Page 96 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 96
page 489 Scumshaw Wednesday, July 4, 1776 Casual sex at WMC:gowns at 6:00 am. Burnwood and Warstein Forum. For $1.00, you are supplied keting and sales procedures will be Ever since the beginning of this with a blanket and some floor space gained though participation in case This would also SOlveone very big Forlines could be converted into a semester, there has been a great and the rest is up to you study analyses and mock sales pres- problem for the college. No longer brothel .. if it hasn't been already deal of emphasis on sex. A few There could always be sex in the entations and through consideration would we go to the Infirmary and And maybe one of the PA houses, examples are: the showing of the film library. Convert the periodical reading of self-motivation and goal realization leave with little blue pills We're sure too. This way, needy students could "10," the subliminal seducation room into a room for people to take a in a prostitution career that they could find some other sort work themselves through college and speaker, Dr, Key, the drama depart- break from studying. Just think, sex The next thing to consider is coed of pill to give out. One drawback is have fun doing it ment production of LaRonde, Junior between the stacks, The only trouble dorms. Not just mixing of the sexes in they might have to open a VD clinic, All students interested in such a too: Follies and last but not least. Dr. John with this idea is that the library is the halls, but real, get down and get It would also save those students proposal can sign the petition as they Money and his delightful lecture on never open funky co-habitation. Why not? The leave Forlines human sexuality, including those I think with a little push. sex could answer to this question is "why?" but from having to work in the cafeteria wonderful lilms. This is Just the ac- be made into a phys. ed. course, Or anyone no! knowing the answer to cepted sex, sanctioned by the admin- even other areas of the curriculum? this shouldn't be in college to start It's a mad, mad istration Human biology takes on a whole with. He/she should get a real attitude But everyone is aware that there is different meaning when you put sex toward collge -- what are we here for casual sex to be had on this campus into the picture. We could institute the anyway? Not everyone can get any, but it is kindergarten favorite with a new twist. As lor Decker Center, there was micro world there. You see it everywhere on the famous show-and-tell. We would supposed to be a wine and cheese campus. It starts out innocently probably give up cultural anthropol- shop near the record shop. Here is Nelson Flacker enough with handholding in the hall- ogy all together in favor of the new, an empty room gOing completely to A cursory glance reveals no excep- name should preside over the assy- ways and a stolen kiss behind the more liberal curriculum waste. Put some wrestling mats on tionally unusual aspects of Western [urnthat is Western Maryland College _post office boxes, It goes from there One area not mentioned yet is Jan the floor and fun could be had by all Maryland-College, but a closer study Among the most striking examples to ducking past Juanita going up- Term. Just think of looking through We need more rumpus rooms, like of that apparently distinguished insti- of the absence of logic at out fine stairs in McDaniel to, heaven forbid, your Jan Term catalog and seeing the much used seminar room under tution uncovers the shocking absurd- school is its brilliant architecture. I'd spending the night on the wrong side under Business Administration (12) Little Baker. Maybe the Information ity of' it all. The following evidence like to shoot the guy who suggested of the campus 172 Sales and Marketing an Intro- Deck could be put to some good lends validity to my personal theory to put a picture window in the What has been described up to duction use, Instead of just giving out phone that WMC is a unique district of entrance floor of Hoover Library. This now is surreptitious sex. What these A seminar addressing fundamental numbers, why not create some sort of insanity where logic works in reverse allows for a panoramic view of the reporters want to see is open sex on marketing principles, problems, and dating service. Just fill out a card and In the first place, I lend to be a little football field, which hosts regular the campus. It could start with nude practices in selling your body, Partic- they could match you up with some- skeptical about a school which has season football and lacrosse games swimming in the pool. Or SGA spon- ular emphasis will be given to the one. The student roster could also for its president. a man whose last It also "allows" me to flunk mid-term sored sleep-ins, (co-sponsored with sale function and practical applica- include vital statistics and sexual name is a first name. It is only fitting, exams because it's impossible to the Phi Alpha Mu sorority) in the tions of prostitution, Insight into mar- preferences however, that a man with such a study in a library adjacent to an MAC playoff game that picture has a window lor my viewing pleasure Whoever decided to build Forlines LIQUIIDA~IDIrI Daniel MacLea Halls must have had in the midst of Rouzer, ANW, and a fair understanding of female psy- chology The Infirmary is still another ques- tionable located structure. It porten- tiously rests across Main Street, as Carriage House Liquors ~----------------~ where the road becomes an overt hill far from the campus as possible, HOUSE OF LIQUORS 113 W. Main Street and traffic is heavy. It might have "at the forks" Canoll Plaz_a, CWutmll2.
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