Page 117 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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Senior no-shows hurt employment chances laney Fisher commits himself to attend the inter- because of a fellow student's discour- this year," stated Ms, Higbee, The were productive, Higbee said, "Inter- Significant numbers of WMC em- view. When he fails to show, both the tesy first problem is that many seniors are views give students a foot in the ployment seeking seniors fail to at- image of the school and the student Businesses could get discouraged interested in social service jobs and door..,1would say that roughly a third tend job interviews arranged through suffer by this "indifference" and not return this is one area that does not send of the students interviewed have the college's Office of Counseling Stated Higbee, "It is simply com- to the WMC campus in the future, out many recruiters. Most social serv- gotten a second interview at the and Career Services. According to mon courtesy and a policy that a commented Higbee. According to ice departments have neither the particular business." According to career counselor Jeanne Higbee, this student notify me 24 hours in adv- Higbee, this year WMC's Office of money nor the need to recruit college H;gbee, students should take an apathetic trend could hamper the ance when they are unable to come. Counseling and Career Services has graduates. The other problem is that adult attitude toward their interviews college's ability to attract recruiters in I! is aggravating both to me and to been successful in getting school of the general decline in college They should not have to be reminded the future. the waiting interviewer when a stu- systems to visit, but not as many "big recruiting due to the abundance' of about something that should be of Seniors must sign up for an inter- dent Simply doesn't show up." Also, name" corporations as they would college graduates entering Ihe job importance to them. view with a business representative in other students who would have liked like. market. advance. By signing up, the student the opportunity are deprived of such "There have been two problems When asked whether the interviews Scrimshaw Western Maryland College Thursday, April 23, 1981 Volume XIII Number 8 Budget cut scramble Debate flares over SGA allocations keith l. Arnold nons by $500. The budget totalled $.35,- After heated debate, the BSU was were afraid of being called racists" The SGA budgetary process lor the These groups (all of which received 350, just $975 more than last year, a allotted $500 out of general funds, Many students were still arguing. the 1981-82 school year is underway, not money last year) range from the 2.8 percent increase. How much the rather than including them in the pros and coos as the meeting ended without its controversy. Work has active Black Student Union and Circle SGA will actually receive is up to be actual ouccet. The vote was decisive: The budget has been submitted to begun on the tcrmctauco of the K, to the dormant '#NMC and the decided by Dean Mowbray no negative votes (although there Dean MOWbray'soffice who will re- amount 01 money allotted Ihe SGA, Young Democrats. Hines stated that Representatives of the Black Stu- were several abstentions.) view it and decide how much the and where that money will go. these funds were first given five years dent Union, addressed the SGA Many persons were' angered by this SGA will be elloted. If the proposed t This process began at the SGA ago as "seed" money, and that the meeting on April 16, stating that there development, feeling that the BSU total is not received, the painful job of I meeting of September 8, when it was precedent has been misused case should be reviewed and despite had not followed proper procedures trimming will begin Hines insisted that, while new orga- the motion passed the week before, One SGA member stated, "No one :h;,o~~~~~i~~~~~h~ri~:;C~x~~:~~~ nizations could, if they proved need, they should recieve funds voted against them, because they Council and members of organiza- apply for funds, existing organizations tions loo~ing for money) would meet if active could raise their own the following Monday money, and that inactive groups did Big band sound featured SGA Treasurer John Hines stated not deserve money. The motion earlier this week that the SGA could passed over-whelmingly expect any more than the $34,375 This cut would save the SGA Andi Vol) communication between people, cul- enlighten all ~eceived last year, and tbat. if $2100 Touring the globe this year, as tures and countries. Their quest Up With People now consists of live ~ hlng, they Will receive less. There was little conflict at the every year, striving to convey the brings them 35,000 miles in their 11 casts, each containing nearly 80 to Hines argued that, since prices are Finance Committee meeting, where a true essence of world peace through month journey and in touch with 14 100 people. The five groups tour the up, and less money may be received, proposed budget was drawn up. All their music and dance, is the highly countries on the average world using prisons, nursing homes, some cuts must be made. Hines proposals were accepted, exceptthe acclaimed "Up With People" perform- Their show boasts of a fine pertnrm- hospitals and such as their show proposed tnat funds be cut form all Senior class, which was aliotted $300 ance group. Western Maryland Col- ance as much work is involved in its place. Before coming to WMC, the campus clubs. This would allow instead of the $500 they requested. lege will bring the group to Gill preparation. Five weeks training in cast will have completed a tour funds to be maintained for the Scrimshaw actually asked for less Gymnasium on the 25 of this month Arizona and a challenging schedule through Mexico where they were classes, publications and SGA Iunc- money this time, cutting the budget r at 8:00 pm that involved 14 hour days, six days a enthusiastically received . The persons involved with the pro- week lends itself tc a semi-profes- WMC's own Kathy Nebel, a junior, 1;Iarassment offenses gram are basically college age and sional performance which promises to continued 10 page 3 through the desire of mixing with other cultures, they have experienced other societies and share their knowl- escape punishment edge through their song and oerce The show has been arranged to tour WMC through the efforts of Dan Popp CPS and Toni Luciano: both performers of Professors who sexually harass stu- sonar manner" when he tried to kiss the Up With People group soon to dents usally aren't punished very one of his students, asked her about arrive. Sent ahead to prepare for the severely by their schools, if they are her sex life, and once "physically visiting cast who must be set up with punished at all, according to various detained"her in a hallway. Though host families, the two have been observers who track collegiate sexual three other women have accused successful in their mission of finding harassment cases. Dadrian 01 similar behavior toward accomodations for each performer. .... Indeed, Bernice Sandler of the them, only one case was considered The cast comes from the world Association of American College's Dadrian was suspended for a around and may be considered a Women's Project says that the one- month melting pot in itself. Part of the month suspension imposed two In the report, proven cues of education involved in the year of weeks ago by the State University of campus sexuat harassment, light travel and performance is learning to New yoric·Geneseo on a professor sentence. seem to be the rule, live with and respect your fellow cast who had "improper physical contact' A year ago, Harvard issued a members. Mastering the art of flexibil- with a student is ooly the fourth "formal letter of reprimand" to one of ity is of great importance as the lour known punishment of any kind its professors, whom a student ac- imposes a great deal of mental and handed out in college sexual harass- cused of trying to kiss her physical strain men! cases in the last three years In December, 1979, University of Often, the performers meet with Sandler admits she "wolJldn't be California-Berkeley administrators heads of industry and government to surprised" if more schools have dis- suspended sociology professor EI- relate ideas and questions on the pensed reprimands, but says she baki Hermassifor one quarter without various cultures and modes of exist- doesn't know any because "schools pay after several women filed harass- ence. don't like to publicize this sort of ment charges against him. Her- Up With People is a non-profit thing" messrs suspension, which was organization driven by two intentions. At Geneseo, an outside arbitrator imposed during a quarter when he which is the basis for their existence ruled that sociology professor VaI<.ahn One goal, aside from gaining world Dadrian had acted in an "uacrotes- continued to page 3 L,!:P';:':::":;".:.:;':...:::to:...:::bt:::id9!:':..:::th,::...:g:'P:,,::OI,-_:=~;::.;:::..::..t::::;;. ....
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