIlnus herself at WMC play. Had the Terrors won Saturday, defeated Moravian, 70-63. to keep of WMC, Coach Becky Martin knows If necessity would cause her to they would have been in the running their playoff hopes alive. Dave Engle what that stereotype is and just change her plans about staying at for an NCAA at large playoff berth was perfect against the Greyhounds laughs as she says. "yeah, rm a WMC. Ms. Martin would most prcba- with a respectable 17-6 record and a hitting seven for seven from the floor townie," What Becky means is that bly apply for a coaching position at a sweep of South-West Conference and two for twO from the line for a Becky Martin, she's grown up in Westminster and small college similar to WMC that champion Dickinson. As it is they game high sixteen points. Jim Oaw- now lives on Pennsylvania Avenue would be in the same conference. finished the season 16-7 which ties son also had one of his better nights, within walking distance of Gill evm- Hopefully that college would be the best record a WMC basketball scoring thirteen points and a magnifi. nasium guided by a philosophy equally as team has ever had but isn't good cent thirteen assists. BASKETBALL RESULTS Becky Martin is the newest member good as the one at WMC. enough to gain entry into the NCAA Western Maryland then traveled to DicldnSOl'l, 75. Albright 56 of WMC's women's athletic staff. A The biggest problem that Becky Dickinson took a 10-4 lead in the Susquehanna lor a non-ccnterence lebanon Valley 95, Alvemia 45. 1980 graduate of WMC, Ms, Martin encountered in making the transition lirst five minutes, but after a Terror game and won 86·81, Doug Pinto Weste.mMaryland 86, Susquenanna Bt also received her masters degree from studenVathlete to coach was in time out WMC quickly tied the game turned in his best game 01 the year Haverlord 68, Johns Hopkins 66 from WMC in July of 1981, While the area of leadership. There are 43, Moravian35 and the two teams traded baskets for scoring thrity-one points and grab. Didlinson & Marshall 47, Muhlenberg 41 earning her masters degree, Ms times, as a ccecn. that Martin would Franklin the rest of the half. Western Maryland bing eight rebounds 10 lead WtylC lebanon Valley 91, Gettsyburg 76 Martin was a graduate assistant. in like to get out on the court, that took- a 24-18 lead into the locker Dave Engle also had a.ccoo game Ursinus 63, Swarthmore 6101 the athletic department here at the Martin would !ike to get out on the room by scoring the last eight points with twelve points and eight re- Dldlinson49, WestemMaryiand 41 college. Her duties flOW include head court, show what she wants done, of the half. The Terrors had a chance bounds. John Seiler had sixteen Franklin & Marshall 65, lebanon Valley 59 coach for women's basketball. aSSist- and take the leadership, Instead, she for a last second shot but couldn't points and Jeff Weyer eleven Gettysburg 54, Albright 47 ant coach for track and volleyball, has had to learn to lead from the get it to drop and had to settle for a The Terrors then traveled to Dickin- Haverford 48. Swarthmore 46 and instructor for various physical bench. Communicating well with the slim six point lead at the half son and you already heard about education activity classes women on the court has become her . Both teams came out stone cold in what happened there. As a student in high school, Mar- main goal. Communication is defi- the second half but WMC held on to .... _...;_ -, tin's future plans, did .oot include a nitely the key factOr. its slim lead, mostly through the college degree. At the end of her One other point that could have efforts of Jeff Weyer who scored six MIDDLE ATUHT1C STATES COLLEGtATE ATHLETlC CONFERENCE senior year, Becky suddenly realized ~n a problem for Coach. Martin is straight points to keep the Terrors up REPORT FOR February 22, 1182 BASKETBALL that her educational and athletic that she is now coaching several girls IMgue by a slim two point lead 32·30 with PoInts A..,. Overall PoInts careers were drawing to a close. It with whom she played on both volley- thirteen minutes left in the game. The T_ W L PCT F • OFF D£F W L PCT F • wasn't until this time that Ms. Martin ball and basketball teams while at Terrors continued to lead until 4:30 Dickinson 102 a .833740608 61.7 50.7 16 8 .66715471347 began to seriously consider college. WMC. Coach Martin, however, admits left in the game when 'Suddenly the F •• 3 .750757 700 63.1 583 17 8 .680 15961413 Becky decided upon a physical that this tact has never created any referees went wild and gave Dickin- Moravian 75 .583657.641 54.8 OJ' 1211 .52213141289 education major .with plans to teach difficulty for her. She anncues this son nine of their last eleven points WeslemMd Valley 75 4 8 583782 '" 65.2 '" 16 7 .69616061445 in the public school system. !t wasn't absence of difficulty to the etntucee 333"3 lebanon - from the free throw line. Meanwhile Muhlenberg '8 333638 7119 673 61.9 66.6 11 13 45816281660 until she had embarked upon her of the women on the teams. They are when """'''''~ 53.2 56.1 7 18 .28013361437 on the other end of tile court Jeff 111 .063696 643 58.6 70.3 6 19 2401~1715 college career that she began to be a great group of women Weyer was being mugged interested in the possibility of coach- Six years ago if someone would trying-to shoot. but 'he refs. didn't ing et" the college level. have told Becky Martin that one day seem to mind sinCe they awarded When Martin began looking lor a she would have two degrees, she WMC only two foul shots for the entire TOOugflit coaching job, her first choice was would have laughed in the person's game (compared to Dickinson's 16) a cflampionsflip Western Maryland 'College. Becky face. Today, with a smile, she can As a result of the help from the season for !he believes strongly in the philosophy say that Western Maryland COllege is zebras, DiCkinson went from two Terrors,lhebas- and programs of the athletic depart- the best thing tnar ever happened to points down to an eight point lead ketbs/I- team ment at WMC. She's extremely her career. that won them the game. had many up Jeff Weyer (12 points, 7 rebounds) moments, like lead the Terror scoring followed by the victory over WRESTUNG RESULTS SWIMMING RESULTS Jim Dawson (11 points 6 rebounds. 5 Mufllenburg Muhlenberg 34, Rutgers·Camden 14 Ursinus 56, Swarthmore 51 18 assists) who, as the 9f1IY senior on Ursinus 27, Albright & Marshall 2 Franklin & Marshall 64, Ursinus 42 61. lycoming 50 Wilkes-45, Franklin this years team, was playing his last laSalle 54. Haverford 16 8100msburg 67. Swarthmore 42 Widener, game for rhe Western Maryland Ter- Penn 56, Haverford 3 SWarthmore 66, Elizabethtown 35 rors Doug Pinto _and John Seil.e~ Ursinus -47. Haverford 14 HOW TO TURN $100 A MONTH INTO $15,200 FOR COLLEGE ,,,.. r-v <'aCh mon.h, 'The fIO~rn""'n ..... n much.-. you. PerMo. YouSoo.voe: . $100 '''00 "vi"&SfWO.-for-o"" maximum. you·Jl.hav. $2.100 of you. So if you Gov', Add. 2 for I;_. $200 s-ecc Too::ol: '300 $7Z00 own mo""y pI $of,800in ma"hilll fund •. T"",l: $7 .200. Army Add..,.,· '8000 'Then. for .n~srilll!n 0"" of many .. lected Army 'P" T_IBond'i,., $15200· dah:ies ..... Army wiU add $8,CXXImo"loyourfund *Booed on maximum pmldparion GTandl""'I:$IS,200(orcoll •• ~ .. twoyn",. lfyou.nlinedfo.(ouryear',\'Oucouidalsoquali(yfo< InvesrinR iUlI"'_ yn ... in 1M ArnIy can ge.a brigh. In add!riONI c.. h bon ... high IChoolll",dua~.nfilucarionfund worth up 10 Andtha"onoo:.lI:you'lltak.whaltMG.I.Billse""",tion $15,200. took inlO meir coU. CIaSSfoonu in addition 10 fi .....ncial Here·.ho ....: .....n.ncc:th •• >
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