Page 103 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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April 7, 1981 Scrimshaw page 5 • Cadets engage In maneuvers received their education through the challenge of tactical conditions enemy. The cadets were separated John Blum and Werner Winkler, the into two groups or guerrilla bands; application of their knowledge ac- The duties 01 the cadets over the cadets who acted as Guerrilla chiefs, The R.OTC. cadets were promised quired through ROTC. instruction at weekend entailed simulating training the cadets then linked up with special were complimented on their mssions "good times and good training" When Western Maryland College. Cadets of for guerrilla warfare by undergoing forces from Bravo and Charlie Co. of Female cadets Karen Seabrease they ventured off on a three day all rank were encouraged to partici- tactical problems, solving them, en- the 5th Battalion, a part of the Cynthia Tanner, and Linda Lang also excursion through Patapsco State pate in the weekend of maneuvers during the physical challenge and Maryland National Guard. The sol- proved themselves worthy of accept- Park on April l O, II, and 12. They which would familiarize them with the bearing the inclement weather condi- diers then began training in guerrilla • ing the training challenge tion warfare. When asked his view on the overall Buy-now-pay-later out, the cadets were introduced to pleted. Guerrilla band one was to perception of the trip, Cadet Werener Two missions were to be com- Beginning on Friday by camping Winkler commented thai "we acted the seriousness of the training by successfully blow up two bridges to as a group, had a good time, and CPS officially "going tactical" al 8:00 pm, prevent the advancement of enemy gained practical experience as well " Applying for and getting a job is . good money management tool which meant they must paint their forces. Guerrilla band two had to Working side by side with a special probably the foremost concern of BUY-NOW-PAY-LATER (credit hands and faces green and keep contend with raiding a POW camp to forces team, assuming the role of a liberate abducted prisoners most graduating seniors. But there is cards) like MasterCard and VISA are themselves hidden from the simulated guerrilla, living constantly under the another kind of application you primarily issued Ihrough banks. They threat of being captured, camouflag- were often called "free" cards be- should be thinking about-eredit cause there was no annual fee to use President's Review ing their bodies. sleeping in the rain, I Why? and wading through creeks that reached their waists were all a part of , Because establishing a credit rat- them. Now, though, many banks have Robert A. Michlowitz ing-like finding a job-is an impor- initiated annual fees. Colonel George E. Peters Jr., com- the tactical training of the wekend tant step to financial independence The banks receive most of their On Thursday, May 7, Dr Ralph mander of an eighteen school area of linda Lang, a freshman cadet with For example, did you know that in income from interest charges col- John, President of Western Maryland which WMC is a part, will also be on the program reflected on her experi- some states you can't rent a car lected on unpaid balances. The an- College, will review the cadet corps hand to review the cadets. The 17 ences that weekend by stating that "It without a major charge or credit nual percentage rate on these cards of the college's ROTC Program. The types of military awards will be was a lot of was hard but it Tony Ramos time." presented by representatives of the was a good eard? In addition to a driver's license, can run as high as 24 percent. At event, the 61st annual edition, will various groups sponsoring the looked back on the experience by most retailers require a card for ID these rates, the interest alone could take place on the Soccer Field at awards - saying that "the whole program was before agreeing to cash a personal run up to hundreds of dollars on an 11:35, to be preceeded by a band The cadets have been drilling for made. realistic, especially due to the check. With a bank credit card or annual basis. There is also a spend- concert at 11:00 this event in the two previous weeks rain charge card you can get ready cash ing limit to each account. According to Captain Malden, one Immediately after the review, the when you are far from home Retail and oil company cards are in of the WMC's ROTC instructors, Maryland National Guard Freefall Min- All Special Forces were pleased And, a fact of life: having your first this same category, but can generally awards will be presented to 27 01the utemen will give a skydiving demon- with the performance of the Western card makes it easier to get other only be used at outlets of the com- cadets on the basis of academic stration. The public is encouraged to Maryland cadets. ones. Other kinds of credit that let pany that issued the card merit, ROTC performance, and otncer attend the event, free 'of charge. In Perhaps it was best summed up by you make major purchases, like a car It isn't as difficult to establish a potential. These awards will be dis- case of rain the ceremonies will be Cynthia Tanner when she said, "it or home, will also be easier to get credit rating as you might think. Some tributed throughout the four ROTC taught us to laugh instead of cry-owe once you have established a credit card issuers have special programs classes moved to Gill Gymnasium felt we made an accomplishment." rating directed at graduating seniors Before you apply for a card, you American Express, for example, has should understand the differences a special program for students. If you between a "credit" and a "charge" are a college senior within one year card. While the terms are often used of graduation, you can qualify for the WE WANT TO PAY YOU $50 i~~e~~~angeabIY, they are not the Card if you have the promise of a job paying $10,000 or more a year, and Another way to establish a credit AND PUT YOU ON NATIONAl TV PAY-AS-YOU-GO (charge cards), no negative credit history. To request including American Express, Carte a student application, call toll-free Blanche, and Diners Club, charge an (800) 528-8000 annual fee used to support services offered to members. There are no raUng ts-tc take out a personal loan 'Iell us what you or any member of your preset spending limits. Spending lim- and repay it in regular monthly pay- its are flexible and depend primarily ments. family would like to see on our brand new TV on an individual's personal history of To find out more about how to series "You Asked Fbr It:'starring Rich Little, spending and paying establish credit, how to use credit Because payment of the entire bill responsibly and your credit rights, premiering Fall '81. We'll send our camera is due upon receipt, charge cards write for a free copy of: "Establishing help eliminate the temptation to Credit 101," American Express Com- crews to anyplace in the world to shoot: spend more money than one can pany, 125 Broad Street, NY, NY realistically afford, so they_can be a 10004 • Exotic and interesting places Carriage House Liquors • Dangerous adventures and exciting action 113 W. 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