Page 127 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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I I I. Costs up, services the same many students complain about the dents ask deal with student services, crease. Both Mowbray and Schaeffer feel Beth Piske,a l 1 As tuition costs continually in- quality of food and living conditions especially the Student Government Mowbray explained that the budget that Western Maryland College is still Schaeffer explains that extra money Association. A senior 'asked, "What j crease, Western Maryland College makes up a contingencYfee. This fee percentage of student tuition comes committee considers two aspects a good bargain. Schaeffer said, Maryland is the best bar- 'western when determining the budget. These Ii students are expressing more co:n- is used to pay back the federal back to us through SGA?" Dean are the fixed aspects such as fringe gain on the east coest." He explained cern about how tte college admims' government department of Housing Mowbray, who allocated funds for benefits or salaries and the program that the only schools thai are cheaper V Iration allocates the revenues and Urban Development on a loan Students Services. was' unable to aspects such as SGA Fixed aspects are south of here where the land is a generated each year. Students de- used to build Englar cafeteria, Rouzer answer that question ' tend to rise with the cost of living cheaper or are catholic schools : mand to know where tuilioo is going. Hall and Whiteford Hall. Schaeffer Another SGA concern expressed by Program aspects are budgeted less. where salaries are not as much .. Student tuition and fees are com- says that this fee only accounts for.5 students is that studenl services look systematically. Mowbray said, "Within In comparison with WMC's total bill t bined with grants from the stale of percent of the ccuece'e entire nearly a 13 percent increase last program aspects. there was a decline of $6,425 tor the 1981-82 school 1\ Maryland and the federal govern- budget year, yet the SGA budget was not in the budget this year" "veer. Bridgewater costs only $5,600 t: menl, and. gifts from alumn! an.d Another student complaint is that increased at all. A sludent said, "SGA Mowbray sums up Ihe general and Dickinson is much higher at - parents. This lump fund, which IS the college store makes a profit every affects everyone on campus, they feeling of the budget committee when $7,990. Gettysburg, who increased caueo the Educational and General year,- yet continues to receive larger should get more money," he said, "Student aid is more impor- tuition by $800 (same as EMC) totals 1: Revenue, totaled over 8 million dol- allocations each year. Schaeffer de- Mowbray disagreed and said, "II tant than giving more money to at $7.200. Two other colleges that are lars for 1981-1982 fends this auocanon saying, "The comes down to where we want to put student govemment to have more lower are Loyola at $5,515 and Mount This revenue is then allocated to college must keep up with-inflation." the priorities in the institution," He dances." He added, "It's simply a SI. Mary's at $5,500 SUCh_ items as instructioo, student And anyone who has ever seen a explained, "ccuece Activities has matter of priority, I don't see any Tuition accounts for 54 percent of services; operation and maintenance college bookstore ad knows that is taken increases and they also serve inconsistency." In a final defense for this institution's 11 million dollar of plant, and student aid. Mr. Schaef- "where all the profits er used for all students." Actually, SGA took an his SGA allocation, Mowbray pointed budget and will continue to rise an fer, treasurer of the college said, financial aid." increase two years ago and at that out that the SGA is the only group inflation does, according to a report' 1 "Personnel accounts for half of the One student questions the quality of lime college activities took a de- that is allowed to keep their revenues issued by the budget committee i budget. Salaries must be increased education at this college. She said, "I to make it possible for these people don't think we've been getting our , to live." Indeed, salaries for personnel money's worth." To support this gen- t was allocated over 3 million dollars in eral feeling, Barren's Profile 01Ameri- JJ981·1982 and will continue to rise can Colleges has changed WMC;s • with the cost of living for 1982-1983. rating from an excellent to a very _1 Revenue not included in the Educa- good. Schaeffer discredited this ac- The _,tional and General Revenue includes cusation by saying, "Barren's is not ;.residence halls, food service and the nationally recognized as a good anal- "college store. The budget indicates ysis for colleges" Despite Schaeffer's sthat each of these enterprises takes statement, many high school guid- in more money than is spent in the ance counselors use Barren's when Phoenix ccourse of the year. Students ques- advising about college choice. tions how the budget committee ac- Despite other concems about the .:counts for this difference when so blJdget, the questions that most stu- I n:Art on display Thursday, February 25, 1982 Western Maryland College Volume I, Number 17 Students' involvement 111'1~~s~~:~~:e~~~~~;~~;'~:;nWf~: her untitled photograph and Vernon organization foundation , the library??? If you don t believe It check out WMC s first annual JUTIed Roberts for his photo "Dreams" i Art show to be on eKhl!?lt In the Karen Klyman took third place with always been the responsibility of the Senior PRIDE chairpersons from their Hoover library until March 1, 1982. her photo "2:25." Susan Cleveland Junior Class. The Student Foundation organization The first annual WMC Juried Art received the best of color award for The Student Foundation has come plans to appoint a chairman and a So far, the organizing the The Show was organized by members of "Glass Bead" to WMC. "We're out to make our committee to handle a Parent's Week- Student Foundation rests with its 18 the cultural arts and film committee. A "Quit Trashing with Refigion," a mark," stated Public Relations Chair- end in the Spring. "Hopefully," said charter members and officers: Presi- sub-committee of the sponsoring Col- pencil drawing by Loc Gwynn re- person Carolyn Berry. "The Student Smallwood, "this will build experience dent, Stu Suls, Vice-President. Ken lege Activity Program board. CAP ceived first place in the category of Foundation is not going to be just as well as improvement over the Schaefer, SecretarylTreasurer. liz board members decided to have a graphics and illustration. Taking a another ordinary student organization, years." Sleqenthaler. Social Chairperson, juried art show of WMC's own be- second place award was professor of We're going to make things happen n The foundation's vice-president, Mike Kline, and Public Relations sides its travelling art show. Subcom- computer science, Richard Dillman The Student Foundation (SF) is the Ken Schaefer, said that a Sibling's Chairperson, Carolyn Berry mjtee member, Dr. Julie Badiee with -crvoncs'', graphics done in brain child of advisors Gary Small- Weekend is under discussion now. Other members include Teresa expressed her delight over the sue- colored pen, Third place went to wood and Ginny Vleck of the WMC The objective of this activity is to Baker, Kathy Benson. Marie Bo- cesssful response to the show. The Hilary Wilson for her silk screen print Development Office. Drawing back allow the brothers and sisters of rowski, Bill Byrne. Mimi Eby. Robert show, open to the entire campus "Bellegrove Square." on his experiences at Virginia Tech WMC students to visit the College Holt, Checka Leinwal1,Laurie Mather, with a similar organization, Smallwood and spend some time with thelJl. If Pam Peterson, Michael Price, Michele \:~J =ms~~~'nt:r:d ~::~ityl :k:ntries c:::~~ ~~:t s~z~hn~ ~:,:~ry Wi~ decided that a student 'initiative this happens, the activity could possi- Sauerwald, laurie Stasman, and Beth The show was judged on Thursda~. her handmade az-crece raku chess based organizatioo could work at bly be corrdinated with the May Fair White February 11 by. jurors. Julie Badiee set created in 1981. Mike Hardesty WMC. The SF will run on guidelines Weekend, or some other major activ- They were all chosen as represent- and Arthur Lanier of the waiters Art followed with a second place award for such organizations as set by ity during the Spring atives of the student body, not of any gallery in Baltimore. Maryl.§Od. in this category . CASE (Council for the Advancement Traditionally, the Phonathon is an one student organization. II should be Entries were divided into the four Honorable mention was given to and Support of Education) important activity of the Annual Funds noted the The Foundation is not categories of painting, photography, Nancy Held in the category of graph- The philosophy of The Foundation Office. Starting this year, The Student under the SGA, It is a part of the graphics, and illustration and ceram- ics and illustration; in the category of centers on two objectives: support Foundation plans to take over the College's development office. All of ics. Winners in each category re- photography, Pete Roof, Bernice and schOOl pride, Support comes entire operation. They hope to im- its funding will come from this ornce; ceiveo prize money provided by the Beard. and Susan Cleveland; and from the revenue they expect to raise prove it with increased student partic- Yet, the foundation does not hope CAP board, with first place winners Keith Richwine in the category of for the Development Office. School ipation, Checka Leinwali, student to and cannot operate with only 1B - awarded $50, second $20, third painting. Richwine, head of WMC's price in students will result when they chairman, said, "We're going to make people. The object of the foundation place $10 and best of color photog- English department, received honora- get involved in The Foundation. sure it's tun. This way, we'll get more is to get students involved. Therefore, people invotved. We want to raise a a membership drive is in the process raphy $20 ble mention for his watercolor and Charter member Checka Leinwall I. painting was Usa Kleven for her large pen caricatures of the three literary said "Students actually do have a to have fun at the same time tee chairperson, Ken Schaefer, appli- lot of money, but we want everyone Placing first in the category of According to the interview commit- great deal of enthusiasm and support figures of carl Sandburg, Camus and The social chairperson. Mike Kline, r 1981 oil painting of Bruce Springs- Auden entitled "Existential Funk." for the College, but they don't know said that he's riot sure of what exactly cations for The Student Foundation are now available at the Information teen, entitled "Bruce." Second place where to put il. The Foundation aims Professor Richwine stated thaI art I; went to Ronald Schloyer for his and graphics have been a hobby of to provide the student a way to is planned for the semester by means Desk. On March 3 (6:30 p.m. in watercolor "The Guardians," Taking his since childhood. During his high channel that support" of social activities. However, he said Memorial 106) or orientation meeting I ::~~aiela~~7:i;~~i\~~::;"Ofaln~:~ ~~~~~ a~~~o~~g:cr:~S'P~~li~~~i~~t~ be the means to promote the support ered. -as well as parties and recep- will be held. This way, "People will mixers and dances will be consid- Social activities and fundraisers will know what they're getting into," said 1~ l and watercolor by Nancy Held and later was a cartoonist for Army and school pride. The organization tions. Schaefer. All applicants will be re- Senior PRIDE was started last year quired to have an interview which will publications In the category of photography, has tentative plans for two Parent's and will remain a separate organiza- Bob Bcii1er.WMC professor of mathe· be held the week of March 8-12. Said Prize winning entries are exhibited Weekends, a Sibling Weekend, a matics and photography teacher, on the third floor of Hoover library Phonathon, and anything else possi- tion this year. But. The Foundation Schaefer. 'We're going to be looking ~ J captured first place with his black with many more art works placed on ble plans to incorporate that campaign for people with interest, enthusiasm. ~.. and white photograph "Phillip" view on the second floor. The Parent's Day in the Fall has within their structure by appointing continued 10 page 8
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