Page 101 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 101
Scrimshaw Charles theater hosts film forum Information Desk in the Student Cen- contradictory symbolism. One can As Jimmie tries to climb toward a Hazan and David Mingay's "Rude ter. almost see the evolution of the direc- steady position in the white world he Boy". Primarily a vehicle for British Last Saturday, I saw "The Chant of tor from an adolescent to a cynical alienates himself from his heritage rockers, the Clash, the directors also Jimmie Blacksmith" and "Rude Boy" adult. His eHorts to mix in with the white tried to !,!Iip in a bit of nihilistic at the "Jimmie Blacksmith", Set in Australia at the turn 01 the world are to no avail, however, as he politics by Fred Schepis! is so far the most century, Jimmie is a hail-aborigine, is cheated by his employers and The story revolves around Ray, a successful example from the much- half-white who tries to break through openly insulted. 20-year-old alcoholic who follows the touted Renaissance in Australian the race barrier of the decadent Finally, Jimmie explodes. The mere- Clash from their early gigs, gets a Film. Keeping that in mind, the youth- British settlers. The photography and dibly shocking axe murder scene, in roadie job with them, then gets fired lui and idealistic quality of the work directing are excellent throughout, which Jimmie and his uncle laton- Ray is only a kind of unifying device seems understandable adding much to tic plodding script ously hack into four white women in for the film, floating in and out of its This naivete works for about. three- Much of the dialogue is clumsy and the kitchen of his employer'S house two main themes. The first of these quarters of the film, then things get overly preachy, although there are a serves both as a climax and a turning can be called "Police and Thieves". twisted up in knots. Wl1atever mes- few gems. In fact, the whole presen- point in meaning for the film the second, "I Fought the Law" sage had been put forth in the first tation of the Iilm is TV-news-style, Are we to infer that Jimmie has These strands twist their way around part of the film becomes obscures by depending on plenty of shock value, absorbed too much white culture and one another throughout the film as if Schepisi felt he had to hit his est his identity, or is he just an "Police and Thieves" involves, for audience over the head to make his unintelligent savage who should have the first part of the film, The Clash's message clear. He makes no bones stayed in his place? In the end, we're and Ray's encounters with a fascistic about relating the incidents in the film not sure. "The Chant of Jimmie police system. Later in the film, we (based on real events) to racism in Blacksmith" is a film of vital import- .eee group of black yoult1s arrested many favorite numbers for a large the 1980's ance as well as being a fresh, and mistreated by a CIA-like police crowd. Sonny and Cher payed a visit' Jimmie is brought up by a British youthful work of photography. The organization to the campus and signed their hit minister and his wife. The pure, audience was visibly stunned by the The second thread, "I Fought the -rve Got You Babe." Other songs "civilized" home life Jimmie experi- harsh power of the film. This film will Law". documents the Clash's rise included "Hey, Big Spender," "I Love ences is contrasted sharply with the be shown again on Wednesday, May from an idealistic, "screw the system" a Rainy Night", and-everybody's depressing alcoholic binges of his 13 group to a more public oriented pop " eers ~=~e,,;~~mn;~~ar~~rrorl Picture fellow aborigines in their dirty hovels Another fairly naive work is Jack group game the Fresh-nan class held a food New SGA offl camera of the early parts 01 "Rude eno static '0"9hO,ss th, Whl', During halftime of the Lacrosse eating contest. The contestants, who Boy" irritated me, the directors' style became a bit more personal as the included the now tarrovs Maciejczyk, film progressed. The concert scenes ate bag of marshmallows, a bag 01 set plans of the Clash are electrifying, but crackers and three bananas. Steve could have used more than one or Sturiale emerged the victor 01 this contest. Andi Yob comply with the regular attendance two camera angles pe.r ~cene. Like rules. With the recent elections of the "Jimmie Blacksmith". thiS ISan unme- Dectsions will be made in commit- diate, adolescent view 01 the 20th SGA officers for next year, much tee giving the students the respensi- Century, self-conscious and refresh- Student Honors inquiry is posed as to the goals the bility of creating an active or inactive ing at the same time new administration hopes to achieve student government thai will have Working together in unison, drafting and Awards new policies and programs will be gr::hort~~ i~~:~;appomtmera of Social work the returning Theresa Baker as Presi- Scott Lohmann to the office of vice- dent. and Scott Lohmann as Vice- President. The two hope to brin9 president. there will exist better recre- from page 1 ACADEMIC AWARDS fresh ideas and a more mature sentanoo of the sorority and fraternity program. They said that it was some- Phi Delta Gamma Award Rebecca J. Weller perspective to the administration's systems on campus. Through his thing that they had to learn on their Makosky English Award Cynthia Leigh Roe perception of the SGA efforts, Lohmann will try to see to it own Outstanding Senior MaU'!Award David Brian Cross A main concern of the executive that the two organization types will be The major of social work is a broad Steve lloyd Mathis, III Award Carolyn Nancy Stockwell Perry officers is to have the students take a justly represented and sufficiently no- one, and does not necessarily limit James Matthew Perry realistic attitude in hand~ng ttte prob- tified before any action is taken that one to the traditional counselorfexec- Myers English Award Margaret Elizabeth MaIkus lems faced on campus. The two would affect their rights. Lohmann utive role. The major can be ex- Lowell Skinner Ensor Memorial Award M. Jennifer Hardin governing heads will attempt to keep also stated that both he and Theresa tended into other fields, such as Psi Chi Award Valerie Rae Enfiejian the student body better informed as were looking for "better representa- public relations, or institutional admin- Lynn Beth Rothacker to the behind-the-scenes working of tion on the whole, because the tstraton. Despite the current adminis- Putnam Award David Brian Cross the SGA by publishing recent devel- students have been getting shafted, traton'a budget cuts, which indicate H.P. Sturdivant Award Paul Brian Warfield opments and proposals in WMC in regard to policy decisions" a trend toward limiting the social- Shipley Ar\Award Nancy Lee Heinbaugh today. Attendance of the SGA mem- Baker is looking forward to more welfare system, the social work major United States History Award John Frederick Kebler bers at meetings will become manda- interaction with the students and the I can still be considered for those who Kenneth Morris Short tory as credits will be issued and faculty to achieve this better repre-, like to work with people as well as Hugh Barnette Speir, Jr. Prize Sarah Elizabeth Poole status revoked if persons fail to senteuon and equal voice demonstrate administrative skills. Seth Calven Prager Wall Street Journal Student Achievement Award John Frederick Special studies in Fine Arts Kebler ACTMTY AND LEADERSHIP AWARDS John D_Nawrocki Athletic Award Scott Brian Kallins Publicity phy on photography is similar to that years 1have been fascinated with the Student Government Association Award Teresa Maurine Baker Special studies protects of Western of well known photographer Clarence Tolkein trilogy and the characters in Tracey Lee Maxwell Maryland College students Michael H. While who said "The photographer it." Eventually, Stuart would like to Ralph Geor~ Preisendorfer Easley, Maureen Stuart and SUsan should go out into the fields with an design outfits for all eleven charac- Robert Barton Stocksdale Claypoole will be exhibited in the open eye and an open mind to be ters in the book. Women's Alumnae Athletic Award Marie Louise Mules lobby of Alumni Hall at the Westmin- moved to expression and to appre- SUsan Claypoole, a self-designed Michael L. Waghelstein Memorial Award Howard Lester Wallace ster campus from May 7 through May ciation of pattern, tone and color major in arts management, is also Alumni Citizenship Awards Pamela Marie Owen 9. Photographs and costumes will value." Mike elected the special using photograpt1Y as a means of Ralph GeoI'ge Preisendorfer comprise the exhibit. studies to supplement his student "Self-expression. She will exhibit a Lynn F. Gruber Medal Regan James Reno Smith Under the sponsorship of Dr. Ken- designed major, Communications-Vi- photographic essay entitled "Scenes John A. Alexander Medal Craig Alan Walker neth- Gargaro, chairperson of the sual Arts. He has been shooting for You Never See In A College Cata- Mary Ward Lewis Prize Nancy Casey dramatic art department, each stu- this projeCt since January of last year logue," an attempt to peer into the Bates Prize Paul Brian Warfield dent devised a project that would Senior Maureen Stuart of Westmin- moments of reality that every student OMICRON DELTA KAPPA provide them with experience in a ster will exhibit an outfit she designed experiences but seldom sees in print Class of 1981 field related to their mecr. In support- for Gandoll the Wizard of J.A.R A sophomore from Timonium, Clay- Nancy Casey Regan James Aeno Smith ing special studies, Western Mary- Tolkien's popular triology Lord of the poole has worked closely with Ihe Jean Marie Elliott Bruce Alan Swett land expands the -range of its liberal RIng•. A special studies student in dramatic art department at Westem Margaret Elizabeth Malkus Paul Brian Warfield arts program to include activities not costume design, Stuart began sewing Maryland College and has an interest Ralph George Preisendorfer usually covered in the traditonal cur- at age four and eventually gained in developing her photo-journalistic Class of 1982 riculum proficiency to make her own clothes skills in preparation for work in the Teresa Maurine Baker William Robert Byrne Senior Mike Easley of Arlington. Va., She has, to date, put over 200 hours public relations arm of professional Marianna Patricia Eby will exhibit a photographic essay on into weaving the fabric and sewing theatre. Susan said of her work, "I want to express in my photography TRUMPETERS me harmony between man and na- the costume. The outer cloak is the same simplicity and clarity t Class of 1981 ture. This theme, according 10Easley, handwoven by her Irom a Harris Nancy Casey Ralph George Preisendorfer was spontaneous. To achieve the tweed imported from Ireland. The rest attempt in my writing" Jean Marie Elliott Regan James Reno Smith desired effect he us~ two tech- of the material for the outfit was The exhibit wit! open at 7:30 p.m. in Aussell Dean Johnson, Jr. niques, abstraction and composition. purchased in the United States. In conjunction with the evening perform- Class of 1982 "About half my photographs are ab- making her garment. Stuart is trying ances of "Tobacco Road" and con- Randall Alan Butzer Marianne Patricia Eby stract; that is, not your usual angle or to stress her strength of character as tinue until 10:00 p.m. Saturday, May Randall Matthew Heck Tracy Lorraine Malt1er exposure. The other halt are tradi- well as her eartny mysteriousness. "I 9. There is no admission charge and tional compositions. Mike's philoso- chose Gando)f .because for some the public is invited
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