Page 70 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 70
page 6 Scrimshaw February 19, 1981 Women place 4th at States Liz Siegenthaler 50 and too-varo backstroke, al1d .......-,.,......--.--..---..------:-,.--.:....,---._ ... ,----------._1 Western Maryland men's and also received a 7th place for the 100· last weekend chalkmq up victories in awarded lor the top 20 SWimmersin 1.. ;;jIj~='~~Iel-~)t!'~~~i;~~~;;:tti:::;:;;"1::.;;:;;;-.,""",... Points were women's swimming team were busy yard break stroke. their respective meets. The men each event II hosted Wilkes College at home while Diving for WMCwereSonia-Naifand the womentraveled to Towsontor the Donna Mora. Nan, who placed 8th in Maryland Slate Championship the overall competition,was keeping Both Anne Glaeser and -Denise her eye on higher goals as she ~!~~dJ;'~~:;:O~~;i~~~:~;~~g~~:::~~~i~t,~ggi;i~~ Frech broke records yesterday alter- qualilied 2 out of 3 new dives lor the and pool rec~rd while Glaeser's dives" like she usually does record was set In the 100·yardback- Yesterday, Narr entered her Ihird s~~~eOIthe Ten Schoolscompeting in ~u~~7in~th~i;e~:~:~~s:1 s~:ert~':"~ ~:ce~ha4~to~~I~IP~iXW~Cth;Oe~geh~w~o_~re competrrg in Nationals are available lanes could be used at DeniseFrech In breaststroke,and the Towson'spool because a large piece 2OO-yardmedleyteamof Fre?h,Lapi- of plaster fell from the ceiling into the dus, Glaeser, and lisa Klevrn pool. The closed lanes were 3 & 4, Three of the women's relay teams which are considered two of the also receivedlaurelsat the meet.The "fastest" lanes 200·yard medley placed zoo. while Wlnnrng the three 1st place events the 200 and 400-yardfreestyleteams for WMC was sophomore Denise each finished 3rd place Fresch.Her victoriesincluded the 50. The Terrors e,ndedthe meet with a yeard breaststroke (3326 sec.), the total of 521,Increaseof 27 100-yardbreaststroke (1:11,81),and, pomts i over last years competition. ;~~~~n~~~uo~0~~dl~~46, the 100- ~~:o~d~: ~~;n~: Z~::ro~~~~lr~ L---------:B:::il"'"1 :-:Li-:vi-ngs-t:-o-n-s-w:-im=s~t':'he=:-20:::0:-:-fly-.-------;;;,..;;"..;;;;:;;;-,JI Also plaCing for the Terrors were was the winning team with 796 . .. II hd h 4e nn y Doremus. Anne Glaeser. and points spots in the 200-yard individual meo- livingston, Kurt Hubach, Quin Shea. ~:;~:~~ ~nu~~lr~U:!I~rtS~u~~~e,/jUeZt Sue Lapidus, Lapidus, in spite 01 a Meanwhile.back at Harlow Pool the ley (2:14,33) and the SOD-yardfree- and Fred Hubach also breezed by don't have enough men to defeat painful sprained ankle. finished 3rd in men's swim team was enjoying a style'(5,2B.78) ., the Wilkes tea~ for a VictOry: . teams' with several swrrnrners and t~la~~~?~~~t~~~k~r~~~ place in the ~~~~ryw~~erth~ilk~~ ~~~eg~oo_~!~~ 4~~~a~~e~:~~:wr!~;0~~:~~I:~li~~ t:lt~:~,~t~~i~ ~e~~sn~:e~t~~~k~n~~~d~~;S women's team now has) an ~~;~a~~~:s~~~~~k:~;r~~I~~~~~a~~: :~~s~I~3r~~~~n~:~e~;e~~iv~:/~'i~~ ;nc~U~~nP~~~~U~~~~~.~~;~g~;~:~ :xp~~~n~~ct~r~t;~~~m~~mm~~~t~r~~:impressive 11.2 record Their next ~remus finished2nd and 3rd in the _Allen also captured two tst place style relay team consisting of Bill lem is that it suffers Irom a lack of mee11isaway at Lycoming on Febru- Wrestlers set for M.A.C.'s Intramural " rors were overcomeby this division III start every match 6 points behind The Terrorwrestlersare stili reco~er- powerhouse Stagg added that "injuries are really ing from two defeats sutfered dunnq It has been a difficult season for the starting 10catch up with us." Without Cham pionshi ps the past week. Despite back to back WMC wrestlers.A lack of depth has a reserve of substitute players. com- pins by Kellh Stagg and K€I\h Claw- been their biggest problem Coach petrng with injuries has been a costly son. WMC was defeated by York Sam Case started this year with only reality throughout the season I College, 31.~0, on, February 11 In II wrestlers lor 10 weight classes, SinceTueSday'smatch had no bear- Leslie Mosberg However, the Preachers did get a I last Saturdays match against nallon- and as the seasonprogressed,these ing on this weekend's MAC tourna· The thrill of victory and the agony 01 chance to play their kind of bal, ally ranked Delaware Valley, the taro- numbers didn't improve ment seeding. the Terrors wrestled defeat...Sunday night the spectators complete with a small altercation for As co-captain Keith Stagg pointed conservatively. with an eye oul to at Gill Gym saw it all as the intramural those bored Withthe game at hand out. the team is currenlly wrestling avoid injuries But as Siagg empha· basketball program came to a close UntorttJnatelyt0elr ant.cswere rn vain without a competitor lor the 118 Sized. "we are getting psyched for in four heated final games because 1hey were unabte to over· pound class, and that means they the MAC's" The first tipoff.of the night pitted the the pOintsprcad buill up by the Preachers against the Blazers in Bachelors Division II semi-final action The The crowd th,nflcd out for what Preachersemerged victoriOUS,32-27, proved to be one of the more exciting but only after a hare fight to mail_1talngames of the eventng as Renee DAYTONA BEACH the lead in the'closing minules of the Nacareelli's leambeat the Phi Alphs game Lester Wallace's troops fought 27-24 for the women',Stltte. Each t"lard to regain the lead but Brian COMPLETE PACKAGE $129 Zawacki's free throws firmly placed the victory in Preacher hands team never held a lead of more than Kevin McLaughlin's last minute free 4 poinls durrng the enhre game. The MARCH 7·14, 14·21,21·28; APRIL 11·18 throws helped lift the Busboys to an eXCitementwas intensified as the PRICE INCLUDES: exciting 35-31 Division I victory over opposing coaches. Jean Ettiot and the Betes. The two teams met in a Maureen Noonan _.varSitybasketball • 8 days/7 nights accommodations at classic match of height vs. speed teammates tried to out coach one International Inn on the beach. which resulted in a game that could anotherto an ultrmatevictory The Phi have gone either way. The half time Alphs relied on Caryn Brandlandand • ExclUSive Discount Booklet score left the Betes ahead by a 15-12 secret wcapon Barbie Peterson but Xerox • Free admission band afternoons and evenings. margin. The lead never grew more they were no match for their oppo- into international's club. night • Free live rock than 4 points either way in the 2nd nentswho outscored them in the final • Welcome Beach/Pool Party half until the Busboys putted ahead 2 minutes Copies • Complimentary sun-visor from Adventures bag. In Travel unlil the final buzzer. Joe Della Badia co·ordinators 01the program, should and managed to hold onto their lead Randy Butzer and Sue. Armstrong, beers • Free souvenir and flight • Full program of optional activities, excursions had the game high of to points for be congralulated on another suc- the Busboys while RQn Hiltz and cessful basketball season They de- 5¢ and events. Kevin Mclaughlin had 6 points each.._signed thiS year's program so each The Betes high scorer was Hunter leam saw more playrngtime, increas- New Day Limited Space Mail $25.00 Deposit To: Act Now Steadley with 9 poinls, followed by ing their own workload to supervising George Boinis with 8 points over 100 games Specialthanks10all the olficialswho The Bachelors relied on some old Copy Center Adventures In Travel blood to deal the Preachersa 29-18 helped to keep the games "clean;"' Mark ChadWick, John lathroum, 1200 Post Road East 60V, W. Main 51. Westport, Conn. 06880 defeat. Rip Jamison,Glenn Cameron, Chris Carter.John Spaar, Rip Wilson, and Kevin Smllh (8 points, 4 points, Tim Hackerrnan,Jim Dawson, and of I Westminster or write or call for brochure and information (203) 226·7421 and 7 points respectively) returned course!o our score keeper, Bill from the real world to help. their 876-7732 brothers win the Division. III .title '"Animal" Meyers
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75