Page 102 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 102
page 4 Scrimshaw Kim Eaatefday, her first baby Baseball wind up due on the 20th of May, watchea the women'a lacroase In a recent home game. Thla la Easterday'a fifth year __ Liz Siegenthaler home Walter. Fielder walked in Della coaching at WMC. 'She plans to In their last action of the season. Badia. and Johnson was hit by a retum In the fall, alnee both she the men's baseball team won one pitch. which allowed Liebel to score - and husband Steve heve enough and lost one against Moravian Col- the sixth and final run for the Terrors time between them to care tor the lege Tuesday aftemoon The second game was a 3-2 loss. new Easterday addition. Mike Gosnell pitched the first game but for Moravian it meant a southwest The baby's due the leat week in which the Terrors were victorious. division title and a chance to play the of school, so Kim wilt be sble to 6·' winner of the southeast MAC division. finish out the yur as women's In the first inning. both Dan Reider Moravian scored their first 2 runs in lacrone coach. "It·s good tim- and Rich Johnson hit singles. Bruce the first inning with Frank Traulz at lng," she aald, "but we didn't do Frick walked. and then Brian Zawacki the mound. tt on purpose." hit a single which brought in Fielder In the third inning. the Terrors gave and Johnson. Bob Heath hit a sacri- the visiting team a good fight by fice fly. which allowed Frick to score double which brought in Fielder and Good scoring 2 runs. Bruce Frick hit a the third run WMC's lead increased in the tourm Johnson inning. Jody Walter hit a single, Joe Sophomore Dave Yurcisin pitched season Sideline diversion Della Badia walked. and then John the remaining six innings. in which • Liebel hit a single which brought, the final run was scored. Liz .Siegenthaler Terrors sprint for MAC's ended their season 3-2 under the The women's JV lacrosse team guidance of Coach and graduate assistant Pat Eberle Billy Crocker semi-final circuit, Knieriem broke the from Ursinus. Colbert missed the gold Starting the season as a diverse Western Maryland'S men's track formidable SO-second barrier with a medal by 1'h inches mixture of freshmen who never and field team finished their season 49.97 ctocking. Next year there will be yet another played with a team and more experi- last weekend by placing 8th oct of 21 Joining Tom on the third-placing attraction during the May Weekend enced girls who could have just as schools at the MAC Championships. relay squad were freshman Dana Hill festivities as Western Maryland will be easily played varsity, the JV women Franklin and Marshalledged Delaware and seniors Sam Mitchell and Mark hosting the 1982 MAC Champion- were able to bring their talents to- Valley for top team honors Chadwick. Edged out of second ships on its brand new track gether for a successful season. The Terrors finished'two rotcnes place in the blistering photo-finish by better than last year's squad with Haverford, the lou~ passed the baton higher quality performances from to a 43.46 clocking. At -teeet the FDU stops Men's lax fewer co-centers. Senior Tom Kni- second fastest time in WMC. Coach eriem was the only double medal Rick Carpenter will be applying a Rob McQuay seemed to jump out of our sticks and winner as he earned bronze in both conversion scale to see how the In their quest for the MAC title. the into theirs (FDU)," commented goalie the 400-meter dash and the 400- electronically-limed 43.46 stacks up '8t Lacrosse team ended their poet- Ben Price meter f'~lay. Foregoing the long and against the hand-ti~s 43.2 record season play short of their hopes The Terrors didn't get off to such a triple jumps (he holds the WMC set in 1973. WMC lost to Fairleigh-Dickinson 13- bad start, and by the end of the first record in both) because of nagging The highest, and only other, individ- 10 last Saturday. From the start of the half led the Devils 6-7. It looked as if ankle problems. Knieriem ran three ual scorer was senior Dane Colbert game the Terrors could not control the Terrors would go alt the way this fine one-lap races on his way to that who claimed a silver medal in the the ban. " ..they just couldn't get a year. But the second half proved to third I finish. In his shot uno..o,;;;,====., face-off when they needed one." be devastating for Western Maryland stated one spectator. The play. both The Terrors were only able to muster on offense and defense was sloppy two more goals as the Devils an- The problem with the offense. more swered with six in the second half. than Hiltz and Schwaab being stiffled. The Terrors were led this week in was the defense COUldn'tclear the scoring by Lou Boeri (3). Chris bali; and when they did the offense Gordon (2), Jeff Kuzumchak (2). Stan couldn't_tJold on to it. "The bait _lI,I~~~ Katlins and Ron Hiltz Summer, Counselor Positions Available SUMMER COUNSEWR POSITIONS ArAlLAlJLE ... , App/k(uot...n 1000<' MI,.. NlfIIllur"H fw 1lI~1981 CGmp_. Mul M ""J~ I.. 1u.:1t ""~ 0/ tA. foIk",u.g: Am (aza, rw£:1tm.i/l.~t£'t Friday at 7 & 9:30 p.m. Special Wurtzburger German Beer Sunday at 8:30 $3.49 a six expires 5/14/81
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