Page 91 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 91
March 19, 1981 Scrimshaw pageS EI Salvador sides clash at UM Kim Oppenheim ment and a native of- EI Salvador, The Reagan Administration's eco- said that "the US. government is nomic and foreign policies came makingthe same mistakein EI Salva- under fire last Wednesdayat Univer- dor that they made in Viet Nam-- sity of Maryland at a studentorgan- deciding lor the minorities pf that ized rally. nation." Approximately 150 students con- He explained that the U,S,-sup- gregated at College Park to protest ported junta has generated"oppres- against Reagan'srecent budget cuts sion and repression" in his country. and military aid to EI Salvador. For example, he said that 2 percent Sponsoredby the ProgressiveStu- of the populationowns 51 percent01 dent Alliance(PSA),the rally sparked the land and 91 percent of the student concern and activism. Ac- population own 21 percent cording to Frank Teuton. a PSA Ventura said that the majority of member, the rally was a "stepping people in EI Salvadordo not support stone on which to build a movement this repressive government. "They through solidarity." don't want to be under this," he said Teuton said that the education "They've suffered for years and funds, now transferred to military .veers. They are tired of that situation spending "belongs to us." Because They made a decision to fight until of the immediate profit in military the end, till the victory" spending, the government exploits He concluded by adding. "my peo- many third-world countries, such as ple 01EI Salvadordon't like the war- EI Salvador. the only thing they want is justice and serve our country" Public BroadcastingService. peace group echoed with "Peace through BradleySchwartz,a memberof the Futureorganizationalaction against The next speaker, AI Caesar, a Strength." In response, the partici- PSA, explained that they are "trying Reagan'seconomic and militarypoli- fourteen-year veteran of Viet Nam pants of the rally raised the peace to educate people and taking an cies includea march to the Pentagon conflict. described his experienceon sign intellectual approach rather than a on May 3 and another rally on April funeral duty. He was involved in One studentin the anti-Communism rebelliousone, We want to be activ- 23 with the theme "Education is OUI burying the people killed in the war group said that "as soon as the U,S ists through education," This is an best Defense" "We have to let the ReaganAdmin- moves out of EI Salvador, the Com- incubation penco-vwe're here to or- Throughthis activism, the students istraiton know what they're getting ganize now" of College Park and the members01 involvedin," he said, "The longer this The PSA has also sponsored de- other anti-war organizationshope to fight continues, the greater the bates and a film, tilled "EI Salvador-- encourageother colleges to become chance of more forces in EI Salva- AnotherViet Nam?" produced by the active. Confusion reigns next and told the crowd not gonna support a L- -''''-- rracist imperialist war, We aren't "The flag belongs to us," he said gonna spill our blood for people who in war torn state "We're not gonna wait; We're gonna have stepped on us for all these stop it (the war) before it gets years" started" The rally was also visited by a Kim Oppenheim coffee, sugar and cotton and nation- Leading chants such as "Cut back group of students who represented The scope of U.S military involve- alizing the country's private banks, Reagan, not education," and "No the right anti-Communistmovement ment in EI Salvador has become a according to Newsweek magatine Draft, No War, No U.S. Interventionin Carrying Americanflags and holding growingnationalconcern. Referredto A 180 page February 23 Stale EI Salvador," the several speakers signs that read "Soviets out of EI by critics as "the next Viet Nam," the Departmentreport chargedthat Cuba encouraged crowd enthusiasm and Salvador, then USA out," they sang controversial EI Salvador situation and the Soviet Union and other participation songs such as "God Bless America" may become the arena of aU,S- communiststates were conducting a The first guest speaker, Migel Ven- and'chanted "Crush Communism" Communistconfrontation well coordinated, covert effort to bring about the overthrowof the €I in recent weeks, the Reagan Ad- tura of the People's Anti-War Move- As the anti-warsupporterschanted ministrationhas escalated its military Salvador government. Fire 'safety investigated aid to EI Salvador by adding $25 Report in a recent press conference, According to U.S, News and World million to its previous $10 million from page 1 contribution, and 20 more military President Reagan said that his pur- pose is to "try to halt the infiltration advisers, totalling 54 in the country been set off when maintenancepeople were workingin WesternMarylandcampus. However,this past Sunday These military advisers train pilots, into the Americas by terrorists, by the basement."At least we know the alarnis work. there was an incident which started many students help build up the navy, and order outside interference and those who RussellJohnson,ResidentAssistant(R.A.)for Albert wondering what could happen artillery. The financial assistance aren'tjust aimingat EISalvadore,but, Norman Ward Hall, explained that his building is When Securityguard Joseph Bach heard the Pub helps the government buy trucks, I think, are aiming at the whole of equipped with heat detector alarms.The alarms do go alarm going off and saw smokethrough the window of small artillery,and radar equipment Central and possibly later -- South off frequently, but "not many are pulled. When guys the Pub, he immediately called the Westminster The communist guerrilla forces, American and .I'm sure eventually take steam showersand then open the bathroomdoors VolunteerFire Department numbering around 4,000, are vastly North America' the alarm goes off," Occasional trash fires and Meanwhile, Tom LaRosa, on duty as Building outmanned and less well equoec Despite these efforts and the Rea- electrical shorts are other causes of false alarms Manager, called Dean Mowbray to come unlock the then the government's 16,000 strong gan Administration'splan to increase No one ever leaves the building when the alarm Pub, and then went t-i alert a Rouzer R.A. The Fire army. Conflicts between guerrillas its economic aid program by over goes off, "If there was ever a real fire we'd have to run Departmentarrived five minuteslater to learn that the and governmenttroops and growing $100 million,somecritics charge that throughevery sectionto get people out," said Johnson smoke was a result of Ihe fumigationof the PUb. terrorismby lett and right wing "death the U.S. is unjustified in providing "The residentstaff goes through the building about ''Why doesn't 'security' have a key to the Pub," squads" have left over 14,000 per- increased military assistance to a once a week to check fire extinguishers," explained asked LaRosa. "Why weren't 'security' and Dean sons killed in the last 15 months. military governmentwhich if it does Johnsen."They are there and filled if there is ever a Mowbray informedof the fumigationso that the alarm EI Salvador's ruling government is not participate in, at least condones fire." systemcould have been shut off?" composedof civilians from the Chris- right wing terrorism Rouzer R. A., Mark Myling. said that Rouzer has According to an annonymous source, with the tian Democratic Party and Army ern- According to the Baltimore Sun. many tatse ararms.vtherewere four last weekend,two exceptionof Bob Fasano,Headof Security,none of the cers. It has been in power since a Barbara Mikulski, a U,S, conqress- Friday night and two Saturday night. About half the campussecurityguards have keys to the Pub, Said the militarycoup in 1978. woman whq recently visited Central alarms are pulled by people going through Rouzeron source, "Bob Fasano changed the lock on the Pub Theextent of Cuban-Russianassist- America, stated that "murder, rape, their way out of the building, "The other half are 'inside when some deviled eggs were discoveredmissingone ance to the revolutionarymovement and torture are being inflicted upon jobs." morning in EI Salvadorand the.commttment01 the Salvadoran people by the very Common sights in Rouzer are broken fire bells, The Computer room in Memorial.the Copy Center the mllltary-civiliangovernmentto de- troops now receiving U.S. military burned bulletin boards and doors and empty fire and the Cafeteriakitchenare other areas inaccessable veloping democratic reformsare two aid" extinguishers to security.Said Bach, "II I'd been able to get inside the hotly debated issues related to U.S Just how far the Reaganadministra- According to Jeff Thompson, a college security Pub, I'd have known they were fumigating. When you involvement tion is willing to go in supporting the guard, empty fire extinguishersare a real problem.He see smoke you just don't know" The outgoing Carter administration current governmentof EI Salvador,or explained that there-had been a trash can fire in the "The Fire Department'sgoing to have a hell of a strongly encouraged the Salvadoran how far the Congresswill allow him 10 mall below Rouzer. It took Tom LaRosa and Adam time getting into the cafeteria kitchen through locked government to hasten its reform et- go, remains unclear. But as one of Wright,who were in the area, awhile to find a working metal doors. It could be a real disaster," said another forts.PresidentJose NapoleonDuarte the new administration'sfirst oppcr- extinguisher. source has embarked upon a program of (unitiesto put into practice its cam- 'There was more smoke Ihan fire," commented To date there have been many minor incidents on social and economic reforms that paign commitments calling for a LaRosa. "but the flames were almost touching the campus wt1ich could have become disasters. Said include breaking up the country's strongerU,S,positionin world affairs, urethane walls when we got there. I was ticked off that it Andrea Mangram, a resident of fourth floor Blanche, largest estates into peasant-owned its implicationscould set the tone for took so long to find an extinguisher,but now I keep a "We've never realty gone through a drill as if it were a agricultural cooperatives, nationahz- U.S. foreign policy for the next four filled one where I'll always have access to it" real fire. UnfortunatelyI think it'll take a real fire before mg EI Salvador's export trade in "ears. 11 T.he.'e.. h..'e..".".o.'.e'.e".'.d.i' ..'.'e.".o.O .. 'he ".~.hi."9.i'.. do."e•." ...
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