Page 130 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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Introspection Why the Bible IS special ent from other boks is its unity. elation 1:7) The Bible is all about Ron Antlitz Although this book was composed by Jesus. During Jan term an article was men, its unity betrays the hand of the The entire Bible is a unity with each l published, in The Phoenix from Josh Almighty. The Bible was written over part needing the others to be com- McDowell's Answers to Tough Ques- a period of about 1,5OO.years be plete.' Dr. W.F. Albright puts it this tions addressing the issue of the more than 40 different human au- way: 'To the writers of the New existence of God. II was stated in that thors. These authors came from a Testament, the Hebrew Bible was article that we can know God exists variety of backgrounds, including Holy Scripture and they were the because He has revealed Himself to Joshua (a military general), Daniel (a direct heirs of its prophets. It is, us in several ways. The two most prime minister), Peter (a fisherman) accordingly. quite impossible to un- important aspects of God's revelation and Nehemiah (a cupbearer) derstand the New Testament without were said to be His Word (the Bible) The authors of the various books recognizing that its purpose was to and His Son, Jesus Christ. The wrote in different places, such as the supplement and explain the Hebrew following is also from Josh McDow- wilderness (Moses), prison (Paul), Bible. ell's book, and is a closer examina- Patmos exile (John). The biblical "Any attempt to go back to the tion of the first of these two means by writings were composed on three sources of Christianity without ac- which God has re~led Himself to different continents (Africa, Asia and cepting the entire Bible as our guide us. Europe), and in three different lan- is thus doomed to failure" (cited by CHRISTIANITY teaches that the guages (Hebrew, Aramaic and Roger T. Forster and V. Paul Marston, Bible alooe is Ihe revealed Word of Greek). That's a Good Question, p.67,) God. Even though it was written by_ The contents 01 the Bible deal with Lest anyone think this isn't some- rnen, the ultimate author was God many controversial subjects. Yet, the thing marvelous, we'd use-to give you Almighty. This claim was not invented Bible is a unity, From beginning to this challenge. Rnd ten people from by the Church, but is the claim the end, there's one unfolding story of your local area who have similar Bible makes lor itself God's plan of savanco for mankind educational backgrounds, all speak "the word of the Lord endures This salvation is through the person the same language, and all are from forever" (I Peter t :25, Modern Lan- of Jeeue+ctmst (John 14:6). Jesus basically the same culture, then sep- guage Bible.) "All Scripture if God- Himself testified that He was the arate them and ask them to write their breathed" (JI Timothy 3:16 Modem theme of the entire Bible opinion on only one controversial Writer Ernest Thompson, Language Bible). "For the prophecy, "Search the Scriptures; for in them subject, such as the meaning oHife came not in old time by the will of va think ye have etemal life: and they When they have finished,compare 'Pond' t b . d man: but holy men of God spake as are they which testify of Me. .for had 0 e VleWe they were moved by the Holy Spirit" ye believed Moses, ye would have the conclusions of these ten writers. Do they agree with each omer? Of (II Peter 1:21,KJV) believed Me: for he wrote of Me. But course not. But the Bible did not Ernest Thompson. author of On Over 2,000 times in the Old Testa- if ye believe not his writings, how consist of merely ten authors, but 40 Golden Pond, will present a special will conduct a question and answer ment alone there are clauses such shall ye believe My words?" (John session following the 2 p.m. showing as, "And God spake to "Moses," "the 5:39,46,47 KJV) It was not written in one generation, viewing of the movie version of his of the film. Thomson will also present word of the Lord came unto Jonah," In another place, "And beginning at but oyer a period of 1,500 years; not~play at the Carroll Theatre in West- a special discussion and reception at and "God Said," Moreover, the Bible Moses and all the prophets, He by authors with the same education, minster on March 18 at 2 p.m. and 5 Alumni Hall at 7:30 o.m. on March 18 p.m. culture and language, but with vastly The special presentation will claims to be a record of the words expounded unto them in att the different education. different cultures, benefit the Student Acting and Schcl- Tickets for the movie showings are $2 and deeds of God, thus the Bible Scriptures the things concerning Him- from three continents and three differ- arship Fund for the WMC Theatre on for students. faculty and staff. Tickets views itself as God's Word self" (Luke 24:27 KJV), see also Luke ent languages, and finally not just the Hill summer project for the evening discussion/reception The mere fact Ihal the Bible claims 24:44). are free and will not be available at to be the Word of God does not The Old Testament is the prepara- one subject but hundreds. A native of Westminster, Thompson the door And yet the Bible is a unity. There prove that it is such, for there are tion (Isaiah 40:3). The Gospels are is complete harmony, which cannot I h other books that make similar claims the manifestation (John 1:29). The be explained by comcidence or couu- The difference is that the Scriptures Book of Acts is the propagation (Acts sion. The unity of the Bible is a slrong Summer nterns lOP contain indisputable evidence as 1:8). The Epistles give the explana- ,,""meo! ;, favor of its divine inspira- being the Word of God. tion (Colossians 1:27). The Book of teo .. 0118 reason that the Bible is differ- Revelation is the consumm~tion (Re_v- The unity of the Scriptures is only The Maryland Hall of Records Com- one reason among many which sup- mission has announced openings for esteo in archival work to the basic ports the Bible's claim to be the problems and procedures of estab- divine Word of God. Others which seven positions for its Summer Archi- lishing archival control over perma- val internship Program at the State could be explained in detail are tte Archives in Annapolis, The ten-week nently valuable historical records Intems work with professional staff testimony of the early Church. the internships carry a stipend of $1,375. answering historical inquiries, assist- witness of history and archaeology, The purpose of the internship pro- ing in the public search room, mten- continued to page 8 gram is to introduce persons inter- torying historical records. and periorming a variety of other tasks associated with the daily operations of a modem state archives. Candidates for the internship pro- CarroU Piau Shopping Cent,:r gram must be currently-enrolled graduate students or advanced un- dergraduates who have received all Monday & Wednesdciy: or part of their education at Maryland institutions or who are Maryland resi- $1 Off a pitcher of beer dents attending an out-of-state Col- in university. Participants lege or previous summer internship programs Tuesdoy & Thursday: at the Hall of Records are not eligible to reapply, Finalists will be inter- $1 Off all large pizzas viewed in mid-April by the State Archivist and a panel of distinquished scholars and community leaders Information concerning application C~lI Ahead for Takeout Orders expires, Jl11S!.PovISI'e,,1 procedures are available by writing 876·3550 3/4/82 Bohjmo,e.Morylond21218 directly to the H~II of Records, P.O. Box 828, Annapolis, Maryland 21404, , t-------==~------ ----- , , , I , LOCUST BOOKS , HOUSE OF LIQUORS , , ~ -~, , .Carroll Plaza, Westminster 848-1314 , 9 East Main Street Westminster, 21157 Maryland Portraits 3011848·6813 $3.99: Heineken Special of the Week..-" , , Weddings Cards, Calendars, 'Diaries, Journals, 848·2148 : I 12 oz. Lite NR : call in evenings 'Prints, 'Puzzles & 'Totebaqs after 5 p.m. l______________________________ 3/4/82 ~------~----I'------- Open ~ ~ :, ~ 7 day. a we,~ , Prese nt Coupon -
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