Page 128 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 128
The Phoenix AskOmar Write, speak, vote Dear Ornar. by calling fl48..5060. Junction, located my detergent. It was okay the first and tell them no would As a never professional social of the worker mean- I McDonald's Professional Route Building next to couple of times, but now it's gelting the in ridiculous be scornful on 140, is availa- ingful often people sub- help they anytime However. writing help to advice columns. receive from I ble stance for abuse. with They problems many of young come Also, down and I have eat any up. food, I don't see it The student aid cuts in the proposed Reagan budget are drastic. The would take issue with the advice you people who have problems with mis- possibility of many current and future college students being forced to gave to "Worried" who feels he bas a use of alcohol combined with drugs mind lending them my blow dryer or abandon their academic pursuits seems a more realistic threat each week drinking problem They can be reached by calling 848- my headphones. because I gel them And the"'feeling of helplessness and inability to motivate any assistance from Alcoholism is a serious problem. 6100. Help, from people who care back intact. But how can I get my legislators in Washington, D.C. has students across the nation pathetically even among the young. It is not and understand. is just a phone call detergent and food back? counting the days when their college careers will be doomed to abruptly end always easy or possible to "Cut out away Signed, 01' take a drastic change in direction and emphasis. the weeknight drinking" as you glibly Mary Elen Elwell Perplexed and Penniless Yet, there is still time and opportunity tor college students. including suggest. Although Worried does not ~ial Work Program those W'ho attend WMC, to tell the legislators of the nation that they are feel he needs professional help you displeased with the proposed cuts in student aid and that Ihese cuts will would perform a service for your Dear Mr. Elwell, certainly be remembered Ioog after the current political fervor lor budget cuts readers if you provided information You are absolutely right. Thank you has faded. The financial aid office in conducting a letter writing campaign at about the services available lor prob- for the timely advice and concem. I WMC to encourage students to voice their concerns about the'Reagan student lem drinkers in this community. RighL apologize for seeming glib or unfeef- Dear P & P, aid program cuts to their Congressional representatives. on campus Jeanne Higbee is avana- ing. This is a serious problem. Iknow Omer's been at good old WMC for The letter writing campaign is planned fO!" tomorrow, February 26, from ble for help in the Student Affairs of the Health Center you speak of has four years now and believe .me. I've 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the mall outside 01 the dining hall. This is a unique Office. If a student is concerned 'an excellent reputation for community a known few parasites in my day. opportunity for students who will be affected by the proposed aid cuts. Every about being identified in some way, service Hal/mates love to share in food. detali involved in sending the letters to the various Congressmen will be the Carroll County Mental Health clolhing, toiletries, even members of handled by the financial aid staff. Provided lor the students will be pencils, Center has a program which provides the opposite sex if they can"get away paper. envelopes, addresses and postage. The only thing required of the support and counseling for people Dear Omar, with it. Make it known to "the guys students is the initiative and words to convey a message 01 concern over the who have trouble controlling their My problem is with the guys living down the hall" that you're sick of their attitudes about higher education expressed by the President and his drinking habjts. The clinic is located down the hall. I am sick and tired of mooching. Refuse to loan out your advocates in the Department of Education. To let this opportunity pass on Washington Road near the hospi- financing their way through college things anymore, or tell them you unheeded is to say that WMC students approve 01 the proposed college aid tal. An appointment lor confidential, Every time they have to do their expect the "borrowed" detergent and cuts. ' non-judgement help can be arranged wash, they come in my room and use food replaced. As important as the letter writing campaign, is the national student lobby are day planned for March 1. There can be no doubt that words without action their The Dialectic only murmurs in a raging wind. It is important that students at WMC pn academic colleagues across the nation, and give support and momentum to this movement. It is the intent of the student lobby day to relay to the national legisfators, the concern and displeasure that is rising among students over their the states decide the planned student aid reductions. It is important that students show representatives that to ask for·a 12 percent cut in federal college funds, while other Federal cost reductions average four percent, and to propose cost guarantee equal pay fO!" equal work?" "Correct. Now a man working a job reductions for aid to American college students and simultaneously propose William Kreiter "There should be laws passed to for about twenty years would have increases in economic and military aid to Et Salvadof, is not only absurd, but "I think the Equal Rights Amend- enforce this." had several raises and would then be also asks students to accept treatment that implies they are only second class ment is necessary to bring the level "Exactly correct! This is the method earning more than a woman or a new ciuzens. And. should the representatives doubt the import of the students' 01 womanhood to its proper respecta- the Reagan administration lavors to man, correct?" opinions, it is the duty of all students to demonstrate their displeasure bility." make the pay scales balanced. "That would seem logical" vigorously and efficiently at me ballot bOx, when those representatives Who "Excuse me but did you say that Would you not say that the federal "So isn't it easy to see where a chose to ·ignore the concerns of lha....students seek re-election the ERA is a necessity in the ccneu- government has already done its part misleading ligure would come from?" The students in the United States must show that they are not politically Iution?" and it is now up to the State "Yes, it is" impotent and apethetic as they are presumed to be "Yes, that is ~t I said" govemments to pass those statutes? "What woutd you say is the purpose ''Then you feel that women are not "Yes, I suppose that is correct." 01 the Constitution?" granted equal protection under the "According to a figure recently "To set the foundations 01 govern- law?" disclosed to this campus a large ment and to ensure certain rights?" "Yes, that is correct." number of women were not being ''What rights?" "Well, according to Amendment 14 paid the same as their male counter- "Basic individual "rights and liber- of the Constitution, No State shalt parts, correct?" ties" deprive any person within its jurisdic- "Yes, I remember that ligure" "Is a specific pay scale a primary tion'the equal protection of the laws. "Welt how long would you say that right 01 liberty?" Do you consider women to be peo- women have been in the work force "No, 1 guess it is not." ple?" in large numbers?" "Therefore the ERA is too specifc in "Of course I do" "I would guess about the last five nature for the Constitution and the "Then according to this amendment years.' supporters of it should direct their are not they guaranteed equal pro- "And how long have men been in energies toward State legislatures tection of the laws?" the work force?" where effective statutes could teve "Yes, I guess so" "Men have always been in the work already been passed if this route had ''Then what should be done to force." been taken in the first place." Points for review The Phoenix Lack of needed control Punishment, however strict, will not lem: so to 80 percent 01 all criminally Ann Karn reverse the damage committed with a Registration would not control tte In America, 32,000 lives are sense- handgun misuse of handguns since the major- lessly wasted every year as a result Handguns are not used for sport - ity 01 handguns misused were stolen. of the availability of handguns. Regis- their purpose is to kill. Sacrificing It is estimated that there are 30 to 50 tration of handguns witt not work. On 32,000 lives a year is too high a price million handguns on the street and the behalf of the victims as demand to pay so that someone can exercise that 2.2 million new guns are sold a radical change in current handgun their "right" to carry a gun. The every years Judy policies. We must have national legis- rhetoric craeruzauone such as the II is too easy in this country to get a Proofreading Chris Soto, Melanie Clippinger, Deb Ratzburg lation that would outlaw the manufac- National Rifle Association tries to feed handgun. Only a total ban and con- Business Manager . .Jonathan Dickey ture, sale, transportation and 'us, is that by owning a handgun, we scientious eruorcement will eliminate Ad Manager.. . .Jeannine Railey possession of handguns by private can protect ourselves from the "crimi- the misuse of handguns. In America, Ad Artist.. Cindy Wilcox citizens nals." But who will protect ourselves every 48 minutes someone is mur- Typist... Alice Krempasky There are many options to the from ourselves? Rhy-two percent o( dered with a handgun. How closely Michele Everett current problem of handgun misuse those murdered by handguns were does it have to affect you - the Published- by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The Only one will eliminate the problem - killed by a family member 01 close murder of an acquaintance, your opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect a total ban on handguns friend. friend. a member of your family or those of the staff or administration The presidential administration is Registration 01 handguns will not someone you love - before you will We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail not in faVO( 01 handgun control work for the same reason Reagan's do something about the problem? Or to The Phoenix, Box I, Westem Maryland College, Westminster, Md Reagan claims the solution is "stiffer rationale is wrong. Registration win do you nothing ... and maybe your 21151-- penalties for those guilty of using means that .tier a handgun has name will be in the newspaper. .as guns in crimes." This afler-the-Iact been misused, the authorities will be another statistic approac~. is _totally u,:~:c~~ta~!e. ~I~ .'9 _tra~ _it.~ .":l~t:s.~. prC!~-.
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