Page 131 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 131
February 25, 1982 Page S Jan term: Paradise Islands on from WMC beautiful as a painted picture and very interesting tours, learned a lot things didn't dampen the great times Shortly after the Jan term classes every day became an adventure, about Hawaiian culture, went to a we had l. t!~~~Ith~av~ec=~ ~:~~~era:~ :'a~~·~:r :,~~Iet!~~~d ~~~ ::ialbe!~~t~~que with its own ~:~~ I:~~~e~oh~~ot~ ~~n~e ~:i h~!~~ uni~~~s:~g:ri~~~~d~~atUSc:~t~o~~~~ various Jan term adventures, I have found the sun and fun of our fiftieth What we saw and experienced and other tropical drinks, visited 4 of be conceived by anyone who ra- been disappointed tl1at no article has state. For many people this Irip mere cannot be described or ex- the 7 islands, and were able to do so mained on the mainland been written about the excellent trip became a dream come true. And I plained well enough 10 make people much more on our own that each of Some of my friends and I had been to Ihe "Islands of Paradise." I then oeseve. for just as many, it has really understand the feelings that us could write a book waiting for this trip since last year realized that reason that no article provided memories that will never be were inside each one of us. The Of course the trip did have its We made it through finals this past has been printed. Everyone else has forgotten beautiful sussets »er the clear blue moments; some not so interesting semester by telling each other that in been walting also; meanwhile nothing The most popular remarks Ihat water, the rhythmic breaking of the tours in which we were stuck _on a just four weeks we'd by lying on the was being written could be heard were, "I can't believe ocean's waves, the mere joy of lying bus while it was sunny outside. One warm beaches of Hawaii with not a Since I feel the experiences this I am here," (this quote is in honor of on the sand catching rays as we day thai started at 5:30 a.m.. a man care in the world and no pressures to group stereq together on tne islands 'Shelly and poor Robin who had to heard reports of snowstorms occur- named Bob and his Hawaiian humor, deal with. But we never inagined how were too meaningful not to share; I sit listen to her), and "It is so beautiful ring back home; all contributed to an unbelievably cold and very wet good it would be. It was much more down now with pen in hand to here, even better than I expected." make this an unforgettable trip. And Pearl Harbor tour, and too much than I had ever expected. Everything compose and article about the jour- These statements were hard not to all this was just one aspect of our water wasn't from the ocean, but from and anything we did there seemed so ;::~~~~!!!:2!~1 ~~~~~bec~a~",:::.e~:2:....~~~~...:a~d,::e~","::::,e--::=we~~~~~~-"lh::.eC:CI~O"~d''.;_~,:::.e._cN~oo~el~he:::'e::::,,:.:~:::e::::,eO,~;~~sg:~r~u~~ t~:~s:~~o~Sm:~~h:~e WMC professors In print The mood is so carefree, the people ing and it does seem like paradise so friendly, the weather is excellent. plus we were so full of excitement And those are only some of the things, there is so much more that I "'-In addition to editing the book, Dr says were written by religion scholars 1969, Ira taught his first class on could say. Zepp also provided Ihe book's Intro- from colleges and universities all over Tagore in a Contemporary Religious For Ihose of you who did not ductiOn and two chapters, one on the country. One of the essays was Thought course. In 1973 the now participate in this trip, you may stili Tagore,as the Ferryman, a metaphOri- written by another 01 WMC's distin- famed Ghandi and raaore class was not be able to appreciate what we cal comparison Tagore made about guished writers, Dr. Melvin Palmer, integrated into the Non-Western experienced during those three himself, and one on Ghandi, Taqore Dr. palmer's chapter is a critical look Studies department permananlly. weeks. But I know there are fifty·three and non-violence at lagore's translated poetry tilled, Zepp dedicated the new book to all people out there who can relate to The book itself is a collection of "Tagores Poetry in English: A Candid his students in that class since 1973 everything-I have said. essays concerning everything from View" "who have realized in a common Yes, we all got a lot more for our Tagore in America to Tagore and the Four of the essays in the book fellowship of. study the __[peetingof money than just a winter tan. When I Indian Nationalist MoVement. The es- came from talks delivered at a East and West and, as a result, strive returned to WMC my friends only special American Academy of Reli· to make this world a more human noticed by brown skin, but internally I ON THE BANK OF AUP-NARAIN gion lagore panel organized and place." feel like I have grown and changed On the bank of Rup-Narain chaired by Dr. Zepp which was part Zepp feels lagores relative suc- somehow. The memories I have will I awake', of a larger group of professors in the cess or at least exposure in the West always be treasured. The special This world A.A.A. interested in examining reli- has stemmed from the combined moments I enjoyed will be remem- Is not a dream gion in modern India. lhe pane) met recognition he got from his 1914 bered as the best one tnat WMC bas In words of blood I saw annually in 1977 and 1978 with the Nobel Prize for Literature, and from a ever provided lor me. I am so glad I My being regular meetings of the AA.A. in San persona! standpoint, from his easy was given the opportunity to partici- I knew myself Francisco and New Orleans. accessibility, his mildness, and his pate in such a Jan term Through hurts "The project arose out of my inter- general low-threat personality. lagore "Aloha and Manhola" for letting me and pain est in the American Academy 01 was \(,nownfor his sense of universal- share with you my experiences from Truth is hard - Religion and the course I teach each ity and toteration. what I believe to be the best Jan term And never oecieves year on Ghandi and lagore in Non- Dr. Zepp considers this new book offered this year I loved that hardness Western Studies," said lepp. The to be a tribute to the late poet and Death-lonq lapasya of suffering book idea came a year later after the philosopher, the first corporate re- that was wort~ in lhe To win truth's terrible value. panel sessions sponse of its kind he believes. It is in , no truth or goodness And to pay all debts Dr. lepps initial interest in Tagore observation of lagore's one-hundred by man ever dies...bul is al/ In death came after taking his Fulbright trip to and twentieth birthday anniversary. still here, and...lives and works WHERE ROADS ARE MADE India in 1967. Two years after that. in through endless changes." Where roads are made I lose my way, Thomas Carlyle in the wide water, in the blue sky there is no line of a track The pathway is hidden by the birds wings, by the star-fires, by the flowers of Ihe OUR TOUGHEST wayfaring seasons. And I ask my heart if its blood carries the PART-TIME JOBS CAN MAKE wisdom of t1le unseen way. From Fruit Gathering' COWGE $4.000 EASIER. Comrade of the road, Comrade of the road, Here are my traveler's greetings to thee. o Lord of my broken heart, of leave taking and loss, of the gray silence of the dayfall, My greetings of the ruined house to Ihee! o Light of the new-born moming, Sun of the everlasting day, My greetings of the undying hope to thee! My guide, I am a wayfarer of an endless road, My greetings of a wanderer 10 thee! Rabindranath lagore Wl'sl,!!ins.t!,~!: q,~~IQand Silver Exchange DON7 SELL FOR LESS JEWELRY. WATCHES • DIAMONDS I'a.,'ingill('w ..h - ('h",·k.,ndCompare Carroll County's Largest Gold & Silver Dealer 69 West Main Street westmicster, Md.
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