Page 72 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 72
Scrimshaw Administration to dead Considering the results of our last discussion of this issue, we might be tempting fate by bringing it up again, but we shall risk it \ just the same Hoover library's hours have been reduced by a total of 9 hours per weekend. The new schedule calls for it to close at 5 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays (it used to close at 10 p.m.) Sunday morning \ openings have been moved up one hour, to 1 p.m I! isn't necessary to rehash the debate about whether or not dormatories are, or should be. a place for study. The fact is, they are not. The atmosphere in most dorms on Friday and Saturday evenings is not highly conducive to studying. This is also crucial time to do research for papers since many students simply do not have time to sit down and make this type of time consuming effort during the ~ week. The administration's failure to take prompt action to rectify this unfair imposition on the rights of students to use one of the college's most important learning resources is disheartening. Their attitude is crystal clear. The powers that be may talk about striving to maintain academic standards, they can change the requirements for honors. and they can even outlaw public buffoonery ut when it comes to spending $30.15 to keep the library open for students when they need it the most, nothing is done. What are the administration's pcontres .encouraging education or cutting corners? A small group 01 students are currently working to design a program which will allow student volunteers 10 keep the library open longer on weekends. These efforts Show how important this issue is They lead to a simple question: why should students have to take it upon themselves to solve this problem? Granted inflation is constantly raising the costs 01 attending or summer operating a small liberal arts college like WMC. Sacrifices will have to be made. but they must be measured with care. This decision has reading skills may also be limited left many students with the impression that the administration has remedial services- in reading. The However. to children who have expe- acted in an arbitrary and unfair manner. It must be reevaluated as Helga Hein major session of the clinic takes rienced only failure and frustration in soon as possible Western Maryland's Reading Clinic place in a six-week summer program, reading, a change in attitude may program offers children. ages 7-13, however, the clinic is currently con- ducting a spring session on Satur prove extremely significant There- fore. the clinicians attempt to make Letter the Editor days through May 9 the clinic as enjoyable as possible. The Reading Clinic serves a twofold as well as instructive purpose. First. it provides a service to The primary purpose of an aca- dorms are areas) is also local children who are experiencing The clinic. which has been operat- library hours demic institution is to educate; diminished living difficulty in reading. In' addition, it inq for eight years, accepts students classes and library take first priority On a personal level, I am conduct- affords the clinicians, who are stu- on a first-come, first-serve basis. Dr Dear Dean McCormick, Wny should the library be expanded ing research, primarily in periodicals dents in WMC's Masters program, the Cleland noted that the program is I am writing in concern about the if the hours must be reduced? Ac- and on microfilm, for my special opportunity to hone their skills as publicized through speeches given at newly established hours for the Hoo- cess to materials which cannot be study project; these reduced hours reading specialists Civic group meetings and PTA meet- ver Library. I welcome the extra hour loaned (microfilm, periodicals. re- confine my study time. In a broader Dr. Craig Cleland of the Graduate ings, as well as in fliers sent through on. Sunday afternoon, but I am not serves, reference materials. etc.) is scope. others have research to do Office explained that the clinicians the schools happy about the decreased hours on restricted. The use of the library as a also. The research required of every assess the children for strengths and The cost of the reading clinic is Friday and Saturday evenings. stu'dy area (bearing in mind- that freshman in IDS alone should sub- weaknesses, and then develop an $40, which includes testing and all r+" -'- ., stantiate the restoration of library individualized program in which they remedial services. Dr. Cleland de- hours.lfind this net loss of nine library can work in small groups, or in a one- scribed this nominal fee as "a bar- hours per week unreasonable in light on-one situation. Dr. Cleland believes gain in comparison with other clinics - Piano reci talop~: toM~~~hpulbli~~italis free and of your receni encouragement of that "the biggest benefit that can around the country." He also com- Western Maryland College student Gallery written class assignments accrue from the program is that it mentec that if it is determined that a improves the students' attitudes to- student is unable to pay the fee. it I look forward to the solution of this Karen Cook will present her junior problem ward reading and toward themselves can be waived piano recital at 3 p.m. on Sunday, With concern, as readers." He asserted that be- Further information about the Read- March 1 in Levine Recital Hall. opening Anita M. Smith cause of the limited time scope of the ing Clinic can be obtained from the The program will include "French clinic, the actual improvement in Graduate Gffice at Ext. 500 Suite, G Major" by Bach. 'Pantasle, There will be an opening in Gallery K. 396" by Mozart, three pieces from One next Tuesday, March 3, from 7 Honor board candidates Schumann's "Forest Scenes," and to 9 p.m. This monlh's exhibit will three selections from Aaron Cop- land's "Our Town" feature the sculpture of Pat McGuire end. I came across a rather pleasant to recall. I found it extremely difficult letter from the chairman of the honor to convince some people who had Refreshments will be served at Ihe Cook, a [untor music major, is the opening. The exhibit will run from Kurt Hubach board. It was a typical letter of only seen me laughing and carrying daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MarK Cook congratulations and. encouragement on that I could handle an honor of Berkeley Heights, N.J. She is a March 3rd through March 20. Gallery My narne is Kurt Hubach, I am a with one small variation. Included was board position with maturify. But I do graduate of Governor Livingston Re- One is open weekdays from 10 a.m sophomore living in Daniel Maclea a request that I submit an article to possess a serious side as well. And I to 4 p.m gional High School '-=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ c-secnoo. and am a candidate in the the Scrimshaw describing myself and feel I can assume Ihe responsibilities my reasons for wanting to be a of the board with as much energy r- election for the Western Maryland member of the honor board and fervor as I can enjoy a good College Honor Board. At Western Maryland I am a typical student Like quite a few people might have laugh. involved in sports, such as the soccer done, t panicked. I spent hours trying On a more simple level, I'm a and swimming teams, and can be to think of an original approach - sophomore English major who hopes Feature Editor .Robert HoI! found in the pub, at dances, in the something witty, yet serious, that to attend law school after graduation Sports Editor Liz Siegenthaler library, and supporting various other might clinch the election for me. My plans for post-graduate .acnvnes Science Editor Terry Dam affairs. Then, after much frustration, I finally are directly related to my reasons for Business Manager._. . . Russell Johnson Jt is my intention to become more realized that this was not the purpose funning. Basically. I'm running be- Photography Editor Adam Wright involved in intra-collegiate activities, of the article. Instead of confusing cause I feel that serving on the honor Ad layout... ..Janet Trainor and I leel the Honor Board, in people with rhetoric, I should be board would give me experience in Artist... . ........,.... Lynda Boyer addition to these other things, will be clarifying my Ideas and reasons for deciding matters and weighing evi- Layout Pete Roof, Chris Solo, Karen Street, Fran Henderson a gOOd way. Because it is a major running. So after reviewing the letter, dence _ experience that would prove Distribution Manager Les Martin part of the back-bone that supports I decided to tackle the article in a useful in my pursuit of a law degree Typist... Pam Owen our school and its academics, it is my different light Of course, more than that, .1 believe desire to help maintain the standards I suppose that for starters, I'm that the honor board is an Important Published by and for me students of Western Maryland College. The that it holds. Please consider me probably the person you saw rolling part of our school. I! preserv~s the opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect when you vote on Thursday on the cafeteria floor laughing at h~nor system - a system which Instills those of the staff or administration some joke or funny situation. Indeed, faith and trust In students and asks I have an appreciation of everything for nothing more in return than that We welcome comments andfor suggestions. Please address all mail Renee Nacrelli from a finely-tuned wit to the elemen- faith and trust be honor~d. to Scrimshaw, Box 1. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. terv. crude humor that mothers at- As in any election, the ftnal decision 21157 ways say is gutter talk. And, in rests with you. At best. .1 can do no As I was sorting through the piles of campaigning. I have had to defend more than offer my proeruse to be fair. 1- .....mail that I had received this week- this behavior more times than I care
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