Page 129 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 129
February 25, 1982 Pulling no punches Stiffen campus security 1 Westminster. The sinister town is a to be invented. This password--say, don't treat their own home with such on drug-crazed disturbances. Once Beyers Chris breeding ground of vice and deprav- the molecular structure of Sodium or disrespect! Add this to the destruc- caught, instead of merely publishing It's high time decisive action is ity. The low-moralled scum that lurks the quadratic formula--should be one tion. bagging, and blaring stereos, the offender's names in the school taken to improve campus security in that cesspool would like nothing that the townies couldn't possibly and it's clear that it is time to crack paper as one of my colleagues has Our once-safe little intellectual villa is beller than to destroy our Edenic know. or, if they happened to over- down suggested. why not put them out in becoming overrun by vandals, mur- paradise. Secretly, the vulgar slime is hear it, remember Security cops should not only walk the stocks for public inspection? It derers, thieves and all sorts of ver- insanely jealous of our superior int~ But not all security problems are outside the dorms, but patrol the worked for the puritans. Repeat 01· min. If stronger measures are not lect, culture and sophistication. In caused by the Townie Menace. Cer- insides. too. Give them guard dogs, fenders could be lynched, shot. or taken, the rift-raff will reduce our fact, it is the sworn purpose of these tain sections of the quad are really nerve gas. and a big gun like Clint sterilized (to keep them from breed- orooc couece to shambles townies (as we euphemistically call distasteful. The halls are littered with Eastwood has, to show everybody ing), or perhaps all three In defense of our security system, them) to destroy Western Maryland garbage. the fire extinguishers are that they mean business. Random These measures would ensure the the steps taken thus far have been College and rape and murder its empty, and the stench in nauseating. searchers of rooms to clear out illegal kind of safe, quiet, passive campus right on the mark. t am overjOyed that occupants. They will stop at nothing You can be sure that these cads narcotics and alcohol could cut down that I know that we all want my tuition money has gone to such unlil their evil task is done I sug- Conservatively speaking worthwhile endeavors as putting up Thus, we need to take stronger lights between Rouzer and Mact.ea I aclion against Ihese infidels. don't know how many people have gest that we build a huge wall around been raped and killed on that stretch the college, with a moat stocked with in the past few years, but I bet it's piranha and crocaoues to discourage plenty. The logic behind erecting the townie visitors. Maybe a couple of NRA wrongfully blamed lights is ccvous-rtese bad guys are guards patrolling the walls with m- afraid of light. like Dracula. But why 16's and an anti-aircraft gun or two, stop there? let's install large crosses in case the townies wnat to play on all the doors to terrify the wicked hardball. In order to enable the forces from even coming near students to go home on weekends constantly blamed for the lack of gun students. But. they each contribute But to deal directly with the prob- and breaks there would have to be a Keith L. Arnold control in this country. It is argued what they can, and the result is the lem, we must consider the source- drawbridge. A password ~Id have This week's column is on minorities, thai individuals N.RA. who is have a small group hold 01 success describe N.RA. members as To a strange minority Kl a ng and Falwell- a and seem to be rights. a conservative It " this ersc a on trayed the as government. sadist They who are por- killers, and dismiss unfair. them Certainly, the While does as psycho- ret con- is grossly paths, care ignorant cern - my Interpretation ls the coun- promotes of two Vlews of world , cneuenae. themselves sorts, '0 to mose majonty who only The their about lack sacred of slaughter control 01 animals this N.RA. and are also thus in the hunting forefront of in this in efforts but fund and use the guns, try, Ihe consider they gun in . For One. the minority, but a successful Joseph Olcott ingly disregards two of the greatest There is a general consensus of ~:~;o~a~t ni~ ~~~~~.t ~fo:h~h~;R:re :tm~~~ 9~~u~~~~~~t'e T:~~r:~~ of wildlile. Dr. Ira Zepp, Professor of Religious moral awakenings in this country, opinion that minority rights should be indeed a minority. And if the majority, funds for the protection the environ- who Studies, delivered a lecture and con-- stated Dr. lepp; namely, that of the protected. Atthough we live in a speak out only when a Kennedy and the preservation of well as ducted a discussion last Thursday as civil rignts and the anti-war move- democracy (i.e. majority rules). minor- or Lennon is shot, was gun cent-or ment the major- part of 1982's Black History Month at ments. It seems Jerry Falwell consi- ities are not to live and pursue their organized as the N.RA, There is no question that WMC. The lecture was titled "Jerry ders these movements as part of our interests. would be a reality. You can not blame ity of people in this country want Falwell ve. Dr. martin Luther King, Jr.- moral degeneration, Within. this ccosrruct any group of the N.RA, you must blame the extensive gun control. But it is a -Altemate Visions for America" Dr. Kin'O's dream of America. on the individuals, although a minority, Who majority. credit to this ·democracy that the Both of these men, Dr. lepp other hand, centered on the elimina- by hard work succeed in achieving Yes; the N.RA wields considerable N.RA. is able to prevent this. One are pointed out. are similar in certain tion of three problems afflicting the their goals, should (provided they is me power in Washington, but through simply can not blame them lor being ways while different in others. Each nation: racism, poverty, and war. He not rich) be applauded. For this organization, not subterfuge. N.AA successful. One can blame the ma- person has, or had, a vision for this advocated basic economic rights for liberal (John Stuart Mill) ideal. members are not the superrich, but jority for complaining instead of act- country; both believed that our laws the disadvantaged, selfless aid to The National Rifle Association, is farmers, weekend hunters and WMC ing. should come from God; and both poorer countries on the earth, and mixed religion with politics by achiev- peaceful means for peaceful ends, of a Watertower leaks all ing religious ends through political leading up to the establishment "back Give a guy a roll means (such as the mass voter "beloved human community." registrations each engineered). But Jerry Falwell sees a renrn 10 "old- "both men nave a different vision of' time religion" and a movement America." said Dr. Zepp. "that's to God." Dr. King, however. saw the where the difference is" building of a "new-time religion".and The Reverend Jerry Falwelt sees an a movement "forward to God." Fal- have to blow their noses. figure it this way; there are thirteen Corey N. Mann America based upon seven princi- well's retrospective glances 10 a time On the other hand, it could be the students who share a section with me ples: 1) the dignity of human life (i.e .. of supposed innocence a few dec- I am sick-sick and tired of being guys doWn stars 'Nho have stolen, and every Friday aftemoon there are the sanctity of human life beginning ades ago contain many unsightly awakened each and every Sunday already, our light bulbs, shower head, four, at least four fresh, still in the at conception), 2) the traditional mar- pictures: Jim Crow laws, lynchings, morning at close to the crack of dawn fire extingquisher and faucet handles wrapper rolls of toilet paper stocked riage and houSehold (i.e.. the wife at the "separate but ecuer- principle. by some foOOmed sole screaming at People have got to wise up in this in the bathroom. Now at 200 feel per home and the husband as head of intolerance towards minorities and the top of his lungs, in the bathroom, soclal regard, and leave the facilities roll and four rolls we get 800 feet and the family), 3) common decency (te., towards different religlens, and the tor some toilet paper in the facility for the hygiene of with thirteen students that all amounts ne sex education in schools). 4) the favoring of fundamentalist, white Hey--I know this could be a touchy others. to 61 feet each to last till Monday. realize work ethic (i.e., restrictions on welfare Anglo-Saxon Protestantism. King saw subject in teday's moral households, of you, whO that at this point. some More than enough I would think, with I do and on this country's "something for these defects and knew that human but facts are facts and it's true that are reading this are some left over for guests even. nothing" allitiude), 5) the Abrahamic jusfic. freedom, and spiritual progress this feUa, whoever he may be, does a thinking that I am a little off-base, that My appeal to you is this; save me covenant (i.e., a personal relationship lay not in the past, but in the future lot more white laundry a lot more the tissue gets all used up. Well the my sleep and steal those damn tw0- between God and a country), 6) a "One can't have Jesus as Lord," often then he should answer to that is absolutely no. I fold worthless paper towels instead God-oriented education (l.e., obedi- said Dr. zeoc. "While accepting or Now don't worry yourselves over Write your Congressman ence to the home, government, and supporting racism, sexism, national- this, there is no great tenet paper church) ism, and militarism." shortage like was the case with the about College Aid Cuts Jerry Falwell perceives in this coun- Martin Luther King had, and Jerry earty seventies. II is every one taking try a decline in morality, beginning Falwell has, a vision of a better and the rolls back to their rooms. Seems Admissions Office will man about thirty-five years ago. America, more faithful America. But their con- that there are some sick individuals letter writing tables outside of he feels, has been moving further cepts are not the same. As Dr. Zepp who don't believe in Kleenex and go and further away from God during remarked, "I think we're talking about off on the tOilet paper every time they cafeteria on Friday, Feb. 26, 10-3:30 p.m. this lime This view however seem- two different Americas" Westminster 'Pawn - OutLet ~k ri~ Professional Typing ~Ioce "'" Pickup & Delivery SELLING NEW AND USED STEREOS, $1.00 per page .MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY SALE: 50% Off "Cleartainers" includes proofreading I II Decker Center 857·5150 71 West Main Streel Ph,,,,,,.876·3086 _Westminster,Md. near cafeterta open 4:30 p.m. -
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