Page 126 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 126
Page 8 The Phoenix February 18, 1982 'Liv' brings soft fun to WMC ... harmonized performance. The songs mellow-beautiful productions he man- Cambridge-his home, about paja- Soviet Union and also the Oz song I Dan Wilson themselves were a good collection of aged to produce, he kept us as mas-the mildest thing he could think mentioned before. The sentimental Having done the article announcing witty, sarcastic, and at times ("Blood entertained as entertainment goes for of to write-a song about. women in the crowd really went tor the Livingston Taytor--Greg Greenway on the S~") very moving pieces of tfle rest of the evening. Some of his He sang portions and personal the Oz stuff. It was kind of nice Concert, and being the shortage of art. tunes may have had all the character- versions of Over the Rajnbowand If I suppose. Phoenix writers that there is, the After the Greenway Band had fin- istics of something his brother James only Had a Heart from Oz. He played Atl in all I thought the concert was editor managed to twist my arm (with ished up with its response to the may have written and sung, but I a few jazzy songs on the piano and pretty big success. Greg promise of free passage) to do a blazing encore from the relatively certainly don't think that bothered did a little picking on the banjo, all to was good, Uvingston follow-up. Well, I'm glad flOW that h:!:l small audience, and the stage was all anyone, certainty not me the crowds rowdy pleasure. He even good, LT. and G.G did, because the concert was very en- reset, piano and microphone wires all The first song tnat l.T. played and did some of his own interpretations of together. Even the crowd joyable rearranged, the "Hall" was ready for a couple of others after were not Punk Rock music to keep us from the winner, as enthusiastic as a The show opened with a surpris- Mr. "uv" Taylor - and they got him. 1 original, but stili his rendition was absence of his wanting jokes jungle. 1 think Terry Rippin eve ingly talented performance by the don't know about everyone else, but I pretty good. His second song was a When Taylor was finished he got deserves a hand as the new Stude Greg Greenway Band. At first I didn't was even more surprised when I saw witty comical play on Jacque Cous- not only an encore, but half of a Activities Director, since it was prob, think that they would amount to very him than when I saw the Greenway teau doing the Scuba-duba disco standing ovation (he wasn't THAT bly his hand behind the whole thing. much. My friend had told me their Band. There was a guy had been dance under the sea that everyone good). He came back to play another hope he has some more goodies i pub performance was pretty dun, hair and big sideburns who had been enjoyed. He also sang songs about humorous punk rock song about the store for us in the future their music lost in the solid murmur of moving the equipment around, who I pub-licians, and their material essen- had never seen before and who I had ••• And James tially plain. =.ghWaS Taytorhimself,fool that I captivates But after Fridays viewing, those descriptions were fast outdated. Their When the reer Taylor walked out, music was anything but dull, their after Adam Wrights introduction, with James Taylor is an extremely tal- style was about as borrowed as a a vest and a bowtie, dress slacks, __ Greg Elbo ented individual. He blends folk, tradi- newly printed dollar-bill, and their dress shoes, and .the looks of a At the risk of disgracing myself to tional, R&B, and jazz influences into material was downright plain and classical concert pleulst, I thought the hard rock fans of WMC I will an acoustically based pop song style, simply enjoyable. I was impressed at least. ~~~~~~r~:a~r=:::r~~dan~ :~~~~~~S:i~~ti~w~~I:no~tt~~~~n~; ~:;~::~Si~~~; ~fi~i~n:~~tl~t;~~n~~ That little three-man band really rowdied from the big G performance 10 when James Taylor came to with beautiful execution. Technically. Showed me mat it doesn't take alot of and here comes dainty two-shoes. He perform. Let me state-that my primary his performance was nearly flawless amps and decibals, nor even a lot of got up there and fiddled around with motivation for going was not most- I am used to arena sized concerts instruments to make some quality his pockets, for more than just sev- cally oriented. However that motiva- where they substitute decibles for songs. The band only consisted of a erat minutes, while attempting a few tion is irrelevant clarity, Taylor'S sound system was bass player, an acoustiCal guitarist jokes and counler-explanations that I wish I could tell you what the first nothing less than fantastic. The stage (Greg Greenway himself), and a I'm stitl not sure I understand, (II was song was but: it took so long to locate lighting was also tastefully done hard to hear at times), but then all of a parking spot that we missed the Some of the musical highlights was so cute) a sudden seemed to pull it all first three songs. I asked the people were, Mexico, Handyman, Carolina Greg was the writer of most of the together sitting next to us what the opening on My Mind, and Show the People songs I assumed. The few that he He undid his boYitie, and gave us song had been, unfortunately these The last song was done with a didn't take credit for, I had never our moneys worth (asp. me). Between folks were so blown away I doubt performing twist I had never seen before. This song has heavy back-up heard before. AU three of them to- the continuously comical-quizzical tt1ey could have remembered their 'vocals on the chorus, when Taylor smiles and distortions he managed 10 gether bet1inclhis talented writing did own name much less whal Mr. Taylor 1·~s.".~..~..m.i.nd.N.•Ij."a.'~.iIr.:~I~ii~SIl.~~.y~~~,~...ruS~f~~e.~~d~fh~e~i~~-~~;::;;i~~iHi;:i;;~~~""~~~:Ii~"""""""""[j Yes, your Army has more than 8,600 At Western Maryland aircraft in its active, reserve and national See Cpt. Mike Mauldin guard fleet-more aircraft, in fact, than the Air Force! Basement, If you truly want to fly with the brave Albert Norman Ward Hall -seek out the Army's Air Cavalry_Out Campus Ext. 620/621 front, leading the way-flying among the trees, seeing without being seen-at ~ the controls of the world's most sophisti- Get your future off the ground now! cated attack helicopter. _ Find out how Army ROTC can prepare You must possess stamina, agility, and you for this or many other challenging resourcefulness to handle one of these positions of responsibility_ See the Pro- birds. Decisions must be quick when fessor of Military Science on your cam- dodging trees at 50 knots and orchestrat- pus. ing the movements and actions of the other members of your team. Quickness, decisiveness-this kind of experience is what employers are looking for. ALL YOU CAN BE. ~) ARMYROK.
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