Page 92 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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page (, Scrimshaw March 19, 1981 Swimmers return "The future is now" Baseball prospects shine from Nationals liz Siegenthaler 4 hits in 12 innings. considersto be good leadersas well Pitching for WMC are Scot1Anto- WMC men's baseball team oemon- The basebalt season officially be- strateo their potential for success in nelli, a transfersophomorewho had 3 as outstanding players liz Siegenthaler an exhibition game played against no-hit innings on Saturday: senior gins Saturday, March 21, when the Four swimmers and one diver from records Anne Arundel CommunityCollege. In Frank Trautz: Mike Gosnell,and Brian men play their opening doubl~- Western Maryland College--Denise The zno-varo medley relay team of the cold, brisk wind last Saturdayat Zawacki, both of whom fired 5 strike- header against Wilkes College. Thl.S Frech. Anne Glaeser,Lisa Klevin,Sue Frech, Glaeser, Klevin, and Lapidus Siegert Field, the Terrors defeated outs against Anne Arundel . should proveto be a tough, comp~tl- Lapidus. and Sonja Narr--were busy finished 11th overall, with a record- Anne Arundel 8-3 In a 12 Inning "The future is now" is Coach Sei- tive game, Since Wilkes has a fairly last week breaking school records at setting time of 1:57.22. All four game bert's motto for this year's experi- strong team. the National Swimming Competition women now quality for All-Americans. Displaying a powerful oflense were enced team. Captains are tst Said Seibert, "This will be a good held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa Sonja Narr, who began her diving Jody Walter (2-2), Dave Sutor (2-2) baseman Bruce Frick and shortstop test. but we're capable of beating Denise Frech placed 5th, 5th, and career only 18 months ago, was the and Dan Fielder (2-4) Also, Craig Craig Walker, both of whom Seibert them if we play up to our potenti_al" Walkerand Dwayne Lee each had 2 4th in the breaststroke competition first diver from Western Maryland to RBI's out of nearly 40 top-notch swimmers ever competein Nationals.Sheconst- According to Coach Dave Seibert, Season from throughout the nation's Division oers her third dive, a reverse one- the keys to a successful seasonthis III schools. Her times were 32.70 in and-a-half, one of 'her all-time best year are pitching and defense. The the 50-yard, 1:10.15in the too-yare ·It was definitely a unique expert- Terrors got on the right track last home and 2:32.05 in the zoo-yare breast- ence," said Narr, "I'm really glad I Saturdaywhen the team gave up only openers stroke.All of her times are new WMC had the opportunity 10 compete." Stickers set for season Men's Tennis March 31 3:00 Rob McQuay Last Saturday marked the begin- at the closinq of the first half it was 7- Women's Softball ning of a new Men's Lacrosse sea- 7. Although the first half had proved Mount Saint Marys rallied to tie the son. The Green Terrors of Western to be close, the second half proved score at 9 all in the fourth quarter,but Maryland met with the large task 01 to be disheartening as Ithica pulled March 20 2:00 the Terrors dominated the clOSing beating last year's Division III third away from the green stickers and minutes to finish the game on the place team in the country, Ithica scored six unanswered goals.. lthica Boeri and Gordon scored three Softball premiere winning end 01 a 12·9 score. leading In a game that Western Maryland led the second half 8-2 and the game 15-9. scorers for WMC in yesterday's vic- theoreticallyshould rot have been in, tory were Ron Hiltz (3), Eric Schwaab the Terrors dominated olav-bur not goals apiece. Hiltz scored two and Laney Fisher (3), Chris Gordon (2), Lou Boeri (2), qoalsl At the end of the first quarter, Jeff Funk added another. . nan should provide the necessary Scott Kallins (1) and Rick Merani (1) the score was tied at live apiece, and The attitudeof the team this year is On Friday, March 20, Western leadership for the younger players Maryland's softball team will play its Coach Fritz feels Ihat the girls are ... -------------~- .... -.., quite simple; win the MAC. The first game of the season. According good athletes and have the potential New Day COpy Center to Coach Dr. Carol Fritz, the season to make this a winning season. She :::~i~a;t:~~yR~bg~~~~~~rd;!~~ looks promising.There is a sense of did, however, say that the weather Thomas exemplified this when he excitementand anticipationaboutthis has been discouraging, allowing for said, "We'regoing to take each game season, for this is the first year of few outdoor practices. Xerox Copies 5¢ one at a time; we're going to go after varsity softball at WMC As with any softball team, pitching each team we play, and we're going Coach Fritz commented that the will be important key. If the four to win some games.' team should be able to stay in pitchers can perform well, the team The main force behind Saturday's 601f2 W. Main Street game was summed up by Defensive contention with the other schools in will be able to "stay " in all their games their conference. Most of this year's Westminster, Md. 876-7732 Coach Charlie Brown when he said, players are inexperienced, but with This year's team will face the 'We're going to work hard and see what results we get." hard work, they should be able to do challengeof proving that softball can well. be a successfulvarsitysport at WMC Three seniors, tri-captains, Maggie With hard work and 'commitment, Mules, Jean Elliot and Phyllis Mc- Coach Fritz feels the girls will go far "INVEST· A • SUMMER" Mahon, along with junior Jayne Ker- and surprise their opponents. WMC OFFERSA 1ST!!!! 1 ~:,~~, b HumanitIeS Ind Socill SomHter The Alumni Association of WMC is offering a 'Vacation College' • July 12 . 24th. .~ Sc'H'lCHM.'lIrwdfor Any student entering the 8th grade in the fall of 1981 is eligible to register. We are Am~"Clns. Exp.,.,~nce cln", ",,,te also inviting Alumni, Faculty, and/or any invited friends. Londonlh'OIJllhf.,1d Study Ab.o.od Off,ce tr'p,"nd'n,hviduillud UI'OIV~,.oityaf"b,y"nd WMC Faculty will be the primary instructors, Categories of interest include: pt~1S l,ve ... ,lh. Cot~POTk MD20742. (JOII4S4J04J arohohllmdy • , Art Workshop Theatre Workshop Carriage House Liquors "Now Me," A Consortium 113 W. Main Street Music Clinics (Band & Choral) "at the forks" Diagnostic Math Lab. Computer programming Busch 6 pack Cans $2.24 (introductory) Busch Case Cans $8.43 Swim - Sessions f . Sports Clinics (Goff & Tennis) expires 3/26/81 Present coupon Effective Communication (Writing & Verbal Skiffs) Sportswear & Athletic Shoes ~ FLEET FEET-:~ FAIRGROUND VILLAGE CENTER 330 ONE FORTY VILLAGE ROAD Day student price is $125 (includes noon meal only) WESTMINSTER. MARYLAND 21157 This could be a GREAT EXPERtENCE_.-so call A SAP to the AlumniAffairs Office --- 848- All Brands of Athletic Shoes 7000, Ext. 296 or 297 before you miss out on this fantastic opportunity. SUMMER YOURSELFWITH A PURPOSE!!!!!! warm-up Suits & Sportswear 10% Discount with 10 ,Silk Screen Printing for Groups l1~ """"""""""" __
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