Page 98 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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page 601 . The last Day on Earth Scumshow Roaches In Blanche protest Rapid music at night daily placement of ble ditterences between the Terrorist An incident that tilled the spring fresh food and water supplies for Poaches and the administration" situation, Wray Mowbray, Dean of the Roach Hostages, the two men break with tension and anxiety for the roaches in Alumni Hall, Lewis Hall, Blanche Ward would be "completely Student Affairs, replied, "No com- returned to work and resumed their WMC administration and staff, two and the Gymnasium: and inception of enveloped in a cloud of fumigation ment, that is up to Dr. John" normal maintenance duties maintenance men. attempting to ex- scientific research for the betterment chemicals at 9:15 a.m." Yesterday, Day Five ot freedom for terminate Blanche Ward. were held of Iile for roaches At exactly 9:15 a.m.. Baltimore City hostage for four days by a group of Before going back into Blanche Sanitation squads began fumigation disgruntled roaches Ward, one roach told reporters, "We 01 the building. Simultaneously, a On the Monday afternoon of last have watched WMC students tolerate Maryland State Police SWAT. unit week, the two maintenance men did the unjust oppression of an inconsi- stormed the building and rescued the not return to the maintenance shop derate and meely-rrouthed adrmrus- hostages before they suffocated. tor lunch. The Maintenance Depart- vaton. Now we are showing the "It's wasn't too difficult," said one ment began searching for the missing students just how to deal with these officer. "The roaches scattered tor men around 3 p.m. when the search- types of bugs. WMC students lack Memorial Hall in a panick when the ers checked Blanche Ward, they conviction and backbone to stand up chemicals filled the building. We just were told by a groop 01 roaches that tor their rights, but roaches have picked up the men and walked out the hostages would be poisoned with been abused for many centuries and the front door. insecticide, unless the WMC Prest- we'll not tolerate it any longer" At a press conference later that dent met with the roaches to hear As the negotiations between WMC day, Physical Plant Director, Preston their grievances . officials and the roaches stretched Yingling said that new methods of Later that evening. College Prest- into Tuesday, Day Two of captivity for dealing with roaches will be insti- dent, Dr. Ralph C. John met with the "Roach Hostages," one Baltimore tuted. One of the proposed methods three roaches at the front entrance of City Sanitation officer said that he did is to let foodless Bouzer residents Blanche Ward, which by that time not expect an immediate resoiunon of occupy dorms targeted for exterrnina- had been surrounded by public sani- the situation . tion for three days tation squads from nearby Baltimore " It's their nature. roaches can en- WMC Security Chief, Robert Fasano City. The roaches. who claimed to dure lor long periods of time without said that he was impressed with the represent the Roach Unity League tor food or water," said the official. "This efficiency 01 the fumigation method Equatity (RULE), told Dr. John that was avoidable, because we tore- used to disperse the roaches, and the hostages would not be released, warned WMC officials of this three would consider a similar method to unless the college honored their oe- years ago, unless the problem was disperse students who refuse to end manes. The roaches gave Dr. John a given serious attention " weekend dances in Decker Center at list of the demands, and reiterated The negotiations continued late into the 1 a.m. curfew time those demands before the press trom Wednesday, Day Three of the Roach "We learned some valuable lessons the front steps of Blanche Ward. Hostage Crisis, and according to one from their incident, and we will apply The major concessions demanded spokesman, there seemed little hope what we have learned to handling by the roaches were for the imme- of settlement. other pests on the campus," said date ceasing of all extermination on On Thursday, Day Four of the Fasano. A Baltimore City Sanitation Squad helicopter prepares the campus: upgrading the quality of Roach Hostage Crisis, Dr. John an- When asked if the same amount of to release a "fumigation cloud" at 9:15 a.m. over food served at the cafeteria: curtail- nounced to the press in Decker care would have been given to the ment of the students playing louc Center that, "because of irrecorcua- setetvct student hostages in a similar Blanche Ward Hall. News Briefs 0-0.·+0?J.· ~(j Oscar Meyer CAMPUS FOOTBALL PLAYER BE· Last night, the campus was witness "When I said that I wanted to see my COMES AN ALMOST HERO from page 4 ~ ~ to one of the most disgusting sights professor's ass, I didn't mean liter- Howard Cantsell darkening its collective skin? lifeguard at the WMC swimming pool ever seen in the history of the ally." Another student cried for retana- WMC football player, John Uebel, In additional to the idiosyncracies of week counting ink blotches on a pad college. The first annual faculty nude tion and asked Ihat all students go on a recent excursion in town, be- WMC life already illustrated, there are full of numbers for no apparent run was held last night. Faculty nude to class for one week. 'Still came an almost hero. John was also a myriad of unrelated oddities readon at all. Such an occupation is spokesperson, Dr. Howard Orenstein, another said that faculty members walking down Bond SI. when he across campus. Let me highlight just as whorthless as hiring a student said, "you ain't seen nothing yet!" involved should have disciplinary ac- noticed smoke billowing out of a a few of them: You'd need a bugle to rouse the Several students were interviewed tion taken against them. Some of the white frame house. Coming closer, he To start with, the school store etikes attention ot one of these "lifeguards," after this disgusting display of flesh faculty members participating were: heard the frantic cries at a woman me as somewhat curious. It stocks who must all be on the Dean's list for and declared that anti-hazinq rules Dr. Saporra, Dr. Brown, and Herb screaming, "Please, someone! Save more stuffed animals then the Mattei all the studying they do while on duty should also apply to the faculty as Smith. The faculty spokesperson reo my baby!" John, being me hero that branch headquarters in Detroit! I It makes as much sense as the WMA well. One student, still pale and plied that any disciplinary action he is, replied. "I'll save your baby, guess that tells you something of the music department, which is so small shaken trom the experience, said, taken would be a "bum rap. lady!", The hysterical mother then intellect of your average WMC acade- it could be moved into the third floor threw her baby out of the second mlan. Arnother big·selling item in the uoeroce bathroom. In turn, Levine Fasano frees 52 hostages story window. A fireman arriving on dare anyone to try to throw a gold Hall could be renovated and can. store is Western Maryland r-etune. I the scene said, "He made a beautiful venec into a wine and cheese shop catch, the trouble came when' he and green skirt at MY head! And then that will never open up. lorgot himself and spiked the kid." there's the ridiculous number system Finally, I'll drop dead in my grave Dlonra Thistlewool of 8ree Fortunately, all charges are being in the school cafeteria. Only a total this instant if anyone in the WORLD In an exclusive update 01last year's in agreement that Fasano's role was r:;,;;,;;;... I_Ii_W ..ou...'d_'..p_e"_d_'_e'_e"_~a can tell me what "Scrimshaw" means story, this reporter has uncovered the "at least as important as Jimmy key role played by officer Bob Fa· Carter's and certainly as important as sana in the release 01 the American any other security guard from the Candid shot: Phi Alpha hostages Baltimore-wasnlnqton Area. It was Fasano who personally inter- When questioned about his rnetn- vened to bring about the change of ods, Fasano replied "Oh it wasn't that Phi Delt position of Bani (Benny) Sadr-Fasano, difficult· we always got along well as Mu his long lost brother. kids and things are no ditterent now" Says Fasano, "Those shuttle flights "Benny is all right," Fasano ccn- every night got to be a real drain, but cluded, "although he is sur not I simply had to do my best to relieve someone who I would like to be seen the situation" Nevertheless, the suua- in the Pub with." We at Scrimshaw tion was resolved are sure that Benny's feelings are High state department officials are mutua, Sportswear & Athletic Shoes ~FLEET FEET:~ FAIRGROUND VILLAGE CENTER I 330 ONE FORTY ViLLAGE ROAD WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND 21157 I All Brands of Athletic Shoes TEST PREPARATION warm-up Suits & Sportswear SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 10% Discount with ID Silk Screen Printing for Groups 1121 .. 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