Page 90 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 90
page 4 Scrimshaw Features Music review Mr. "Mellow": Jimmy Buffett Jeff Dyer If you look around the W.M.C campus, you will lind certain people that are Jimmy Buffett addicts. How can a Buffett addict be detected you ask yourself? Look for the tell-tale signs: these people order nothing but cheeseburgers in the pub, and mar- garitas in bars. You will find empty ~ rum bottles in their rooms. Words like ~ ;~:ii;in~~aan:UI:~ra~~~::7r:d:~t:ara;: ~ the most laid back peopte on the ~ face of the planet. From a rather '----------------------------' inauspicious start back in the early "The Last Tree" is one of Pat McGuire's sculptures being displayed in seventies, Jimmy Buffett has come Gallery One until the end of the week. onto the music scene with a combi- nation of mellow rock and roll, breezy Playboy scans college coeds really want to let us do our thing. and '"9 you do it; we're not going to let you When Playboy photographer David let us do it efficiently and get in and "We love it," says David Salyers, have the right to make your own Chan visited schools of the South- out fast and with some good suc- head of the magazine's public rela- decisions.' it's like if I were to say to western Conference last spring in cess" tion's office. "(The protestors) are someone. 'I don't like drinking, so I'm search of women to grace the maga- Snow's observations are supported buying me time and space in news- not going to let anybody drink.' It zine's September "Back-to-campus" by the relatively-quiet reception Play- papers. It's free publicity for us." doesn't make sense' issue, he encountered angry univer- , boy has received at Mississippi State Salyers is quick to add that his In the four years Playboy has sity presidents and bomb threats and the universities of Tennessee, enthusiasm for such events does not featured college women in the "back- Two years ago, when he combed Auburn, Mississippi and Alabama extend to what the protesters say to-campus," or "Football Preview" the Ivy League for models. irate Chan says a protest staged by 15 "They're fascistic," he says flatly issue, Salyers says, "We've gotten a students picketed, and the Harvard University 01 Alabama students while relatively good response" despite the CrImson refused Ptayboy's request he was checking out of his motel two "big controversies" at Harvard for advertising space room there has been the extent of and Baylor This year, Chan and assistant sner- Playboy's opposition Salyers admits "the Baylor thing got rei Snow were "ready for anything" Snow notes, however, that pickets a bit nastier" when University Presi- when they headed for schools of the and other protests are great publicity dent Abner McCall threatened to Southeastern Conference. At school for the magazine, and she is in fact a expel! any Baylor students appearing after school, the response thus far little disappointed that students are nude in the magazine, and then fired has been the same, says Snow: so compliant this year. three of the school's newspaper edi- "We've never been so popular!" "We could use a few protests tors tor disagreeing with him "Our response has been just outra- around here," she says. "We're not a Playboy is already making plans to geous," she exclaims. "The South is big topic of discussion on campus visit either the Atlantic or Big 8 really fantastic. Girls are really eager People either want to interview or Conference schools for its Septem- to participate in our interviews" they don't But protests make it a big ber. 1982 issue. On his trips Chan Snow estimates that an average of issue...makes people want to check interviews 100-300 female students 200 students sought interviews with us out who ordinarily wouldn't pay us "Those girls who protest against other He shoots preliminary Polaroid snap- Chan at each 01 the seven schools any attention" girls wanting to be in Playboy are shots 01 each applicant, and then they've visited in the last month, "1think if there had been protests at saying. 'We don't agree with what selects 25-40 women to pose lor the .. compared to only about 100 at the the southeastern schools, we would you're doing, so we're not going to let annual 12-page feature. Ivy League scroors. She says this is have had as many as three or tour not a sign of the times, but a sign of hundred girls interviewing with us," La Ronde location she speculates "The South in general is more open likewise. Playboy's Chicago head- from page 3 to what we're doing. People here quarters finds opposition encourag- impression of Victorian design an outrageously sensual play? Most The show, the stage, and the of the audience members were too atmosphere are all to be com- busy being entertained. catching mended. And the audience? Where about half of the double entendres and bawdy humor, laughing boister- ously at the slap stick comedy, and clapping for an excellent show The actors- in uieee old persons interested in movree eeem so military experience. there real, black and whits the possibility of I'd liks to peel them off and Camp over the summer Admission is .50 Actors tsll them wha.t to do when they where they would receive over and make those mistakes over ags.1n, but then again I . pay, and a chance to 300 available 2-year don't want them hanging Both possibilities HOUSE OF LIQUORS around, I turn to my friends enrolled R.O.T.C tsll them how obvtoua It IB, we Ca't'to[[ Plaza, rwutm£n.:1t£'l. laugh, they laugh, I look over my shoulder Busch 6 pack (cans or bottles) $ 1.99 and see the stsrn face of a 848-1314 FIsherman expires 3/26/81 Present Coupon basement, the basement of Norman Ward Hall
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