Page 100 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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Scrimshaw Letters to the Editor Learning vs. recreation: Dear Editor: Allegany !II Service Examinations In Maryland a social work job in a noo-governmental In the April 30th issue of the agency requires a social work li- cense. The examination for this year's a challenge for students of Scrlmsflaw, Marylanders misconception graduates is scheduled on June 29th for a popular was evident many is an unsettled time spring This Contrary does Maryland to popular not belief, the state "Alle- of social services because of the exten- an include sive budget cuts proposed by the gheny County," as was stated in "The Reagan administration. In spite of Great Outdoors" article that on page WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. where you study few is tolerated by the indifference of the many and in 6. Maryland does, however, include this, the 1981 class of social work wHh the best ... Stlmulatlng prolesaora ... Suparlor stu- the end, everyone pays the price ,/ an Allegany County, which is a most students is already having unusual dants ... An excellent teaming envlronmenl ..WMC'a Everyone pays, but nobody wins. Students don't beautiful area of western Maryland. success in the job search. One environment 'a conducive to both learning and stop partying when they lose a clubroom or the cafe, Please do a great service for many student has started working, two have recreation. they just party somewhere else. More often then not. the been accepted at graduate school, Marylanders, as well as for residents three have very encouraging job -WMC Brochure: "An Introduction to Western shift in location creates a whole new set of problems. of neighboring stales, and correct Maryland College" If this futile cycle is to be interupted, students are this blatant error. Thank you possibilities, and several have al- Can WMC be conducive to both learning and going to have to take the initiative and start to work " Sincerely, ready turned down job offers. What recreation? The writers of our college brochure might Ihese problems out belore the administration becomes seems 10 be happening is thai agen- well be forgiven for overlooking the controversial involved A REAL Western Marylander cies which hired AA level staff for implications of this question in the name of salesman- From the beginning, it is important to remember that Social work opportunities certain kinds of positions are moving to offering these jobs to BSW gradu- ship, but for the rest of us, the trade off between this is a college and the system must give precedence studying ano partying demands a closer look to the needs of those students who wish to study Editor of Scrimshaw ates. We also find that many agen- There is a problem. A problem which has been the But even this consideration is not an ironclad rule. Last week's Scrimshaw article cies call us specificall,,"-,or referrals of source of continual conflict between students and Part of the education of living at college concerns about on-campus job recruitment left potential employees because West- social impressions acmintstraors and among students themselves. learning how to live with people, and under such some which I would about to clarify. work It is em Marylnd social work graduates like jobs The furor over library hours earlier this year was the circumstances, no one always has things their way all typical Ihat social services agencies are well prepared and perform at a straw which broke the camels back for many students the time. do not send recruiters to campus high level who have been long dissatisfied with living/studying Drawing the fine line between the rights of because most jobsare in government While social work is not, at this arrangements on campus Simply stated, any dorm individuals living together is a touchy business. Stu- agencies and are lilled from Civil time, an undersupplied field we are resident accustomed to generally quiet surroundings dents need to stop worrying about regulations which not at all. discouraged about the job will be quite unhappy in the average WMC dormitory . state that stereos should be turned off by one o'clock or Services lists. Interested social work market for our social work graduates. Such students should not be expected to seek off- rationalizations which follow reasoning like "it's Friday seniors have already filed to take Civil Mary Ellen Elwell campus refuge. The college administration and the night so I'm going to make as much noise as I like" student body share the responsibility of designing living What students need to be concerned about is the fact arrangements which respect the rights of all students thai, "Hey, I have a big test tomorrow and I really need Personal viewpoint Yet, the recreational activities on campus fall far to get some sleep," or "l'm sorry we are making so short of meeting the expectations of many students. much noise but we're having a great time, couldn't you With the loss of cafeteria parties and the constantly put up with if a little longer?" Ecology: a forgotten changing status of section parties, a good party with This is where the balance is to be discovered plenty of beer and loud tunes is becoming increasingly Running to the RA about that stereo next doqr or difficullto find on a weekend (much less, heaven forbid, turning up that stereo a few more notches because ~perspective? a weeknight!) These are the favored activities of many "those jerks will complain anyway," is the wrong WMC students. A significant proportion of the college approach. There is alot of talk about how the population Is becoming more and more frustrated wilh administration fails to treat students like adults. If Kevin Atkins what Ihey interpret as the administration's efforts to students treated one another with a little more consider- Ecology?! Just when you thought becomes part bleaker of the problem, at least Maybe either strictly regulate or phase out of existence their ation, there wouldn't be any need for the administration you would not hear of this subject disinterest increasing parties to interfere again up it pops. Like many of the the appropriately apathy, is due or to more the Is there a middle ground? If there is, it has yet to be When the student communication process breaks issues that inflamed the nation little shift away from a qualitative to more found. The administration certainly doesn't know where down, pressure builds on the administration to take more than a decade ago this one too of a quantitative view. Here is where it is. But before students start pointing fingers of blame, action. More students are called into the Dean and has experienced a waning of interest. science, and specifically the sciences they should evaluate what role they have played in the more ad-warnings are sent out for illegal parties. The It is hard to place a finger on the involved with ecological studies, can development of this problem administration should serve as a course 01 last resort for cause or relegate responsibility, but shoulder some of the blame. II would When a situation deteriorates to the point where the exceptions, not as 24 hour hall monitor one thing is certain, even the mere seem that applying mathematical for- administration has to step in, things have gone to far WMC can have an environment that is conducive to mention of the word brings upshot mulae, in a attempt to generalize and a viable solution is unlikely. To a large degree, both learning and recreation. (Considering the pres- eyes, shrugged shoulders and the across many examples has taken students have no one to blame but themselves for sures of college, one cannot exist without the other.) It whole demeanor of 'who knows or precedence over either increasing, affording the administration the golden -opportunities it is up to the s1udent body to determine what shape this cares'. Now, with the Reagan budget perserving or just flat out enjoying the has needed to impose more restrictive and arbitrary balance will take, but they will need the support of an cuts, a hands off policy toward qualities intrinsic to the world around rules upon the campus's social activities. In the loss of open minded administration. Only when students who business and the ever increasing us. I am not implying that the science weeknight parties, section parties and cafeteria parties, show initiative are granted the freedom to experiment demand for not only cheap but of ecology should turn backwards the story has been the same. The irresponsibility of a with new options wil~ success be achieved available energy sources at any cost and return to being involved in only (ecologic al), an already bleak picture classification. But rather than have Students debate issues one, cold, impersonal, and calculat- ing, (to the person in the street) view there Foreign policy dilema: EI Salvador take The precedence, many person, should a be well a marriage of average even informed one, does not particularly Andi Yob care how much productivity goes into What is the controversy over the history to appropriate funds to help the however, increased aid to a total of whose biomass. What they are inter- small country of EI Salvador whose Hunger and scant living has be- turrnouec country and its poverty $65 million. The two leaders justify ested in, witness the walk-a-then turn- size is comparable~o Massachusetts come a common experience to the stricken people. It is the U.S. 's belief their support of the juntas political out. is increasing or improving upon and whose population bearly reaches persons of EI Salvador. People, on that social and economic changes cause by portraying EI Salvador as the well being of someone or some- five million people? Chriss Dunn and the average, make on $88 per year. can lead to stability within the coun- Ihe key to the Russian - U.S. encoun- thing; in this case their environment. Fran Donolin addressed this topic of Sixty percent of the people are try. To date, $65 million have been ter. Whichever country EI Salvador What is needed is a way for these discussion and concluded that the illiterate, and any attempts made given to aid EI Salvador. Why should will back (Russia or U.s.) Guatemala individuals to become actively in- obvious problem of raging war is the against their situation in opposition to the U.S. be the one to help? This will be sure to follow, and thus the volved most crucial point associated with the the ruling sect has lead to supres- question is entertained by many, yet Domino theory will come into play, One way is through conservation small country of EI Salvador sion. land reform, the main interest of the U.S. continues to support the whereby the U.S. could lose influen- This word, even more than ecology, EI Salvador boasts a high rate of the people, stirs quite a problem junta even though people are being tial allies to the Russians. Backing EI has become disfavored. But if the coffee production each year. It is within EI Salvador. The government of recklessly gunned down for opposing Salvador in its plight is thus a fragile environs are to be preserved cununny undergoing rapid urban de- EI Salvador is guided by the policy to the government politically offensive move and available for quantitiative study vela xnent and exists under an oli- "kill everyone involved in the land the demands upon, and for, the Press coverage in EI Salvador has can hic rule. Ninety percent of the reform," thus, as one resident at' EI Fifteen thousand people have been resources within them must be slack- been noted as being less than fac- land in EI Salvador is owned by a Salvador put it, "We have two killed so far in EI Salvador, twelve tual. Current policy is built on the ened. Each person can and should very small percentage of the people crotces-to die of hunger or to fight." priests have disappeared, three nuns myths that the left and right winged become involved and the country has no strong ethnic In recent years the people of EI extremists are the major cause of the If you say that you don't know how, oereueson. With all of the asides on Salvador have turned to active revolt slain, and six leaders tortured and war torn country, yet the people say It's easy - turn the water off when not the countries characteristics there is It has been said that the Nicaraguan killed. The country's own leader, they have been driven out by govern- in use, tum off unused lights, put a very dominant problem existing in revolution inspired the uprise in EI Romero, was shot down for his ment forces run by the military. Has trash in the can not on the ground. It the state of things today Salvador, as it was faced with the policies defending human rights. the U.S. fallen under the spell of sounds old but it needs to be done EI Salvador's history has been one same dilemma of a power struggle. propaganda or, as some say, is EI The next time there is a clear day, of political instability. Since 1932, Outside sources have been seeking Carter's inital response. was to with- Salvador the "testing ground to see revealing south Mountain to the west. military rule has dominated EI Sarva- a means to aid EI Salvador to achieve draw because of the anti-human how far the US. can be pushed?" think about what you are doing anI:! cor and, as in Nicaragua, revolution regional stability rights stand of the government, but how it will do to contribute to the has been brewing for most of its This is why in 1978, the U.S began he eventually resumed aid. Reagan maintenance of that sight
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