Page 118 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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Scrimshaw Graduates without honor This year's senior class will be the first to graduate was achieved when the faculty voted to suspend the under the new, more demanding, honors requirements. new standards for one year. The controversy surrounding this issue seems 10 have Several reasons were cited in support 01 this been forgotten by most 01 the students. but as decision. It was maintained that this change would now cumulative grade point averages take form, a few only affect last year's juniors who would have two years percentage points are assuming great importance to to revise their expectations about honors. It was felt that those graduates affected by the change. The basic changing the honors standards was not the same as justification for the change was that too many seniors changing basic liberal arts or individual major class were qualifying for honors and that in order 10 restore requirements. (The general policy with such changes is the meaning 01 this distinction, the requirements should that students are given the option of graduating be made more challenging. Before commencement day according to the new requirements or according to draws any closer, it is time to consider one question those they started out with.) In addition, the recent trend Who will pay the price for graduation with honor? among other colleges and universities to make similar The decision to change the honors requirements changes was a contributing factor. was first made in the spring of 1979. Under the old The faculty and administration did not go far standards, graduates earning a 3.25 qualified for enough in this one year deferral. With the debate that honors. those with a 3.5 qualified lor high honors and took place last fall and the hopes that the change those with a 3.75 or better qualified for highest honors. would be postponed for two or three years, this year's The resolution passed by the faculty raised these cut ott seniors have had only three full semesters to adjust to points to 3.4, 3.6 and 3.B. These new standards were the change. .Ihe distinction which the administration has originally planned to take effect in the spring of 1980. drawn between changing course requirements for The motivation for the new requirements was sound graduation and honors requirements lor graduation is In the 1967-68 academic year, WMC's school average Shaky. And to quote my parents, "II everyone else was 2.63 and 15 percent of the senior class graduated jumped off a cliff. would the WMC administration and Student intern with honors. By the 1976-77 academic year, the faculty do it too?" average was 2.83 with 31.6 percent of the senior crass Concern for the college's academic standing is earning honors. The administration wanted to make certainly warranted. Even an optimist would concede opportunities certain that honors really did reflect a distinction. When that WMC is experiencing difficulty in maintaining its almost one third of the graduating class qualifies. this standards in the face of a nation wide decrease in the Derek lymus distinction is lessened. If one of the purposes of honors number of college bound students. But one quick step gaining practical experience in the is to reward and acknowledge outstanding academic in the right direction is not the answer to this problem. Western Maryland College senior, office of County Executive Lawrence achievement. then a change in the standards was Especially when it will trip up a lew students who have Ralph Jones is learning by doing this J. Hogan. Hogan implemented the justified worked hard for lour years only to miss a moving target semester as an intern with the Prince internship program through the Student pressure mounted during the fall 011979 tor- by a few percentage points George's County Government in County's Volunteer Services Division a reconsideration of this action. Although opinion Those students left behind by the new honors Upper Marlboro, Md in May, 1980. Jones is currently generally agreed with the need lor a revision of the requirements have done nothing to deserve the Jones, a political science major studying legislation to regulate the standards, when such a change should be made was disappointment they will feel. They will be asked to pay from Frederick, Md., is interning in towing industry debated. It was argued that it was unfair to impose the price lor the administration's lack of vigilence in the County Executive's Office Mon- "1I is good to get into the field and tougher standards upon students who had spent two or dealing wilh a problem that was 10 years in developing days to Friday from 9-5 experience things first hand, unlike in three years under a different system A compromise Is this the way to restore honor to graduation? He is earning credits toward his the classroom," Jones said. "I'm learning so much by being in a job Bachelor of Science degree while situation and not just reading about)t Watertower leaks in a textbook." is also working with the The intern Scrimshaw: "Idle fellow" County Executive's legislative liaison to the county council by assisting in drafting legislation regarding his project Robert Holt thinks that the writing in the paper Scrimshaw. If one stops by the with WMC's Scrimshaw, however, it Additionally, Jones is helping Like mast newspapers. Scrimshaw should approach the arduous, "fine Scrimshaw office on a Monday night. seems we relate accounts that are prepare bills and amendments afid is adorned with a masthead. That etching" quality of ivory carvings can he will see a rather large group of more often of the mundane. Every has been attending hearings in An- masthead, like most others, has its not be faulted for his idealistic stan- idle fellows. They will be busy, week the staff can be heard murmur- napolis at the Maryland General As- symbolic implications. Scrimshaw is dard. However, in reality such a um...uh...well, creating fine literary ing, "Maybe something momentous sembly the word given to the maritime folk art person would be overrating the paper etchings for the next issue will happen at WMC this week." We Describing n's transition from the of etching scenes in whalebone, and just a little perhaps. We do try hard Now the art 01 scrimshaw is noted can always hope. classroom to workplace, Jones says, was originated by the 17 and 18th The literal translation of the word for its lasting impressions, and one So there it is, Scrimshaw. Art work? "Every day is a new experience and century whalemen. Now WMC is not scrimshaw from the Dutch is "idle must admit that Ihe impressions of Maybe. Fine etching? Not hardly I'm looking forward to what j can located near a large body of salt fellow." This is because scrimshaw our very own Scrimshaw will be one However, remember this when you learn while I'm here." water. and the college does not have was a comman pastime for the few of us will ever forget. (One few of see one of our staff members at 7 Jones supervisor, James Gee, ad- a mar'time heritage. So what was the whalers during their spare hours. With us will care to remember.) a.m., with a disheveled appearance ministrative officer, says he is r reasoning for naming the college that thought in mind. I can see a Historically, scrimshaw was a and a 24 hour beard, carrying a pleased with the job of his intem. "HG'/ paper Scrimshaw? Well, one who clear rrouve in naming the paper recording of the events in a mariner'S stack of the current issue to the appears to have gotten a Wl:!11 life. Often the scene a sailor etched cafeteria, that person has boon work- rounded education at Western Mary- Scrimshaw on his piece of whale looth was a cant events of what you will fondly land College and I hope to have ing very hard recording the signifi- many more interns like him in the momentous occasion in his life, or the future," Gee said. lives of an entire ship's crew. Yet etchings of mundane things were not call your "college days." So the next Jones believes his internship expe- time your friend lines the bird cage Editor.. ....... Bill Byrnel uncomman either. Scrimshaw often with Scrimshaw, tell him to read it as rience will provide him with an extra Managing Editor .......... Sue Frost told a first hand account. So it is too he creases the paper to lit the cage dimension in his pursuit of a career in News Editor. ..... Keith L. Arnold Political Science Feature Editor . Robert Holt But this story isn't true; it's a Sports Editor . Liz Siegenthaler A tasteless opinion scenario. Ralph Jones doesn't exist. Science Editor ... .__TerryDom but the internship program is alive Business Manager ... Russell Johnson and active; unfortunately, it just Ad Assistant ... . ... __.. . __.. Kathleen Moriorty doesn't have any students from West- Photography Editor... Adam Wright ern Maryland College enrolled. Ad Layout ... Janet Trainor The student newspaper columnist A week before -- just two days after The Prince George's County gov- Artist.. Lynda Boyer who wrote favorably of the assassina- Reagan was wounded -- Manno ernment's intemship proqram pro- wrote in the Pennsytvanlan, "My first Layout.... . . Karen Street, Fran Henderson. Chris tion attempt on President Ronald reaction to the assassination attempl vides an opportunity for ccneqe Soto, Pete Roof, Judy Mitnick, Bob Reagan was dropped from the Dally was 'too bad he (the assassin) students to gain valuable experience Michlowitz, Beth Williams. Pennsylvania, the student paper at missed." in their field of study for the job Distribution Manager .... __LesMartin the University of Pennsylvania Objections to the column. which market Typist Mimi Griffen, Pam OWen A week after Dominic Manno wrote ,Manno called an expression of his Any undergraduate or graduate can "I hope he dies" in his column, the "frustration with the political system," apply; however, the student must Pu~lished by and for the students 01~estern Maryland College. The newspaper governing board voted to uccoeo into the paper meet the specifications of one of over opsuons expressed In this publication do not necessarily reflect discontinue the column, and to sus- Though "appalled" by Manno's sen- 50 internships available in the pro- those of the staff or administration pend the editor who allowed the timents, university President Sheldon gram offering column, entitled "The Bullet Hackney said at the time, "He has a Interested stude.nts should contact: We welcome comments andlor suggestions. Please address all mail and the Ballot," to be published right in ocr society __and especially John Isaac, O~flce of Personnel, to Scrimshaw. Box I, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Manno resigned from the paper on a university campus __to speak County Admmtstrattnn Building, 21157. after the vote his mind" Upper Marlboro, Md. 20870, or phone 301-952-3750 for an applica- tion.
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