Page 73 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 73
February 26, 1981 Scrimsha~ page 3 Colbert clinches berth "We wrestled brilliantly, as well as earlier this season due to dislocated played a role in blocking their eo- we have wrestled all year." That's shoulder, or freshman Glen Yurcisin vancement in the standings. in addi- how Head Coach Sam Case summed also held back by injuries. With tion to placing 4th. Staff was also up the WMC wrestling team's per- records 01 4-1 and 8-3 respectively, named as an alternate to the NCAA formance last weekend at the MAC both would have been "sure" place Championship team. Describing it as championships. Scoring over 30 winners if able to compete according "quite an honor for a 4th placer," points and linishing tenth overall, to Case Case pointed out that the 134 Ib Case described the effort as "quite Tough draws and the luck of this class was the toughest there an improvement over last year.' double elimination like tournament Winning highest honors for the leading the way for the Terrors was saw 3 WMC wrestlers ousted from Terrors was Gary Colbert. Colbert's senior Gary Colbert who placed third competition after their opening round first round victory over #3 seed Tom in the 158 lb. class, thereby earning matches. Senior Craig Freeman, Bartoshesky from Swarthmore paved the right to represent WMC at the freshman Keith Clawson and sopho- Ihe way for his eventual third-place NCAA Division III National Champion- more Mike Creamer were defeated by berth ships to be held this weekend in opponents from Gettysburg, Johns "It took me four years to get there, Cleveland, Ohio. Also starring were Hopkins and Farleigh-Dickinson and I'm really excited about going to senior Keith Stagg, placing fO!Jrthin Freshman John Hackney ran into the nationals," commented Colbert the 134 lb. class and freshman lee #1 seed Jeff Bartholemew in his first during a break in practice Tuesday Meyers, who finished sixth in the 177 match. This defeat and a subsequent afternoon. Traveling to Ohio to guide lb. class loss in the consolation round from the corner will be Case and/or Emphasising that his grapplers wrapped up Hackney's efforts. After assistant coach (and WMC graduate were go1ng against foes which Ihey an 8-5 first round victory, junior Pat student) Rip Jamison had faced in previous contests, Case GriHin was overcome by the #3 and Case attributed the wrestling teams pointed out that "we beat a number #2 seeded wrestlers in the 190 Ib success to "hard work and dedica- 01teams who we had lost to over the class tion. And having Rip Jamison as an season" For WMC"s Stagg and Meyels. assistant coach was a real benefit. I All this without the support of senior tough losses to previously encoun- think the team and the Rip deserve co-captain Vince Bohn, sidelined tered Delaware Valley opponents most of the credit for this" Menendez wins honor Liz Siegenthaler teammate Harry Peoples were sec- for his talents, he had several col- Joe Menendez, senior co-captain of and team All-American selections leges to choose from. He decided to the Western Maryland football team, Menendez was chosen for his scho- come to WMC for two main reasons: Lester Wallace shoots for two in Monday's unsuccessful was recently selected as an Aca- tasnc achievements and his outstano- the location and the football program effort against Gettysburg. demic All-American, an honor ing performance as middle linebacker Menendez was the first of seven According to Joe,~who considers G-Berg stops Terrors awarded lor oUlstandiflg performance for Ihe Terrors. For the past three WMC recruits from Florida in both athletics and academics. He years he nee led WMC in teck'es, IS Ihe first WMC student In several and according to NCAA Division Itl himself a competitive person. he years to receive this honor statistics. he ranked 8th in the nation want- i to go to a college where he The Green Terrors 1980-81 basket- scored 17 (15 of which came in the Out of all the nation's colleges, 88 In '79, Menendez was also on AII- could play ball right from the start. He ball season came 10an end Monday first half) students are picked to form two Maryland and All-Middle Atlantic Con- said that ne. wouldn't have enjoyed afternon in Gettysburg, as Western Western Maryland finished the sea- teams from Division I and two teams terence first teams the glory of playing for a big-name Maryland lost to the G-burg .tnnets son with a 13-12 record, a tally from Divisions II and III. Menendez Assistant football coach Dave Sei- school if he had to sit on the bench 62-60. Senior guard Jeff Hager hit marred by numerous losses of tour holds a spot on the second team for bert considers him "a very consistent "Who wants to be on t.v. if you can't two free throws with six seconds points or less. Young ball players and Division III. Earlier this year he and performer" who the team could rely be out there playing?" he asked remaining to put Gettysburg up by strong home c;rowd support are two upon. "Joe is a well-rounded person," Other schools that he considered four points.and lester wenece'e bas- assets lor next season. The graduat- he said of sports, Menendez's were located in urban settings. "I've ket , wilfl one second left, was not ing seniors, Pete Randall, Scott Pe- Outside Track: a record is no less impressive. Majoring of lived in cities all my life," said enough 10keep WMC's playoff hopes ters. lester Wallac~ and Steve Farley, have put a combined 15 years mtn alive. Menendez, "so this is real country for in history, he has an overall GPA The Terrors who battled back from WMC basketball .and Will be missed. 3.26, and has been recognized for me. I like the down-to-earth people" a 35-24 halftime deficit, were led by Farley finishes his career with 863 Now that football season has long false start involvement in many aspects of col- since ended, and graduation is just Scott Peters with 18 points. Wallace total points. 13th ~st in college lege life. For example, he has com- t6 points and Steve Farley history, a~d Wallace With 1340 career added around Ihe corner, Joe says he plans pleted the U.S. Army Airborne to go into business management, and scored 10 points. Jeff Hager led the points. finishes as Western Mary- Program and was elected president perhaps into coaching when he bullets with t8, and center Bill North land's 4th all time scorer Keith L. Arnold of his fraternity, Delta Pi Alpha. leaves Western Maryland. Joe came from Archbishop Curley There has been a delay in con High School in Miami. Already noted HOUSE OF LIQUOR :~~Uh~ti~~eo~r:~st~~~s~:~~a~:'~u~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• _••••••••• -I Carriage House Liquors lack 01 runes. : ~~e~i~:~~~~~ De:~~~~:~t ,t~~: ~:r:k.r~~~I!rC:~_ t: : 113 W, Main Street National Premium 6 pack !~~::~nd~:I~~~ "at the forks" cans or NR's $1.99 ter, the library and the final payments : Heineken 6 pack $3.99 on Alumni Hall. 450,000 dollars of this • fund-raising campaign were set aside : National Premium 6 pack e",pires 3/5/01 Present Coupon 848-1314 :~: t~~~~:c;iV;~i~;~~e a~I~~:~~ateIY ,: (cans or bottles> $2.33 However. when the plan. wtuch I: expires 3/5/01 Present Coupon ~ho;s::~O~~1a~f ~~~htst~~: ~:~~h:~:' !,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• YfJV9UO'S was bidded on by various contrac- ~;~~::' 'OW", bid was 0'" 500000' Sportswear ft' Athletic Shoes LADIES NIGHT Thus construction, which was to --I r. r-rT rr'ET ,cl. 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